

单词 暗含
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔assumption〕an underlying/implicit assumption 设想;暗含的假定牛津高阶〔caprice〕whimsy can both mean a quaint or fantastic idea,butwhim more strongly suggests sudden inspiration, whimsy a playful or fanciful quality: whimsy 都可以表示一个古怪或怪诞的念头,但whim 更强烈地暗示着突发的灵感, 而whimsy 则更强烈地暗含一种开玩笑的或充满幻想的特性: 美国传统〔fashion〕the voluptuous figure in vogue at the time of Rubens); the term often suggests enthusiastic but short-lived acceptance ( 鲁本斯时代时髦的肉感身材); 这个词通常暗含有狂热但为时很短的接受( 美国传统〔implicate〕a series of implicates from the moral life 道德生活中一系列的暗含结论英汉大词典〔imply〕the express or implied terms of the contract 合同里明示或暗含的条件牛津搭配〔observe〕solemnize implies dignity and gravity in the celebration of an occasion: solemnize 暗含某一庆祝场面的庄重和严肃: 美国传统〔overtone〕a whisper that carried an overtone of hope暗含希望的低声耳语外研社新世纪〔perform〕perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: Perform 是采取某行动、任务或步骤;此词通常暗含对适当形式的遵守或技艺或小心的执行: 美国传统〔undertone〕a humorous article with an undertone of anger 暗含愤怒情绪的幽默文章麦克米伦高阶




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