

单词 本案
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAIN〕The FBI regarded him as its prime suspect in the case. 联邦调查局视他为本案的头号嫌疑犯。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕The judge sentenced the last of the three defendants in the case to 10 years. 法官将本案的最后三名被告判了十年徒刑。朗文写作活用〔act〕Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case against the county council.梅金律师在本案中代表年轻人起诉郡议会。朗文当代〔adjourn〕The case was adjourned for a week.本案休庭了一个星期。牛津搭配〔application〕Strict application of the rules is necessary in this case.严格地应用规则在本案中是必要的。韦氏高阶〔bearing〕He might have information that has a bearing on the case.他也许掌握着与本案有关的情况。英汉大词典〔bearing〕Your evidence has no bearing on the case.你的证据与本案没有关系。牛津同义词〔bring sth forward〕The police brought forward some new evidence in the case.警方呈现了有关本案的一些新证据。剑桥高阶〔complaint〕They have no real grounds for complaint in this case.在本案中他们没有任何真正的控诉理由。外研社新世纪〔contest〕Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case.你的前任雇主若对本案存有异议,必须在14天内予以答复。柯林斯高阶〔contest〕Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case.你的前任雇主若要对本案进行反驳, 必须在14天内予以答复。外研社新世纪〔counsellor〕I don't think that question is relevant, counselor.我认为那个问题与本案无关,律师先生。剑桥高阶〔court〕The lack of evidence means that the case is unlikely to go to court.缺乏证据意味着本案不大可能提交法庭。剑桥高阶〔dig into〕They are digging into all the old files connected with this case.他们正在详细查阅所有与本案有关的旧档案。21世纪英汉〔disappointing〕The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.诉讼案的结果使得涉及本案的这家人非常失望。牛津高阶〔dispensation〕The state gave the town a special dispensation, allowing it to ignore the law in this case.州政府特许这个镇在本案中逾越这条法律的约束。韦氏高阶〔evidence〕Prosecutors say they destroyed evidence related to the case.公诉人说他们销毁了与本案有关的证据。牛津搭配〔factor〕The appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.上诉法官谈到了本案中一些明显可从轻处置的因素。牛津搭配〔floodgate〕If this case is successful it could open the floodgates for thousands of similar claims.如果本案胜诉,就有可能为成千上万类似的索赔打开闸门。朗文当代〔impartiality〕The judge's impartiality in this case might reasonably be questioned.对本案法官的公正提出质疑也许是合理的。牛津搭配〔inapplicable〕The testimony is inapplicable to this case.此证言与本案无关。英汉大词典〔irrelevant〕Her statement is irrelevant to this case.她的陈述与本案无关。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕That evidence is irrelevant to the case.那条证据与本案无关。牛津高阶〔irrelevant〕The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case.被告律师争辩说他过去的罪行和本案无关。朗文当代〔judge〕The case comes before Judge Cooper next week.本案下周交库珀法官审理。牛津高阶〔jurisdiction〕His attorney claimed the court lacked jurisdiction in this matter.他的律师声称法院对本案没有审判权。韦氏高阶〔jurisdiction〕The court has no jurisdiction in this case.法院对本案没有管辖权。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The matter falls outside/within the jurisdiction of this court.本案不属于/属于此法院的审判范围。韦氏高阶〔late〕The case is expected to end late next week.预计本案件将在下周末结案。外研社新世纪〔lead〕The police have no leads in the case.关于本案,警方没有任何线索。韦氏高阶〔mull〕Last month, a federal grand jury began mulling evidence in the case.联邦大陪审团于上月开始仔细审查本案的证据。外研社新世纪〔mull〕Last month, a federal grand jury began mulling evidence in the case.联邦大陪审团于上月开始仔细审查本案的证据。柯林斯高阶〔overstate〕It would be overstating the case to say that it was a matter of life or death.说本案事关生死有点言过其实。韦氏高阶〔perjure〕Her evidence in this case was perjured.她在本案中提供的证据是伪证。英汉大词典〔pick〕I picked through the facts of the case.我仔细审查本案的事实。牛津高阶〔relevant〕I'm sorry but your personal wishes are not relevant (= important) in this case.我很遗憾,你的个人愿望与本案无关。剑桥高阶〔rest〕I rest my case, my lord.审判长,我愿意停止对本案的辩论。英汉大词典〔retry〕The case will be retried.本案将重新审理。韦氏高阶〔ruling〕The court will make its ruling on the case next week.法庭下周将对本案作出裁决。牛津高阶〔shred〕There is not one shred of evidence in this case.本案没有丝毫证据。牛津搭配〔spare〕We will spare no effort to find the culprit of this crime.我们会竭尽全力追查本案的凶犯。麦克米伦高阶〔submit〕I submit that the jury has been influenced by the publicity in this case.我认为,在本案的审理过程中,陪审团受到了外界宣传的影响。朗文当代〔witness〕As the last person to see her alive, he was a material witness in the case.作为她死前最后一个见过她的人,他成为本案的重要目击证人。牛津搭配I'm sorry but your personal wishes are not relevant (= important) in this case.我很抱歉可你个人的愿望同本案无关。剑桥国际The court will make its ruling on the case next week.法庭将于下周就本案作出判决。牛津商务The evidence has no immediate bearing on the case. 该证据与本案无直接关系。译典通There's ample evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.有充分的证据表明,本案的律师十分清楚她的所为。剑桥国际We are still waiting for the court to pass/pronounce judgment (= give a decision) on the case.我们还在等待法庭对本案的宣判。剑桥国际




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