

单词 本生
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔amenity〕houses that lack basic amenities (=basic things that people need, such as heat and running water) 缺乏基本生活设施的房屋朗文当代〔bargain〕a losing bargain 一笔蚀本生意英汉大词典〔blindness〕blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed. 政府政策对失业者基本生存问题的漠视柯林斯高阶〔bottom-line〕bottom-line living expenses 基本生活费用英汉大词典〔expense〕people struggling to meet their basic living expenses 连基本生活费用都难以支付的人麦克米伦高阶〔living wage〕jobs that don't even pay a living wage 工资连基本生活都不能维持的工作朗文当代〔necessary〕provide sb. with necessaries 承担某人的基本生活英汉大词典〔nickel-and-dime〕a nickel-and-dime business that soon folded 开张不久便关门大吉的小本生意英汉大词典〔requirement〕the basic requirements of life 基本生活所需牛津高阶〔starvation〕starvation wages 饥饿工资(不足维持最基本生活的工资)文馨英汉〔subsistence〕their family's basic subsistence needs 他们一家人的基本生存需要牛津搭配〔subsistence〕to live below (the)subsistence level 生活在基本生活水平线以下牛津高阶〔textbook〕a biology textbook 一本生物教科书朗文当代a rise in the price of basic goods 基本生活用品价格的上涨牛津商务unions fighting for a living wage 工会为争取基本生活工资而奋斗牛津商务




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