

单词 法律的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abhorrent〕be abhorrent to the spirit of the law 与法律的精神实质相抵触英汉大词典〔ambiguity〕legal ambiguities 法律的模棱两可朗文当代〔arm〕the (long) arm of the law 法律的权力,警力文馨英汉〔case〕presented a good case for changing the law. 提出了一条很好的变更法律的理由美国传统〔change〕a change in the law 法律的变更麦克米伦高阶〔clarity〕a lack of clarity in the law on property rights 产权法律的不明确朗文当代〔constraint〕put legal constraints on sb.'s activities 对某人的活动加以法律的限制英汉大词典〔disdain〕a disdain for the law 对法律的藐视牛津高阶〔dispensation〕the dispensation of justice 法律的施行麦克米伦高阶〔enforcement〕strict enforcement of existing laws 现有法律的严格执行文馨英汉〔establishment〕the establishment of a new set of laws 一套新法律的制定英汉大词典〔flexible〕an elastic interpretation of a law). 对一条法律的曲解)。 美国传统〔foul〕teenagers who run foul of the law. 触犯法律的青少年柯林斯高阶〔foul〕teenagers who run foul of the law触犯法律的青少年外研社新世纪〔ill-mannered〕this rude, ill-mannered individual who assumes he has the force of the law behind him. 这个粗鲁无礼、态度恶劣的人自以为他拥有法律的支持柯林斯高阶〔lawless〕a lawless town 无法律的城镇文馨英汉〔letter〕the letter of the law 法律的字面意义英汉大词典〔liberal〕a liberal interpretation of the law 对法律的灵活解释牛津高阶〔loophole〕a legal loophole 法律的漏洞牛津高阶〔loophole〕tried to close/plug a loophole in the new legislation 努力堵住新法律的漏洞韦氏高阶〔majesty〕the majesty of the law. 法律的最高权威美国传统〔metaphysics〕the metaphysics of law. 法律的基本原则美国传统〔misapplication〕a common misapplication of the law. 滥用法律的常见现象柯林斯高阶〔murky〕a murky area of the law法律的模糊地带外研社新世纪〔obedience〕unquestioning obedience to the law. 对法律的绝对服从柯林斯高阶〔obedience〕unquestioning obedience to the law对法律的绝对服从外研社新世纪〔offense〕a capital/federal/criminal offense 死罪;违反联邦法律的罪行;刑事罪韦氏高阶〔patent〕a patent disregard of the law 对法律的公然漠视剑桥高阶〔prescript〕according to the prescripts of existing law 根据现行法律的种种规定英汉大词典〔principle〕the principles of French law 法国法律的指导原则朗文当代〔professionalist〕professionalizing the area of law dealing with civil rights将处理公民权法律的领域专业化21世纪英汉〔recourse〕residents with no recourse to the law 不诉诸于法律的居民牛津搭配〔regard〕a change in the laws with regard to food safety 对食品安全方面的法律的修改麦克米伦高阶〔register〕demonstrators seeking to register a protest against the new law 进行公开抗议反对新法律的示威者们麦克米伦高阶〔respect〕show a lack of respect for the law 表现出不尊重法律的态度 英汉大词典〔smite〕to be smitten by the law受到法律的惩罚21世纪英汉〔spirit〕consider the spirit of the law, not the letter of it 考虑法律的精神而不死抠文字英汉大词典〔spirit〕the spirit of the law. 法律的实质美国传统〔uniform〕uniform interpretation of laws 对法律的统一解释 英汉大词典〔wholesome〕a wholesome respect for the law 对法律的谨慎恪守英汉大词典




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