

单词 枯萎的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Saharan〕a Saharan landscape of blighted fields 田野庄稼枯萎的荒凉景象英汉大词典〔blasted〕a blasted apple tree 枯萎的苹果树英汉大词典〔blasted〕a blasted heath 一片枯萎的荒野剑桥高阶〔pinch〕buds pinched by the frost 因霜冻而枯萎的花蕾英汉大词典〔pinch〕buds that were pinched by the frost; a face that was pinched with grief. 被寒霜侵袭而枯萎的花蕾;因痛苦而扭曲的脸美国传统〔sapless〕a sapless plant 枯萎的植物文馨英汉〔senesce〕a senescing leaf 一片正在枯萎的叶子英汉大词典〔senesce〕an old tree that senesced已枯萎的老树21世纪英汉〔shrivelled〕dry weather that shrivelled this summer's crops. 造成今夏作物枯萎的干旱天气柯林斯高阶〔shrivel〕dry weather that shrivelled this summer's crops使今夏农作物枯萎的干燥天气外研社新世纪〔wilt〕plants wilting in the heat. 因炎热而枯萎的植物美国传统〔wilt〕wilted flowers 枯萎的花朵英汉大词典〔withered〕a pot of withered roses 一盆枯萎的玫瑰花英汉大词典〔withered〕withered leaves/flowers 枯萎的叶子/花朵剑桥高阶〔withering〕a withering drought 使草木枯萎的干旱文馨英汉〔withering〕a withering drought 使草木枯萎的干旱英汉大词典




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