

单词 暂时停止
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment. 我们希望通过员工自愿离职和暂时停止招聘的方式来达到裁员的目的。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕James interrupted his studies to travel around Europe for a year. 詹姆斯暂时停止了学业,在欧洲游历一年。朗文写作活用〔abeyance〕The argument led to an abeyance or complete cessation of the flow of ideas between him and them.这一争论致使他和他们之间的思想交流暂时停止或彻底中断。外研社新世纪〔apnea〕Temporary absence or cessation of breathing.呼吸暂停:呼吸的暂时停止或中断美国传统〔armistice〕A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce.停战:经双方同意暂时停止战斗;休战美国传统〔constitution〕The constitution was suspended and the army was placed in full control.暂时停止行宪,由军队实施全面控制。牛津搭配〔deep freeze〕A condition of being held in temporary suspension or inactivity.搁置,中止:处于暂时停止不用的状况美国传统〔halt〕Production was brought to a temporary halt when power supplies failed.电力供应中断,生产暂时停止了。牛津搭配〔mark〕To suspend progress for the time being; wait in readiness.暂时停止进行;等待并时刻准备行动美国传统〔still〕It seemed to still momentarily the beating of his heart.他的心脏似乎因此暂时停止了跳动。外研社新世纪〔suspended animation〕A temporary state of interrupted breathing and loss of consciousness resembling death, caused especially by asphyxia.假死:尤指窒息引起的类似死亡的暂时停止呼吸并失去意识的状态美国传统〔temporarily〕The peace agreement has at least temporarily halted the civil war.该和平协定至少暂时停止了内战。柯林斯高阶〔trial〕The judge halted the trial when it emerged witnesses had been threatened.因爆出证人受到威胁,法官暂时停止了审讯。牛津搭配〔truce〕A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice.停战:通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战美国传统〔truce〕An uneasy truce prevailed between them at dinner.晚饭时他们勉强暂时停止了争吵。牛津搭配




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