

单词 朝鲜
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Korean〕the Korean people 朝鲜人民;韩国人民韦氏高阶〔accessible〕a very accessible account of Korean history 非常易懂的朝鲜历史记录牛津搭配〔discussion〕a series of bilateral discussions with North Korea 与北朝鲜进行的一系列双边磋商牛津搭配〔glance〕a history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict. 一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课美国传统〔memorial〕the Korean War Memorial 朝鲜战争纪念碑麦克米伦高阶〔memorial〕the many memorials dedicated to the Korean War 献给朝鲜战争的诸多纪念碑牛津搭配〔nuclear-free〕proposals for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula主张朝鲜半岛无核化的提案外研社新世纪〔nuclear-free〕proposals for a nuclear-free Korean peninsular. 朝鲜半岛无核化建议柯林斯高阶〔partition〕the partition of Korea into North and South Korea 朝鲜半岛分裂为朝鲜和韩国韦氏高阶〔peninsula〕the Korean peninsula 朝鲜半岛朗文当代〔peninsula〕the Korean/Arabian/Florida Peninsula 朝鲜/阿拉伯/佛罗里达半岛剑桥高阶〔peninsula〕the political situation in the Korean peninsula. 朝鲜半岛的政治局势柯林斯高阶〔peninsula〕the political situation in the Korean peninsula朝鲜半岛的政治局势外研社新世纪〔sanction〕a resolution to impose sanctions (=start using sanctions) on North Korea 对朝鲜实施制裁的决议朗文当代




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