

单词 正常运转
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAULT〕I don't know what's the matter with it, but I can't get it to work. 我不知道它哪里出了问题,但我就是无法让它正常运转。朗文写作活用〔baby-sat〕It will be necessary for someone to baby-sit the machine until it is running properly.某人必须修理机器直至它正常运转为止。(或:得找个人把机器修好。)21世纪英汉〔be welcome to〕You're welcome to it - I can never get it to work right.你尽管用——我就从没能让它正常运转过。剑桥高阶〔check〕She ran/did a quick check of the computer to make sure it was working properly.她快速查了一遍电脑,以确定它在正常运转。韦氏高阶〔clog〕Unfounded lawsuits are clogging the court system.没有根据的诉讼案正妨碍着司法体系的正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern.破产管理人总是希望在公司仍然正常运转的时候将其卖掉。柯林斯高阶〔damn〕The damn thing never worked right.这个该死的东西从来不正常运转。韦氏高阶〔functional〕The author sees sports events as functional to society.作者认为体育活动有助于社会的正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔functional〕The new hospital isn't fully functional as yet but should be very soon.这家医院尚未完全实现正常运转,但很快就会的。麦克米伦高阶〔function〕The computer network is not yet fully functioning.计算机网络现在还没有完全正常运转。韦氏高阶〔function〕When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function normally.营养不足时,身体就不能正常运转。牛津搭配〔interregnum〕A period of temporary suspension of the usual functions of government or control.过渡期:政府或统治正常运转的一段暂时中间期美国传统〔normally〕In spite of the strike, the airports are working normally.尽管有员工罢工, 机场仍在正常运转。外研社新世纪〔operable〕There will be a delay before the modified machines are operable.改良后的机器得过一段时间之后才能正常运转。剑桥高阶〔operational〕The new machines are not yet operational.那些新机器还未能正常运转。英汉大词典〔order〕Only half of the spacecraft's six science instruments are still in working order.这个航天器的六件科学仪器中只有一半还在正常运转。外研社新世纪〔properly〕It's still not working properly.它还是不能正常运转。剑桥高阶〔properly〕The air conditioning in the hotel wasn't working properly.饭店里面的空调不能正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔ran〕Her sewing machine won't run properly.她的缝纫机不能正常运转了。21世纪英汉〔roil〕The immigration debate has roiled the country for more than a year.有关移民的辩论让国家一年多都没能正常运转。剑桥高阶〔running〕It's going to be hard to get the business up and running.这家企业将很难正常运转。外研社新世纪〔spark〕To operate correctly. Used of the ignition system of an internal-combustion engine.正常运转。用于指内燃机的发电火系统的正常运转美国传统〔test〕The machine refused to perform correctly under test conditions.机器在测试环境下不能正常运转。牛津搭配〔way〕The machine isn't working the way it's supposed to.这部机器没有正常运转。韦氏高阶〔working〕It has taken about five years to restore the aircraft to (full) working condition/order.大约花了5年时间才让这架飞机完全恢复正常运转。剑桥高阶It has taken about five years to restore the aircraft to (full) working condition/order.用了大概5年时间使得这架飞机(完全)恢复正常运转。剑桥国际It's still not working properly.它还是不能正常运转。剑桥国际Just keep things ticking over while I'm away.在我外出期间,维持正常运转就行。牛津商务The engine won't work properly without lubricant (= a substance such as oil which causes a machine to operate more easily) .发动机没有润滑剂便不能正常运转。剑桥国际They're trying to get the economy going again.他们正设法使经济再次正常运转。牛津商务You're welcome to it--I can never get it to work properly.你尽管用----我总是不能让它正常运转。剑桥国际




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