

单词 法律要求
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEGAL〕The clerk to the court will reject any document that does not meet the legal requirements. 法庭书记将拒收任何不符合法律要求的文件。朗文写作活用〔crime〕An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction.犯罪:违反法律或做法律禁止的事或疏忽法律要求做的事并因此被判定有罪而强加惩罚的行为美国传统〔disclose〕State law requires unions to disclose financial information.国家法律要求工会公开财务信息。牛津搭配〔few〕Very few firms collect the tax, even when they're required to do so by law.即使法律要求公司收税,也很少有公司这么做。柯林斯高阶〔hands are tied〕The judge says her hands are tied because the law requires a harsh sentence in such cases.法官说她无能为力,因为法律要求对此类案件严判。韦氏高阶〔identification〕To vote, Florida law requires a photo identification with a signature.佛罗里达州的法律要求必须持有带照片和签名的身份证明才能参加选举。牛津搭配〔law〕The wearing of a crash helmet is required by law.法律要求必须佩戴安全帽。牛津搭配〔legality〕I'm not sure about the legalities, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see what happens.我不太了解法律要求,但我建议我们先按计划行事,然后再看看会有什么后果。剑桥高阶〔mandate〕The law mandates that every car have seat belts.法律要求每辆车都必须配备安全带。韦氏高阶〔nonfeasance〕Failure to perform an act that is either an official duty or a legal requirement.未履行:未履行公务或法律要求的行动美国传统〔oblige〕The law obliges the government to release certain documents to the public.法律要求政府向公众公开某些文件。韦氏高阶〔perambulate〕According to traditions, the selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years.根据传统法律要求市镇行政管理委员会成员每隔五年巡视边界一次。21世纪英汉〔register〕They had not properly registered as required by state law.他们没有按照州法律要求进行正确的登记。牛津搭配〔requirement〕It is a legal requirement that you have insurance for your car.为你的车辆上保险是法律要求的。剑桥高阶〔requirement〕Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。柯林斯高阶〔require〕The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs.现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。柯林斯高阶〔require〕The law requires everyone to pay the tax. = The law requires that everyone pay the tax.法律要求人人纳税。韦氏高阶〔result〕Companies are required by law to report their financial results on a quarterly basis.法律要求公司按季度发布财务业绩。牛津搭配〔shall〕The law demands that the debt shall be paid immediately.法律要求该项债务必须立即支付。文馨英汉〔square〕The problem was how to square such face-saving with (或 to) the demands of the law.问题是如何既保全面子,又符合法律要求。英汉大词典〔treatment〕The law requires humane treatment of prisoners.法律要求人道对待囚犯。韦氏高阶〔workers' compensation〕Payments required by law to be made to an employee who is injured or disabled in connection with work.工人补偿金:法律要求的当雇员发生与工作有联系的伤害或残废时付给的钱美国传统A new law requires companies to offer comparable health benefits to top executives and rank-and-file workers.一项新法律要求公司向高级行政人员和普通工人提供类似的健康津贴。剑桥国际Aircraft are required by law to carry transponders, so that they can be identified.按法律要求飞机应携带应答器,这样它们就能够被辨别。剑桥国际As catalogues use sale by description, the law requires that their descriptions are accurate.因为商品目录上的货品是凭说明出售,所以法律要求对这些货物的说明必须准确。牛津商务Federal law requires doctors to do everything they can to save a premature baby unless death is imminent or the infant has a terminal illness.联邦法律要求医生尽一切可能挽救早产儿,除非婴儿即将死亡或患有非常严重的疾病。剑桥国际Some of the bank's practices were not compliant with the law.某些银行的某些做法不符合法律要求。牛津商务




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