

单词 暗礁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Goodwin Sands〕A stretch of dangerous shoals in the Strait of Dover off the southeast coast of England.古德温暗沙:英国东南海岸多佛海峡里的一系列危险性的暗礁美国传统〔Palk Strait〕A waterway between southeast India and northern Sri Lanka. It is known for its reefs and treacherous waters.保克海峡:位于印度东南和斯里兰卡北部之间的水道。以暗礁和变幻莫测的水域著称美国传统〔UNDER/BELOW〕The boat hit a submerged rock. 船撞上了一个暗礁。!朗文写作活用〔comparative〕We reached the comparative safety of a narrow ledge.我们到了一个狭窄暗礁, 相对安全了。外研社新世纪〔craft〕With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.渔夫费了很大劲儿才把小船驶近暗礁。外研社新世纪〔craft〕With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.渔夫费了很大的劲才把他的小船划到暗礁旁。柯林斯高阶〔cranny〕We saw strange, colorful creatures in the crannies of the reef while scuba diving.戴水肺潜水时我们看见了暗礁缝隙中色彩斑斓的奇妙生物。韦氏高阶〔ground〕The boat finally grounded on a reef.船最终在一块暗礁上搁浅。外研社新世纪〔grow〕As the island subsided, the reef grew upward and outward.小岛下沉,暗礁开始向上方和四周延伸。牛津搭配〔hold ... to〕You must try to hold her to her course, you'll go into the waters of submerged reefs soon.你必须想尽办法按航道行驶,你很快就要进入暗礁水域了。21世纪英汉〔ledge〕An underwater ridge or rock shelf.暗礁:水下隆起物或岩石架状物美国传统〔lodge〕The ship's remains were lodged in shallow water between two keys.船只残骸嵌在两个暗礁之间的浅水中。英汉大词典〔manage〕I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。柯林斯高阶〔reef〕A strip or ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises to or near the surface of a body of water.礁,暗礁:上升到水面或接近水面的条状或脊状岩石、泥沙或珊瑚美国传统〔reef〕The ship was wrecked on a reef.那艘船在暗礁上破毁了。文馨英汉〔ring〕The harbour is dangerous - it's ringed by/with rocks and reefs.这个港口很危险——周围有很多礁石和暗礁。剑桥高阶〔river〕The rocks make the river hard to navigate.暗礁使得在这条河上航行很困难。牛津搭配〔rock〕Rocks ahead! 【海】前面有暗礁!危险!文馨英汉〔rock〕The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces.这艘船撞上了恶名远扬的斯戈尔尖岬暗礁群,断为三截。牛津高阶〔run aground〕The ship ran aground on a submerged reef.这艘船触到了暗礁。21世纪英汉〔run〕The reef runs parallel to the coast.暗礁与海岸平行。英汉大词典〔shelf〕A reef, sandbar, or shoal.暗礁,沙洲,浅滩美国传统〔shoal〕The inlet is continually shoaled.小湾不断被暗礁堵塞。英汉大词典〔strand〕Our ship stranded near the submerged reefs.我们的客轮在暗礁附近搁浅了。21世纪英汉〔threw〕Our ship was thrown on a reef.我们的船撞到了暗礁上。21世纪英汉Eleven million gallons of oil were dumped when one of the company's tankers ran into an underwater reef.公司的一艘油轮撞上暗礁,泄出了1千1百万加仑石油。剑桥国际The harbour is dangerous -- it's ringed by/with rocks and reefs.这海港很危险----它被岩石和暗礁环绕着。剑桥国际The storm forced the ship onto the rocks.风暴使船撞上了暗礁。剑桥国际




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