

单词 期中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Archeozoic〕Of, belonging to, or designating the earlier of two divisions of the Precambrian era.早期前寒武纪(的):前寒武纪的两期中较早的一期的,属于它的或以其命名的美国传统〔FAIL〕The economy is in recession and will remain so for at least another year. 经济正处于衰退期中,这种情况至少还要持续一年。朗文写作活用〔Friday〕The sixth day of the week.星期五:一星期中的第六天美国传统〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Half-term is the last week in October. 期中假在10月的最后一个星期。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕It rained all through half-term. 放期中假的时候天天下雨。朗文写作活用〔Iona〕An island of western Scotland in the southern Inner Hebrides. An early center of Celtic Christianity, the island is a popular tourist site.爱奥那:苏格兰西部位于内赫布里底群岛的一个岛。凯尔特基督教文明的一个早期中心,现在是一个游人甚多的景点美国传统〔Proterozoic〕Of, belonging to, or being the later of two divisions of Precambrian time, during which sponges, sea worms, and other forms of sea life appeared.原生代的,元古代的:前寒武纪两个时期中的后一个时期的,属于这个时期的,在这个时期的在这个时期海绵、海洋蠕虫和其它形式的海洋生命出现美国传统〔TEST〕This class will require two papers, a midterm, and a final. 这门课要完成两篇论文,期中和期末考试各一次。朗文写作活用〔align〕There are times in the economic cycle when supply and demand are not aligned.在经济周期中有时供求关系不协调。外研社新世纪〔bad〕It was the worst scandal of the Clinton presidency.这是克林顿总统任期中最糟糕的丑闻。麦克米伦高阶〔between〕Germany between the two world wars 两次世界大战间歇期中的德国英汉大词典〔bit〕The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon.假期中最精彩的片段是参观大峡谷。牛津高阶〔blissful〕He had a blissful smile that did not leave his face the entire week we were on the river.我们在河上游玩的那整个星期中, 他脸上的幸福微笑从未消失过。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕I bombed my midterm.我的期中考试不及格。朗文当代〔conference〕The teacher had a conference with each student during the term.在学期中教师同每个学生都谈了一次。英汉大词典〔curia〕The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome.中央行政管理部门:罗马帝国时期中央行政管理部门美国传统〔disappear〕That species disappeared in the Ice Age.那种生物在冰川期中灭绝了。英汉大词典〔divertissement〕Their vacation was filled with swimming, sunbathing and other divertissements.他们在假期中尽情地游泳,晒日光浴,还从事其他娱乐活动。英汉大词典〔dysmenorrhea〕Painful menstruation.痛经:月经期中的疼痛美国传统〔edition〕The letter appeared in the Sunday edition of the local newspaper.这封信刊登在当地报纸的星期天的一期中。麦克米伦高阶〔eon〕The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras.万古:地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代美国传统〔exam〕The midterm exams are coming up.期中考试临近了。牛津搭配〔favourite〕It may become a holiday favourite on video.它可能会成为假期中大家最爱看的一部录像。牛津搭配〔half-term〕There was no play school at half term, so I took them both to the cinema.放期中假时幼儿园关门了,所以我就带他们两人去看电影。柯林斯高阶〔half-term〕What are you doing at half-term? 你期中假打算干什么?牛津高阶〔hang in there〕Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be OK.到了学期中间功课会变得很难,但坚持下去就会好的。剑桥高阶〔heteromorphic〕Having different forms at different periods of the life cycle, as in stages of insect metamorphosis.异态的:在生命周期中的不同阶段有不同的形态的,如在昆虫变形的阶段美国传统〔hols〕Days spent on vacation.假期:在假期中度过的日子美国传统〔incident〕She told us about some of the amusing incidents of her holiday.她给我们讲了几件她假期中遇到的逗人发笑的事。英汉大词典〔incident〕She told us about some of the amusing incidents of her holiday.她跟我们说了一些她假期中的趣事。