

单词 本经
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anniversary〕the 100th anniversary edition of this classic novel 这本经典小说问世的 100 周年纪念版牛津搭配〔economy〕the slowdown in the Japanese economy 日本经济的减缓朗文当代〔elementary〕the elementary laws of economics 基本经济法则牛津高阶〔loss〕run/operate etc at a loss (=to earn less money from something you sell than it costs you to produce it) 亏本经营朗文当代〔rinky-dink〕a rinky-dink operation/business 小本经营/生意韦氏高阶〔shoestring〕a business started on a shoestring 小本经营的企业英汉大词典〔shoestring〕a company that started on a shoestring. 以小本经营开始的公司美国传统〔shoestring〕a shoestring operation 小本经营英汉大词典〔shoestring〕live on a shoestring 靠小本经营为生英汉大词典mom-and-pop operations 小本经营牛津商务




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