

单词 标语
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕Hundreds of banner-waving demonstrators took to the streets.几百名挥舞着标语的游行者涌上街头。柯林斯高阶〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Bloomingdale's has as its slogan ‘Like no other store in the world’. 布鲁明戴尔百货公司的广告标语是“世界无双”。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕They've come up with a new advertising slogan for the product. 他们给这个产品设计了一句新的广告标语。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Variety will be the catchword at the new venue, with acts ranging from stand-up comedy to poetry readings. 多样性将会成为新场地的标语,那里的表演从单人说笑表演到诗歌朗诵都有。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Young men risked their lives to daub buildings with anti-government slogans. 年轻人冒着生命危险在建筑物上涂写反政府标语。朗文写作活用〔Yankee〕The protesters held signs that said “Yankee Go Home.” 抗议者们举着“美国佬滚回去”的标语。韦氏高阶〔appear〕Slogans have appeared on walls around the city.标语已出现在全城周围的墙上。柯林斯高阶〔appear〕Slogans have appeared on walls around the city.各种标语出现在了城市各处的墙上。外研社新世纪〔appeasement〕Placards carried in the silent demonstration included one accusing the prime minister of appeasement.静默的示威队伍中有人举着一块标语牌, 上面的内容是指责首相采取绥靖政策。外研社新世纪〔banner〕The demonstrators carried banners bearing various slogans.示威者打着写有各种标语的横幅。牛津搭配〔banner〕Thousands of people carried banners and flags.成千上万的人举着横幅标语和旗子。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕The placards will carry the words: PROTECT THE BRITISH PRESS.标语牌上将写上如下文字:保护英国媒体。外研社新世纪〔chant〕A group of protesters, chanting and carrying placards, waited outside.一群抗议者等候在外面,举着标语牌不停地喊着口号。牛津高阶〔cheesy〕Politicians persist in imagining that 'the people' warm to their cheesy slogans.政客们固执地臆想“人民”开始对他们虚伪的标语有好感。外研社新世纪〔co-opt〕He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.他借鉴了很多民族主义标语,建立了一个平民主义者的形象。柯林斯高阶〔daub〕They sent death threats and daubed his home with slogans.他们发出了死亡威胁, 还在他家里涂满了标语。外研社新世纪〔daub〕They sent death threats and daubed his home with slogans.他们向他发出了死亡威胁,还在他家的墙上涂满了标语。柯林斯高阶〔dozen〕A few dozen protesters waved placards.几十个抗议者挥舞着标语牌。麦克米伦高阶〔fly〕We flew a banner across the entrance.我们在入口处挂了一个横幅标语。韦氏高阶〔graffiti〕Racist graffiti was sprayed on the walls.墙上喷涂有种族主义的标语。牛津搭配〔hang〕Banners hung from every window.每一扇窗户都挂出了标语。牛津搭配〔illusion〕The slogan provides the comforting illusion that something is being done.这标语给人错觉,让人以为正在采取某种措施而感到欣慰。牛津搭配〔litterbug〕Don't be a litterbug.请勿乱扔杂物。(公共场所标语用语)英汉大词典〔loyalist〕Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.党的忠诚支持者们的反应一如既往,他们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。柯林斯高阶〔loyalist〕Party loyalists waved flags and carried placards.党的忠实支持者们挥舞着旗帜, 高举着标语牌。外研社新世纪〔marcher〕The marchers stopped outside the American embassy, chanting slogans and waving banners.示威者在美国大使馆外停了下来,高喊口号,挥舞标语。剑桥高阶〔paint〕Slogans had been painted on the walls.标语涂在墙上。牛津高阶〔paint〕They went around painting rude slogans on cars.他们到处在汽车上涂写粗鲁的标语。柯林斯高阶〔placard〕A sign or notice for display in a public place.布告标语牌:为在公共场合展示的通知或标语美国传统〔placard〕Demonstrators marched past holding/waving placards that said "Send food, not missiles!" 