外研社新世纪〔interest〕We visited many places of interest on our vacation.我们在假期中参观了许多有意思的地方。韦氏高阶〔interim〕Directors declared an interim dividend of 30 cents.董事会宣布期中股息为30美分。剑桥高阶〔interim〕The test isn’t finished, but we’ve produced an interim report.试验还没完,不过我们写好了期中报告。牛津同义词〔inventory〕The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks.在未来的十二个星期中将进行清仓处理。牛津高阶〔issue〕The article appeared in the November issue.这篇文章出现在11月那期中。麦克米伦高阶〔land〕I'm landed with his doves for the next six weeks.在以后6个星期中我得负责照料他的那些鸽子。 英汉大词典〔lowlight〕That meal turned out to be one of the lowlights of our vacation.结果那顿饭成了我们假期中最扫兴的一部分。韦氏高阶〔made to order〕The weather on this holiday has been made to order so far.这个假期中,到目前为止天气都是完美的。剑桥高阶〔medusa〕The tentacled, usually bell-shaped, free-swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish.水螅水母:有触手的,通常呈带状的,生命周期中有性阶段自由游动的腔肠动物,如水母美国传统〔midterm〕An examination given at the middle of a school or college term.期中考试:在中学或大学一个学期中间进行的考试美国传统〔midterm〕He dropped the course before midterm.他在期中之前放弃了这门课程。韦氏高阶〔midterm〕The middle of an academic term or a political term of office.期中,中期:学期的期中或职务任期的中期美国传统〔midterm〕The students will be busy taking midterms next week.下周,学生们要忙着期中考试了。韦氏高阶〔midweek〕It's cheaper to travel midweek.在星期中间旅行较便宜。牛津高阶〔over〕I'm so glad the mid-term exams are over and done with.我很高兴期中考试总算结束了。朗文当代〔point〕A unit of academic credit usually equal to one hour of class work per week during one semester.学分:学分的单位,通常等于一学期中每周的一个课时美国传统〔prospect〕She rejoiced at the prospect of the trip.她为预期中的旅行而欣喜。外研社新世纪〔rest〕Schoolteachers can rest during their vacation.中小学教师可以在假期中休息。英汉大词典〔retainer〕A retainer may be charged for keeping the student's room over the vacation.为在假期中保留学生的寝室不另行出租而可能要求学生支付定金。英汉大词典〔revisability〕You must revise your English for the mid-term examination.你必须为准备期中测验复习英语。21世纪英汉〔revolve〕To recur in cycles or at periodic intervals.循环往复:在周期中或周期性间隔中重复出现美国传统〔rhythm method〕A birth-control method dependent on abstinence during the period of ovulation.安全期避孕法:依赖于排卵期中节欲生育控制方法美国传统〔romance〕It was just a holiday romance.那只是假期中的一场浪漫恋情而已。剑桥高阶〔rub up〕She must rub up her English for the midterm examination.她必须复习一下英语以便应付期中测验。21世纪英汉〔rust〕Don't let your mind rust during the summer vacation.在暑期中别让你的脑子生锈。21世纪英汉〔semester_〕The semester break had begun.期中假期已经开始。牛津搭配〔snap〕He showed me his holiday snaps.他给我看他假期中拍摄的快照。英汉大词典〔sporont〕An organism or a cell produced by sporogony, especially in the life cycle of various parasitic microorganisms.孢细胞:由孢子生殖产生的器官或单细胞,尤其在各种寄生在微生物的生命周期中美国传统〔sporophyte〕The spore-producing phase in the life cycle of a plant that exhibits alternation of generations.孢子生成期:在植物世代交替的生命周期中形成孢子的阶段美国传统〔term〕It's hard to get away during term.学期中间很难脱身。牛津搭配〔topic〕The wedding has been the only topic of conversation for weeks.这场婚礼是几个星期中谈论的唯一话题。朗文当代〔trimester〕One of three terms into which an academic year is divided in some universities and colleges.一学期:在某些大学和学院一学年分成的三个学期中的一个学期美国传统〔turn〕We turned a great deal of merchandise during the holidays.在假期中我们周转大量的商品美国传统〔velvet〕The soft, furry covering on the developing antlers of deer.鹿角嫩皮,鹿茸:在成长期中的鹿角上的柔软的毛皮覆盖物美国传统〔winter break〕A period of recess, usually lasting one week, during the winter term at school.