

单词 有点
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔addled〕a charming former heroin addict with a slightly addled brain一个脑子有点昏乱、长相迷人的前海洛因瘾君子外研社新世纪〔anachronism〕a politician whose values seem somewhat anachronistic 价值观有点过时的从政者韦氏高阶〔batty〕some batty uncle of theirs. 他们那个有点疯癫的叔叔柯林斯高阶〔borderline〕borderline alcoholics 有点嗜酒成瘾韦氏高阶〔cast〕a person with a cast in his eye 眼睛有点斜视的人英汉大词典〔cheesed off〕feeling a bit cheesed off 感到有点生气韦氏高阶〔cloudy〕a rather cloudy sky 有点儿多云的天空牛津搭配〔crumpet〕look a bit balmy on the crumpet 看上去有点痴呆英汉大词典〔curiosity〕a certain curiosity to see what would happen next 有点想知道下一步会发生什么事的好奇心牛津高阶〔exaggeration〕a slight/gross/wild exaggeration 有点╱明显的╱胡乱的夸张牛津高阶〔forced〕a rather forced interpretation 有点牵强的解释英汉大词典〔grimace〕a little grimace of pain疼得有点扭曲的脸外研社新世纪〔groove〕sort of a Talking Heads funky groove but a lot darker and noisier有点像“传声头像”乐队放克乐的节奏, 但颓废吵闹得多外研社新世纪〔laundering〕a white sheet that has turned a little yellow from many launderings. 多次洗烫后有点泛黄的白床单英汉大词典〔left-of-centre〕a left-of-centre newspaper 有点儿左倾的报纸麦克米伦高阶〔messy〕a delicious but messy sandwich 美味但是有点黏糊糊的三明治韦氏高阶〔mildly〕mildly surprised/irritated/interested 有点儿吃惊╱生气╱感兴趣牛津高阶〔misnomer〕the British Museum's Benin Bronzes, a misnomer as they are mainly brass大英博物馆收藏的贝宁青铜器黄铜成分居多, 因而“青铜器”一说有点不妥外研社新世纪〔more〕more or less regardless of consequence 多少有点不顾后果地英汉大词典〔muddled〕be slightly muddled with liquor 有点儿喝醉了英汉大词典〔nerve〕lose some of one's nerve (in doing sth.) (做某事时)心里有点发慌 英汉大词典〔off〕coming home with make-up all over his clothes — it's a bit off isn't it. 衣服上到处沾着化妆品回到家——他这样有点过分了,是不是。柯林斯高阶〔one's〕if one's feeling a bit tired如果有人觉得有点儿累了外研社新世纪〔otherwise〕a blue and gold caravan, slightly travel-stained but otherwise in good condition. 除了在旅途中弄得有点脏以外,性能良好的蓝金色旅行拖车柯林斯高阶〔peckish〕feel peckish 觉得有点饿英汉大词典〔piece〕a vaguely familiar orchestral piece. 隐约有点熟悉的一首管弦乐柯林斯高阶〔shamelessly〕a shamelessly lazy week-long trip. 长达一周的旅行,慵懒得让人有点不好意思柯林斯高阶〔somewhat〕somewhat annoyed.有点着恼。牛津同义词〔some〕some tired. 有点儿累美国传统〔streak〕a streak of humor; 有点幽默;美国传统〔streak〕a streak of selfishness in her character.她性格有点儿自私。牛津同义词〔tease〕a pretty girl who has the reputation of being a bit of a tease 有点卖弄风骚的漂亮女孩韦氏高阶〔touch〕be a touch annoyed 有点恼怒 英汉大词典〔touch〕hair touched with grey 有点花白的头发英汉大词典〔touch〕with a touch of envy (pride) 有点妒忌(骄傲)地 英汉大词典〔turn〕have a quaint turn to one's dress 穿着有点古怪 英汉大词典〔unbalanced〕a somewhat unbalanced account of the events 对这些事件有点儿失之公允的叙述牛津搭配〔unwell〕patients who just feel a little unwell 只是略有点儿不舒服的病人牛津搭配〔winded〕feel a bit winded 觉得有点气促英汉大词典〔woman〕a man with something of a (或the) woman in him 有点女人气的男子英汉大词典




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