示威者举着/挥动着标语牌游行,上面写着“要食物,不要导弹”。剑桥高阶〔placard〕The protesters sang songs and waved placards.抗议者唱着歌,挥舞着标语牌。柯林斯高阶〔placard〕They were carrying placards and banners demanding that he resign.人们手持标语牌和横额,要求他下台。牛津高阶〔post up〕He has posted a sign up that says 'No Fishing'.他贴出了一张写有“禁止钓鱼”的标语。外研社新世纪〔ring〕Protesters carrying signs ringed the hotel.抗议者举着标语包围了宾馆。麦克米伦高阶〔sandwich man〕A man who pickets or advertises by carrying a sandwich board.三明治式广告宣传员:身体前后挂有广告标语牌以供示威或宣传用的人美国传统〔shibboleth〕A word or phrase identified with a particular group or cause; a catchword.口号:与一个特别的群体或事业相关的词或词组;标语美国传统〔sign〕He gets $300 a week from the union for carrying a picket sign.他给工会扛标语牌每周挣 300 美元。牛津搭配〔sign〕The demonstrators shouted and waved signs.示威的人群边高呼口号边挥舞标语。牛津搭配〔sloganeering〕Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.由于缺乏系统的政策,共和党只得依靠标语口号和空洞的词藻来说服选民。剑桥高阶〔sloganize〕To express as or in slogans or a slogan.以标语口号表达:作为口号来表达或用口号来表达美国传统〔slogan〕A phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate; a motto.标语,口号:表明一个企业、组织或竞选人的目标或本质的一个短语;座右铭美国传统〔slogan〕Anti-government slogans had been sprayed all over the wall.反政府的标语喷涂得满墙都是。麦克米伦高阶〔target language〕A language that a nonnative speaker is in the process of learning.目标语言:一个人正在学习的一种非母语语言美国传统〔target language〕The language into which a text written in another language is to be translated.目标语言:用另一种语言写成的文件将被翻译的语言美国传统〔trail〕A plane trailing a banner was circling overhead.一架飞机拖着横幅标语在上空盘旋。朗文当代〔war cry〕A phrase or slogan used to rally people to a cause.号召性口号或标语:用来把人们号召到一起从事某项事业的口号或标语美国传统〔write ... up〕There you can see the slogan written up on the wall.在那儿你会看到这条标语写在墙上。21世纪英汉〔yammer〕They were waving placards and yammering about sexual discrimination.他们挥动着标语, 大声抗议性别歧视。外研社新世纪About 1 000 people marched past carrying placards denouncing armed intervention.约有1000人扛着标语牌游行,反对武力干预。剑桥国际Air force pilots sometimes stencil (= form using a stencil) slogans on the sides of their aircraft.空军飞行员有时会在他们的飞机侧面用模板刷上标语。剑桥国际Even assuming (that) smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt they'll take any notice.就算吸烟者看见了戒烟的标语,我想他们也不会把它当回事。剑桥国际He held up the poster just at the (exact/precise) moment when the TV cameras were on him.他正好在电视摄像机对着他的时候举起了标语牌。剑桥国际Placards amid the waving banners proclaimed the desire for independence.在飘扬的旗帜间,一些标语牌宣示了独立的愿望。剑桥国际The best slogan wins a prize.最佳标语会得到一笔奖金。牛津商务The protesters waved aloft placards proclaiming ‘Hands off our woodland!’ and ‘No airport here!’ 抗议者高高挥动着标语牌,上写“不许破坏我们的林区”和“此处不要机场”。剑桥国际Theatregoers were confronted by picketers with signs declaring ‘No Foreign Shows’ and ‘Stop The Cultural Invasion’.看戏的人迎面遇到纠察队员,他们手中举着标语,上面写着:“不演外国戏”、“停止文化侵略”。剑桥国际They hoisted placards saying “War's no solution” and presented the minister with a white dove.他们举着标语牌,上面写着“战争不解决问题”,并送给部长一只白鸽。剑桥国际Vandals daubed the building with slogans in thick yellow paint.破坏分子用浓浓的黄色涂料在那栋房子上涂写了标语。剑桥国际Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.没有系统的政策说服选民,共和党只是凭借标语口号和空洞的辞藻。剑桥国际




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