冬假:学校里冬季学期中的一段休息时间,通常持续一周美国传统Clothing needs differ throughout the family life cycle.整个家庭生命周期中的服装需求是不同的。牛津商务England's cricketers have been toiling in the 100-degree heat over the past week.在过去的一星期中英国的板球运动员一直在华氏100度的高温下艰苦训练。剑桥国际Female athletes often notice changes in their menstrual cycles.女运动员经常察觉到行经周期中的变化。剑桥国际I feel I've been deprived of your company these past few weeks.我感到在这过去的几星期中我和你交往的机会全被剥夺了。剑桥国际I try to strike a (=achieve a) happy medium when I'm on holiday, and spend half my time doing things and the other half just relaxing.在假期中我会试用一种折中方案,用一半时间做事,另一半时间休息。剑桥国际I'll never get all this work done in a week--I'm not superhuman! 我不可能在一星期中把所有的工作做完,我又不是超人。剑桥国际In the succeeding weeks, five more patients showed similar symptoms.接下来的几星期中又有五名病人表现出相似的症状。剑桥国际Interim figures released yesterday show strong growth.昨天公布的期中数字显示出强劲的增长。牛津商务International Greetings announces its interims tomorrow.祝贺国际明天宣布期中业绩。牛津商务Our insurer was prepared to make an interim payment.我们的保险公司准备进行期中付款。牛津商务Perhaps the main event in the life cycle of a salmon is the return to its breeding grounds.大麻哈鱼生命周期中主要的事情可能就是回到它的繁殖地。剑桥国际Phyllis fell ill/was taken ill (=became ill) while on holiday.菲利斯在假期中病了。剑桥国际She remitted her efforts after the mid-term test. 她在期中考试以后放松了努力。译典通She showed me her holiday snaps (=photographs).她给我看假期中拍的照片。剑桥国际She's having a six-month trial (period) and if they think she's good enough they'll give her a permanent job.她正在6个月的试用期中,如果他们认为她够好的话会给她一份永久性的工作。剑桥国际Shoals of angry letters have come in over the past few weeks about the programme.在过去的几个星期中,收到了许多对这个节目表示愤怒的信件。剑桥国际Some families go on holiday at half term, but many stay at home.有些家庭在期中假时去度假,不过很多人呆在家里。剑桥国际Stabilizers are often added to food so that the texture remains the same during storage.食物中通常加入稳定剂以使其在储藏期中不会变质。剑桥国际The Diet is now sitting. 国会现在在会期中。译典通The Republican Party won the gubernatorial race in the mid-term elections. 美国共和党在期中选举中获得州长选举的大胜。译典通The children usually stay with their grandparents for a week in the summer.孩子们通常在暑期中和他们的祖父母住上一星期。剑桥国际The finals results have gone up on the noticeboard.期中考试成绩登在布告板上。剑桥国际The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.在学期中学生们做的工作对他们最后的成绩有重要影响。剑桥国际This problem is turning out to be rather less tractable than I was expecting it to be.这个问题变得远不像我预期中的那样容易处理。剑桥国际Tony tends to spend his holidays motoring around France, indulging his taste for haute cuisine.托尼常在假期中开车游览法国,好好享受法式美餐。剑桥国际Troops have been mobilising for the past three weeks.在过去的三个星期中军队动员起来。剑桥国际We did some spelunking on our vacation.我们在假期中作了洞穴探查。剑桥国际We eat out (= have a meal at a restaurant, or at someone else's house) several times a week.我们一星期中有几次在外面吃饭。剑桥国际We’re going skiing in the February half-term (= the holiday which happens in the middle of the term).我们准备在二月份的期中假期去滑雪。剑桥国际We’re very busy in term -time (= during the term).学期中我们很忙。剑桥国际You must also consider the inconvenience of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks while it's being rebuilt.你也必须考虑到在厨房改建的几星期中不能使用它的不便之处。剑桥国际




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