

单词 某一特定
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:美国传统〔housing start〕housing starts The number of new dwellings begun nationwide during a particular period, used as an economic indicator: housing starts 住宅兴建量:在某一特定时期内在全国范围内兴建的住房数量,用作经济指标:美国传统〔locality〕those premises within a particular locality那些某一特定区域内的经营场所外研社新世纪〔low tide〕the mean difference in water level between high and low tides at a given location某一特定地点涨潮和落潮时水位的平均偏差外研社新世纪〔region〕cells in a particular region of the brain 脑部某一特定区域的细胞牛津搭配




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