

单词 法律顾问
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUDGE〕Legal advisors and adjudicators were present at the trial. 法律顾问和审判员出席审讯。朗文写作活用〔KC〕Sir William Garner, KC 威廉‧加纳爵士,王室法律顾问剑桥高阶〔King's Counsel〕A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a man.英国王室法律顾问:被任命为英国王室法律顾问的律师。当掌权人是男性时使用此词美国传统〔ORGANIZATION〕Most big organizations employ their own legal experts. 多数大机构都聘有自己的法律顾问。朗文写作活用〔QC〕A QC is a senior barrister.王室法律顾问是高级出庭律师。剑桥高阶〔QC〕Channel 4's counsel, George Carman QC.第四频道的法律顾问——王室法律顾问乔治·卡曼柯林斯高阶〔QC〕Charles Gordon, QC 查尔斯‧戈丹,王室法律顾问剑桥高阶〔QC〕He hired a top QC to defend him.他雇了一名顶级的王室法律顾问为他辩护。柯林斯高阶〔Queen's Counsel〕A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a woman.王室法律顾问(团):被任命为英国王室顾问的律师,用于国王为一女王时美国传统〔adviser〕Consult an independent legal adviser.向独立的法律顾问进行咨询。外研社新世纪〔adviser〕You ought to consult an independent legal adviser.你应该找独立的法律顾问咨询一下。牛津搭配〔amicus curiae〕A party that is not involved in a particular litigation but that is allowed by the court to advise it on a matter of law directly affecting the litigation.法院临时法律顾问:未牵连到某诉讼中但经法庭允许对与这一诉讼直接有关的问题作法律方面说明的人美国传统〔attorney general〕The chief law officer and legal counsel of the government of a state or nation.检查总长:一州或一国中政府的主要法官及法律顾问美国传统〔background〕On the first day, counsel to the inquiry, Caroline Swift, QC, will outline the background to the case.在第一天, 担任调查顾问的王室法律顾问卡罗琳•斯威夫特将概述案件的背景。外研社新世纪〔counselor-at-law〕An attorney; a counsel.律师:律师;法律顾问美国传统〔counsel〕An independent counsel was appointed to conduct an internal investigation.一名独立法律顾问接受指派进行内部调查。牛津搭配〔counsel〕She is general counsel for the American Bankers Association.她是美国银行家协会的总法律顾问。牛津搭配〔interlocutor〕Judge Thomas Pigot QC, recommended that cross examination could be conducted through an interlocutor and as part of the video interview process.王室法律顾问托马斯·皮戈特法官建议盘诘可以通过一位代表进行,并作为录像采访过程的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔judge advocate〕A staff officer serving as legal adviser to a commander.法律参谋:为司令官作法律顾问的参谋美国传统〔legal〕He's my legal adviser.他是我的法律顾问。文馨英汉〔low〕She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of 'legal adviser'.她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。柯林斯高阶〔notoriety〕He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.他因在“水门事件”中担任尼克松总统的首席法律顾问而声名狼藉。外研社新世纪〔notoriety〕He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.他因在水门事件中担任尼克松总统的首席法律顾问而声名狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔number〕He was a successful corporate lawyer who numbered among his clients J.P. Morgan and Standard Oil.他是一位成功的公司法律顾问,被看作是他的客户摩根大通集团和标准石油公司的一员。朗文当代〔occur〕It never occurred to me that he would become a K.C.我从来也不会想到他能成为一名王室法律顾问。21世纪英汉〔oral〕Stuart Isaacs QC will put the oral arguments against the ban to the European Court of Justice.王室法律顾问斯图亚特•艾萨克斯将向欧洲法院陈述反对这一禁令的论据。外研社新世纪〔persuade〕Her legal advisers persuaded her into/out of mentioning (= to mention/not to mention) the names of the people involved in the robbery.她的法律顾问劝她说出/不要说出参与抢劫的人的名字。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕Consult a lawyer who is personally recommended to you.向专门为你推荐的法律顾问咨询一下吧。牛津搭配〔retainer〕The act of engaging the services of a professional adviser, such as an attorney, a counselor, or a consultant.职业顾问者:从事职业顾问服务的行为,如律师、法律顾问或咨询医生美国传统〔silk〕His practice quickly grew and he took silk (=became a QC) in 1988.他的业务迅速扩大,1988 年他成为了王室法律顾问。朗文当代A QC is a senior barrister.英国王室法律顾问是高级出庭律师。剑桥国际From 1940 to 1943, he was general counsel of the House committee investigating un-American activities.从1940年到1943年, 他是众议院反美活动调查委员会的总法律顾问。剑桥国际He worked as in-house counsel at CBS Records.他在 CBS 唱片公司担任内部法律顾问。牛津商务Her legal advisers persuaded her into/out of mentioning (= to mention/not to mention) the names of the people involved in the robbery.她的法律顾问说服她说出/不要说出参加抢劫人的名字。剑桥国际She became general counsel of Lotus in 1996.她 1996 年成为莲花公司的高级法律顾问。牛津商务She was one of the first women to be made a QC.她是最早成为英国王室法律顾问的妇女之一。剑桥国际They are being defended by one of the country's leading K. C. s.他们由一位全国主要王室法律顾问辩护。剑桥国际




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