

单词 架子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕We keep all the cooking utensils on the bottom shelf. 我们把所有的炊具都放在架子底层。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕There was a shelf in his bedroom full of model planes. 他卧室的一个架子上全是模型飞机。朗文写作活用〔DIY〕He's useless at DIY. He won't even put up a shelf.他自己动手能力太差,甚至连搭个架子都不会。柯林斯高阶〔HIGH〕The shelf's too high for me to reach. 架子太高,我够不着。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕I could only gape in astonishment as I saw the man take the bottle from the shelf and put it under his coat. 我看着那人拿起架子上的瓶子塞进他衣服里面,吓得目瞪口呆。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕She put the glass vases on the top shelf, out of harm's way. 她把玻璃花瓶放在架子的最高一层,那里较为安全。朗文写作活用〔air〕Trudy is always putting on airs.特鲁迪老是摆架子。朗文当代〔attitudinize〕To assume an affected attitude; posture.装模作样,摆架子,摆样子:假装出某种做作的姿态;态度美国传统〔bang〕I banged my head against/on the shelf as I stood up.我起身时头撞在了架子上。剑桥高阶〔bash〕He bashed his arm against a shelf.他的胳膊猛地撞在了架子上。剑桥高阶〔bash〕He bashed his head against the shelf.他用头猛撞架子。21世纪英汉〔bottom〕He found what he was looking for on the bottom shelf.他在底层架子上找到了要找的东西。外研社新世纪〔brace〕We need to add some sort of brace to hold the shelf in place.我们需要加个支撑物来固定架子。韦氏高阶〔bracket〕You'd better bracket those shelves with two-by-fours.你最好用截面为2英寸×4英寸的木材为那些架子做托架。21世纪英汉〔bump〕He bumped his head against the shelf.他的头撞在了架子上。韦氏高阶〔bump〕I bumped my head on the shelf.我的头撞到了架子上。外研社新世纪〔cabinet〕An upright, cupboardlike repository with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of a collection of objects or materials.壁橱,橱柜:直立的,类似于柜橱的贮藏间,带有架子、抽屉或分隔间,用于保存或展示一批物品或物资美国传统〔carriage〕A wheeled support or frame for carrying a heavy object, such as a cannon.支架:用于运送重物,如大炮的带轮的支撑物或架子美国传统〔condescending〕They can be a bit condescending.他们可能会有一点摆架子。外研社新世纪〔corrode〕The metal structure is corroding badly and needs to be replaced.金属架子腐蚀得很厉害,需要进行更换。麦克米伦高阶〔curtain〕He took a bag from a shelf behind some curtains.他从窗帘后面的架子上拿出一个包。牛津搭配〔deep〕The shelves are 10 inches deep.这些架子的进深有10英寸。韦氏高阶〔deign〕If she deigns to reply to my letter, I'll be extremely surprised.如果她能放下架子给我回信,那我肯定会感到非常诧异。剑桥高阶〔depth〕The depth of the shelves is about 35 cm.架子的纵深约 35 厘米。朗文当代〔down〕The candy is down on the bottom shelf.糖果在底层架子上。韦氏高阶〔dust〕There's a thick layer of dust on the shelf.架子上积了一层厚厚的灰尘。外研社新世纪〔establishment〕The Prince loves to deflate Establishment airs.那位王子喜欢放下权贵的架子。英汉大词典〔fall off〕The book fell off the shelf.那本书从架子上掉了下来。外研社新世纪〔finger〕She ran her finger along the dusty shelf.她的手指顺着满是灰尘的架子摸过去。牛津搭配〔fix〕Andrew is fixing some shelves in the bedroom.安德鲁正在卧室里安装一些架子。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕This book goes here [on this shelf].这本书是放在这里[这个架子上]的。文馨英汉〔grasp〕The key was on a high shelf, just beyond her grasp.钥匙在高高的架子上,她够不着。牛津搭配〔hayrack〕A wagon fitted with such a rack.