

单词 暗杀
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aftermath〕the assassination of the Prime Minister and its immediate aftermath 暗杀首相及其直接后果牛津高阶〔agent〕an enemy agent who had been assassinated被暗杀的一名敌方特工外研社新世纪〔assassinate〕a plot to assassinate the president 暗杀总统的阴谋剑桥高阶〔assassinate〕an assassination plot. 暗杀阴谋柯林斯高阶〔assassinate〕an attempted assassination of the President 暗杀总统未遂韦氏高阶〔assassinate〕the assassination of John F. Kennedy 暗杀约翰 ·F· 肯尼迪牛津高阶〔assassination〕a failed assassination attempt 一次未遂的暗杀企图牛津搭配〔assassination〕a man who helped foil an assassination attempt against the French President一名协助挫败暗杀法国总统企图的男子外研社新世纪〔assassination〕an assassination attempt 暗杀的企图剑桥高阶〔assassination〕an assassination attempt 一次暗杀企图麦克米伦高阶〔assassination〕an assassination plot暗杀阴谋外研社新世纪〔assassination〕the assassination of the opposition leader 针对反对党领袖的暗杀剑桥高阶〔assassination〕the target of a failed assassination bid逃脱暗杀的目标外研社新世纪〔attempted〕the attempted assassination of President Reagan 对雷根总统图谋未遂的暗杀文馨英汉〔bid〕a near-successful assassination bid 险些得逞的暗杀图谋英汉大词典〔dark〕dark rumours of conspiracies and assassinations阴谋和暗杀的恶毒传闻外研社新世纪〔dead〕was marked as a dead man by the assassin. 被暗杀而丧生美国传统〔engineer〕engineer a plot to assassinate the President 策划暗杀总统的阴谋英汉大词典〔establishment〕a hit-list of prominent British establishment figures. 英国显要权贵的暗杀名单柯林斯高阶〔fanatical〕a fanatical group that has threatened to assassinate doctors 一个威胁要暗杀医生的极端组织剑桥高阶〔fell〕was felled by an assassin's bullet. 被暗杀者的子弹打死美国传统〔hatchet〕the plot to hatchet the president暗杀总统的阴谋21世纪英汉〔hatch〕hatch an assassination plot. 密谋暗杀计划美国传统〔nail-biting〕the nail-biting legal thriller, 'The Pelican Brief'. 扣人心弦的法理悬疑惊悚片《塘鹅暗杀令》柯林斯高阶〔nail-biting〕the nail-biting legal thriller, 'The Pelican Brief'扣人心弦的法律悬疑惊悚片《塘鹅暗杀令》外研社新世纪〔plot〕an assassination plot 一宗暗杀阴谋朗文当代〔plot〕an assassination plot 暗杀阴谋麦克米伦高阶〔plot〕plot an assassination. 密谋一次暗杀美国传统〔scheme〕work out a scheme for assassinating sb. 订出暗杀某人的计划英汉大词典〔seizure〕a seizure of terror following the assassination of the President 总统被暗杀之后引起的一阵恐慌英汉大词典〔tit for tat〕tit-for-tat assassinations by rival gangs 敌对团伙冤冤相报的暗杀牛津高阶〔traumatize〕a country riven by deep divisions of race and ideology, traumatized by political assassinations 一个因种族和意识形态的深刻分歧而造成分裂,又因不断的政治暗杀而受到精神创伤的国家英汉大词典〔would-be〕a would-be assassin (thief) 暗杀(偷窃)未遂者英汉大词典




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