

单词 法律
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DISOBEY〕someone who refuses to obey people, rules, laws etc 拒绝听从命令,不遵守规定、法律等的人朗文写作活用〔DISOBEY〕to not obey a rule or law 不服从规定或法律朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕obey a law or someone's orders 遵守法律或听从某人的命令朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕when a rule or law forces you to do something 规则或法律强制你做某事朗文写作活用〔adversarial〕an adversarial legal system对抗性的法律制度外研社新世纪〔aforethought〕malice aforethought 【法律】预谋的恶意文馨英汉〔artifice〕political/legal artifices 政治/法律欺诈韦氏高阶〔brawl〕an incident that turned into a vicious legal donnybrook; 演化成为恶意的法律大混战的事件;美国传统〔chink〕a chink in the law 法律上的空子英汉大词典〔compliance〕do sth. in compliance with the law (rules) 按法律(规章)做某事英汉大词典〔constitutionality〕the constitutionality of the law 法律的合宪性英汉大词典〔dead〕a dead law (rule) 无效的法律(规则)英汉大词典〔defunct〕defunct regulations (laws) 已废除的规则(法律)英汉大词典〔disproportion〕a disproportion in the legal resources available to the two sides双方可获得的法律资源的不平衡外研社新世纪〔draft〕a draft law. 法律草案柯林斯高阶〔establish〕to establish one's case at law在法律上证实某人的诉讼21世纪英汉〔framework〕a legal framework for the regulation of public access to databases 监管公众访问数据库的法律框架牛津搭配〔frame〕a law framed to equalize the tax burden 为使税收负担均等而调整的法律英汉大词典〔interference〕political interference in the legal process 对法律程序的政治干预牛津搭配〔justice〕laws based on the principles of justice 以公正为原则的法律牛津高阶〔language〕the language of the legal profession 法律专业用语牛津高阶〔law〕study law in the university 在大学里学法律英汉大词典〔legalistic〕a legalistic interpretation of the facts 对于事物过于拘泥法律条文的解释剑桥高阶〔maintain〕maintain law and order 维持法律与秩序英汉大词典〔monarch〕a new law which limited the power of the monarch 限制君主权力的新法律牛津搭配〔new〕a new law. 新法律美国传统〔non-binding〕a non-binding resolution/referendum/recommendation 无法律约束力的决议/公投/推荐剑桥高阶〔obligation〕legal/financial/constitutional obligations 法律/财政/宪法义务韦氏高阶〔outrage〕to wantonly outrage law and order肆意践踏法律和秩序21世纪英汉〔precedence〕a Bill which would require judges to give precedence to new British laws over the European Communities Act 1972一项要求法官赋予英国新法律高于《1972年欧洲共同体法案》地位的提案外研社新世纪〔reaches〕the upper reaches of the legal profession. 法律行业的上层柯林斯高阶〔recourse〕residents with no recourse to the law 不诉诸于法律的居民牛津搭配〔repressive〕a repressive regime/measure/law 实行高压政策的政权;镇压措施;严厉的法律牛津高阶〔repressive〕repressive laws.严厉的法律。牛津同义词〔respect〕show a lack of respect for the law 表现出不尊重法律的态度 英汉大词典〔revocation〕the revocation of a law (all unequal treaties) 一项法律(一切不平等条约)的废除英汉大词典〔sharpen〕to sharpen the law使法律更严厉21世纪英汉〔spirit〕consider the spirit of the law, not the letter of it 考虑法律的精神而不死抠文字英汉大词典〔statute book〕a law that is still on the statute book (法规)有法律效力的,正在执行的麦克米伦高阶〔tooth〕a law with teeth 有有效实施手段的法律英汉大词典




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