装有类似架子的大车美国传统〔lectern〕A stand that serves as a support for the notes or books of a speaker.演讲台,演讲桌:一个用来放演讲者的书或笔记架子美国传统〔level〕Make sure you get the shelf level before screwing it in.拧螺丝之前一定要将架子放平。牛津搭配〔lift〕He lifted the box carefully down from the shelf.他小心地从架子上取下那个盒子。剑桥高阶〔mind〕Mind (that) you don't bang your head on the shelf when you stand up.当心站起来时头别撞到架子上。剑桥高阶〔nail〕She had nailed a small shelf to the door.她在门上钉了一个小架子。剑桥高阶〔off〕I dusted off the shelves.我擦掉了架子上的灰尘。韦氏高阶〔overhead〕Pillows are in the overhead above each passenger's seat.枕头存放在各位旅客座位上面的架子里。英汉大词典〔overreach〕The shelf overreached the nook and had to be planed down.架子伸出在凹角之外,得刨掉一点。英汉大词典〔partition off〕A friend is going to put up shelves and partition off the kitchen.一个朋友打算立一些架子把厨房分隔开。外研社新世纪〔pick〕He picked the book off the shelf.他把书从架子上取下来。外研社新世纪〔pillory〕A wooden framework on a post, with holes for the head and hands, in which offenders were formerly locked to be exposed to public scorn as punishment.颈手枷,枷具:一种木柱上的架子,上有放置头和手的洞,过去用来将罪犯颈与手枷住作为惩罚示众美国传统〔precise〕The shelf is about a metre long—well, 98cm, to be precise.架子长约一米。嗯,精确地说,是 98 厘米。牛津高阶〔proprietary〕He spoke the name proudly and with a proprietary air.他骄傲地说出了名字, 摆着一副主人的架子。外研社新世纪〔pull〕He liked to pull his rank on his inferiors.他喜欢对他的下级摆架子。英汉大词典〔pull〕She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.她喜欢对其下属摆威风、耍架子。21世纪英汉〔rack〕He rinsed the plates carefully and put them on the rack to drain.他仔仔细细把菜盘子冲洗干净,放上架子滴干。英汉大词典〔rack〕Spread the flowers out to dry on a rack.把花铺在架子上晾干。牛津搭配〔rank〕On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.架子上是一排排的酒瓶。朗文当代〔rank〕The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.上校摆出上级的架子, 让他的中士划船划了一路。外研社新世纪〔reach〕She fell while reaching down a vase from the top shelf.她从架子顶格拿花瓶时摔倒了。朗文当代〔replace〕He carefully replaced the vase on the shelf.他小心地把花瓶放回到架子上。韦氏高阶〔sawhorse〕A frame with legs, used to support pieces of wood being sawed.锯木架:带腿儿的,用来支撑被锯木头的架子美国传统〔secure〕Shelves are only as secure as their fixings.架子的牢固程度取决于紧固件。外研社新世纪〔set over〕Set my case over the shelves.把我的箱子放在架子上。21世纪英汉〔set〕She set the vase carefully on the shelf.她把花瓶小心地安放在架子上。外研社新世纪〔shelf〕He took a book down from the top shelf.他从架子最上层拿下了一本书。牛津搭配〔shelf〕I knocked it off the shelf by accident.我不小心把它从架子上碰了下来。牛津搭配〔shelf〕Put the vase on the shelf.把花瓶放到架子上。韦氏高阶〔shelve〕To furnish or outfit with shelves.装饰或安装架子美国传统〔shelving〕The carpenter put up some shelving in the living room.木匠在客厅里装了一些架子。剑桥高阶〔side〕He has no side.他没有一点架子。外研社新世纪〔smack〕He accidentally smacked his head against the shelf.他不小心砰地把头撞到了架子上。韦氏高阶〔stack〕He chose a cartoon from the stack of DVDs on the shelf.他从架子上的一摞DVD中挑了盘卡通片。剑桥高阶〔stand〕If he stood on tiptoe, he could reach the shelf.他踮起脚尖就能够到架子了。朗文当代〔stand〕The cups stand on the top shelf.杯子放在架子顶层。英汉大词典〔stick〕She closed the bag and stuck it back on the shelf.她合上包,顺手放回架子上。英汉大词典〔stock〕The frame of a plow, to which the share, handles, coulter, and other parts are fastened.