

单词 某一种
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔common〕Representing one or all of the members of a class; not designating a unique entity.非特定的:代表某一种类的所有成员或其中一个的;不标志唯一存在的美国传统〔equipment〕The rolling stock especially of a transportation system.配备:尤指某一种交通系统中的车辆美国传统〔infidel〕An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.异教徒:不信仰某一种宗教(尤指基督教或伊斯兰教)的人美国传统〔lexicon〕Linguistics The morphemes of a language considered as a group.【语言学】 某一种语言词素的集合美国传统〔light〕Alice had a certain light in her eyes.爱丽丝的眼睛有某一种光辉。文馨英汉〔plant〕A building or group of buildings for the manufacture of a product; a factory.工厂:制造某一种产品的一座或一群建筑;工厂美国传统〔primary〕Being or existing as the first or earliest of a kind; primitive.原始的:某一种类第一或最早存在或出现的;最初的美国传统〔racism〕The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.种族主义:认为人的性格或能力的差异是由种族造成的和有某一种族高于其它种族的观念美国传统〔specific〕She was very specific—you have to use a certain kind of tomato in the sauce.她非常明确地指出——调味汁中必须用某一种西红柿。韦氏高阶〔void〕Games Lacking cards of a particular suit in a dealt hand.【游戏】 缺门的:一手牌中没有某一种花色的美国传统It's not a picture of a specific sort of bird--it's intended to be generic.那幅画画的不是某一种特定的鸟,而是旨在描绘鸟的一般特征。剑桥国际The village has a certain rustic charm. 这个村子有某一种质朴的魅力。译典通




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