

单词 格兰特
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIE〕In the spring of her 93rd year, Miss Grantley died in her sleep. 格兰特利小姐93岁那年春天在睡梦中去世。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Grant had escaped through a bathroom window while in police custody. 格兰特被警方拘留时从卫生间的窗户逃掉了。朗文写作活用〔English〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of England or its people or culture.英国的,英国人的:英格兰的,与英格兰人或文化相关的,或具有英格兰特性的美国传统〔FAMOUS〕Renowned as a newspaper editor, Greeley ran against Grant for president in 1872. 格里利作为报纸编辑而闻名,1872年与格兰特竞选总统。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The movie has a script that is smartly funny, and Hugh Grant is a hoot! 这部影片的对白妙趣横生,休·格兰特真叫人笑痛肚子!朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Grant Hill played despite being sick with the flu for the past ten days. 尽管过去十天来一直患感冒,格兰特·希尔还是参加了比赛。朗文写作活用〔Mr.〕Mr Grant格兰特先生外研社新世纪〔Mrs〕Hello, Mrs Grant, how are you today? 你好,格兰特夫人,你今天怎么样?剑桥高阶〔Mr〕Mr Grant.格兰特先生柯林斯高阶〔SAY〕Grant went out, muttering something about having to see a client. 格兰特出去了,叽叽咕咕地说什么要去见一个客户。朗文写作活用〔bracket〕Grant and Lee are bracketed in history.在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。21世纪英汉〔but〕I refuse to discuss my medical history with anyone but Dr Grant.除了格兰特医生,我拒绝与任何人讨论我的病史。麦克米伦高阶〔campaign〕Grant's Vicksburg campaign secured the entire Mississippi for the Union.格兰特的维克伯格战役为联邦挽救了整个密西西比美国传统〔chance〕Are you Mrs Grant, by any chance? 你可能就是格兰特太太吧?朗文当代〔civil service〕Grant's failure to press for civil service reform格兰特在推动行政部门改革方面的失败外研社新世纪〔contradict〕Mr Grant feels that the cutbacks contradict the Government's commitment to better educational standards.格兰特先生感觉这些缩减措施和政府提高教育水平的承诺背道而驰。柯林斯高阶〔contradict〕Mr Grant feels that the cutbacks contradict the Government's commitment to better educational standards.格兰特先生认为此次削减与政府提高教育水平的承诺相悖。外研社新世纪〔curtly〕Grant nodded curtly and left the room.格兰特匆匆点点头便离开了房间。外研社新世纪〔descend〕Her mother's family are descended from the Grant clan.她母亲家是格兰特家族的后裔。麦克米伦高阶〔deteriorate〕Grant's health steadily deteriorated.格兰特的健康状况持续恶化。外研社新世纪〔deteriorate〕Grant's health steadily deteriorated.格兰特的健康状况持续恶化。柯林斯高阶〔emphasis〕Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。外研社新世纪〔emphasis〕Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。柯林斯高阶〔exchange〕Miss Grant and I exchanged smiles.格兰特小姐和我相视一笑。外研社新世纪〔extensively〕Mr Marr makes extensive use of exclusively Scottish words.马尔先生使用了大量苏格兰特有的词汇。柯林斯高阶〔fame〕Hugh Grant, of 'Notting Hill' fame 休‧格兰特,因《诺丁山》出名朗文当代〔feature〕The film features Cary Grant as a professor.这部电影由卡里 · 格兰特饰演一位教授。牛津高阶〔homeward bound〕I'd be homeward bound even before Grant arrived.我会在格兰特到来之前就启程回家。外研社新世纪〔homeward bound〕I'd be homeward bound even before Grant arrived.我会在格兰特到来之前就已经启程回家了。柯林斯高阶〔information〕We have received information that Grant may have left the country.我们得到消息,格兰特可能已经离开了这个国家。朗文当代〔likable〕Detective Grant is the most likeable character in the novel.侦探格兰特是这部小说中最可爱的人物。韦氏高阶〔mark〕The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来的服务的认可。朗文当代〔mostly〕She had rented the property at Grande Baie mostly for its view.她租下了格兰特海湾的房子, 主要为了它的风景。外研社新世纪〔move up〕Grant moved up to stand behind Carter.格兰特向前移了移, 站到了卡特身后。外研社新世纪〔nonentity〕Grant came from a family of nonentities.格兰特出身卑微。外研社新世纪〔open verdict〕He said there was some doubt over the way Grant had died, and recorded an open verdict .他说格兰特死亡的情况有一些疑问,因此作出了死因不明的结论。朗文当代〔part〕Mrs.Grant always plays the leading part.格兰特太太总是扮演主角。英汉大词典〔personal〕Grant was always fussy about his personal appearance .格兰特对自己的仪表总是过于讲究。朗文当代〔pure〕Grant came back because he loves me, pure and simple.格兰特回来完全是因为他爱我。外研社新世纪〔railroad〕Thomas Grant worked on the railroad(s) for 50 years.托马斯‧格兰特在铁路系统工作了50年。剑桥高阶〔railway〕Thomas Grant worked on the railway(s) for 50 years.托马斯‧格兰特在铁路系统工作了50年。剑桥高阶〔relation〕In America they are touting Hugh Grant as the next Cary Grant (no relation).美国人正把休•格兰特捧为第二个加里•格兰特(两人并非亲属)。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕We have a reservation in the name of Grant.我们是以格兰特的名字预订的。牛津高阶〔screen name〕Using the screen name Cary Grant, he appeared in his first feature film.他用“加里•格兰特”这个艺名出演了自己的第一部故事片。外研社新世纪〔snap〕For the first and only time Grant's self-control snapped.生平第一次也是唯一的一次,格兰特失控了。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕She's always had a soft spot for Grant.她一向对格兰特有好感。朗文当代〔stare〕Grant forced himself to hold Santini's stare for what seemed like forever.格兰特强迫自己与桑蒂尼长时间地对视。麦克米伦高阶〔star〕Hugh Grant stars as the romantic hero.晓‧格兰特扮演一位浪漫的男主人公。朗文当代〔star〕She starred opposite Cary Grant in ‘Bringing up Baby’.她和加利 · 格兰特在《育婴奇谭》中联袂出演男女主角。牛津高阶〔victory〕Grant won/achieved/gained a comfortable/easy victory against/over Cooper in yesterday's match.昨天的比赛中格兰特轻松战胜库珀。剑桥高阶Grant buckled his seat belt.格兰特系好了座位上的安全带。剑桥国际The crisis led to the removal of Mr Grant as chief executive.这场危机导致格兰特先生被免去总裁的职务。牛津商务




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