犁架:犁的架子,犁把手、犁刀及其它部分固定于其面美国传统〔stock〕They stocked the shelves in the store with a variety of imported foods.他们在商店的架子上摆满了各种进口食品。韦氏高阶〔stretcher〕A litter, usually of canvas stretched over a frame, used to transport the sick, wounded, or dead.担架:通常由帆布撑于架子之间的担架,用于运送病人,伤员或死者美国传统〔stuff〕The school stuff goes on this shelf.学校用品放在这个架子上。麦克米伦高阶〔swallow〕You're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你得放下架子,去求人家给你恢复原职。牛津高阶〔tin〕He reached for a tin of tobacco on the shelf behind him.他伸手去够身后架子上的一罐烟叶。柯林斯高阶〔tiptoe〕If he stood on tiptoe, he could reach the shelf.要是踮起脚尖,他能够得着那个架子。麦克米伦高阶〔unassuming〕She has a gentle, unassuming manner.她很和善,不摆架子。柯林斯高阶〔warped〕Have you noticed how warped these shelves are? 你注意到这些架子变形到了什么程度吗?剑桥高阶〔whatnot〕A set of light, open shelves for ornaments.陈设架:一套用以摆放装饰品的轻巧、无遮盖的架子美国传统Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then slot the shelves in between them.把这两根柱子牢固地固定在壁凹两边的墙上, 然后把架子插在他们中间。剑桥国际He arranged the jars neatly in a line on the shelf.他把罐子整齐地排成一行放在架子上面。剑桥国际He bashed his arm against a shelf.他的手臂撞到架子上。剑桥国际I tried putting up the shelves myself, but I'll have to employ a carpenter to get the job done properly.我曾试着自己把这些架子搭起来,但我还是得雇个木匠把这个工作做了。剑桥国际I watched him fidgeting with the packets on the shelf.我看着他心不在焉地摆弄架子上的小包。剑桥国际I've put the cake on a high shelf where he can't get at it.我把蛋糕放在一个他够不着的高架子上面。剑桥国际If I leave it on the shelf you can just use it whenever you want.如果我把它留在架子上的话,你就可以随时使用了。剑桥国际If I put the shelves near the radiator, the heat might warp them.假如我把架子放在暖气装置旁边,那热量可能会使之变形的。剑桥国际Mind (that) you don't bang your head on the shelf when you stand up. [+ (that) clause] 站起来的时候当心你的头别撞到架子。剑桥国际She arranged her birthday cards along the shelf.她把她的生日贺卡沿着架子一溜儿摆齐。剑桥国际She ranked the bottles (= arranged them in a particular order) in order of size along the shelf.她把瓶子按大小顺序排放在架子上。剑桥国际The Director didn't stand on her dignity, she helped us clear up.这董事没有架子,她帮我们一起大扫除。剑桥国际The book dropped from/off the shelf.书从架子上掉了下来。剑桥国际The explosion rattled the cups (= caused them to make a noise like a series of knocks) on the shelf.爆炸震得架子上的杯子发出嗒嗒声。剑桥国际The racks were crowded with new clothes. 架子上挂满了新衣服。译典通The room was dark and he bumped his head against the shelf. 房间一片漆黑,他将头撞到了架子上。译典通The shelves in the kitchen were filled with jars of preserved vegetables and fruit jellies.厨房架子上放满了装腌菜和果酱的罐子。剑桥国际The shop assistant guided me to the shelf where the gardening books were displayed.商店的营业员领我到展示园艺书籍的架子处。剑桥国际They paid a carpenter to put up some shelving (= shelves) in the living room.他们付钱请了个木匠,在客厅里装了一些架子。剑桥国际With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf. 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。译典通Your bike's a goner, I'm afraid--there's no way that frame can be fixed.我恐怕你的自行车完蛋了----那车架子没法修。剑桥国际




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