

单词 本地的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕I saw an advert for some cheap furniture in our local paper. 我在我们本地的报纸上看到一则便宜家具的广告。朗文写作活用〔Cornishwoman〕A woman who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall, England.康沃尔女人:英格兰康沃尔郡本地的或居住的女人美国传统〔FREE〕You can see some local bands at local clubs absolutely gratis. 你可以免费观赏一些本地的乐队在本地俱乐部的演出。朗文写作活用〔GREEDY〕The greed for power of local politicians is simply amazing. 本地的政客对权力的贪婪简直令人惊讶。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕The majority view seems to be that we need more police officers on local streets. 多数人的意见似乎是需要在本地的街道上增加警力。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕My mother does a lot of fund raising for local charities. 我母亲为本地的慈善机构做了大量的募捐工作。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The main source of work here is public sector employment. 本地的工作职位主要来自公共部门。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕Mrs Busby was always ready to exchange local gossip with the customers who came into her shop. 巴斯比夫人总准备好要和进她商店的顾客交流本地的流言飞语。朗文写作活用〔about〕In my local health centre there's about forty parking spaces.我们本地的保健中心约有40个停车位。柯林斯高阶〔adequate〕The quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes.这产品的质量可以充分满足本地的需求。英汉大词典〔ayah〕A maid or nurse native to India.女佣:印度本地的侍女或护士美国传统〔azonic〕Not restricted to a particular zone or region; not local.非局部地区的,非本地的:不局限于某个特别的地带或地区的;非本地的美国传统〔blind〕International companies are all too often blind to local needs.一些跨国公司往往不了解本地的需求。朗文当代〔brew〕I thought I'd try the local brew.我想我还是尝尝本地的啤酒。牛津高阶〔camporee〕An assembly or gathering of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on a local or district level.地区性童子军集会:本地的或地区级的男童子军或女童子军的集会或聚集美国传统〔club〕She plays at the local tennis club.她在本地的网球俱乐部打球。牛津搭配〔comprehensive school〕Kylie goes to the local comprehensive.凯莉送上的是本地的综合中学。朗文当代〔cook〕He works as a cook in a local restaurant.他在本地的一家饭店里当厨师。朗文当代〔destroy〕This disease threatens to destroy many of our native trees.这种病使本地的许多树木面临毁灭的危险。牛津搭配〔distribution〕Roads are used for local distribution of goods.本地的货物配送通过公路进行。牛津搭配〔eastern〕Native to or growing in the east.东部本地的或长自东部的美国传统〔end〕She wished to have a house built, and to this end she hired a local architect.她希望建所房子,因此请了一个本地的建筑师。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕Local entertainments are listed in the newspaper.本地的娱乐活动刊登在报上。牛津高阶〔ethically〕Mayors want local companies to behave ethically.市长们想让本地的公司遵守行业道德。外研社新世纪〔generosity〕The hospital has now bought a new body scanner, thanks to the generosity of local fund-raisers.多亏本地的资金募集者慷慨相助,这所医院现在购置了一台新的人体扫描仪。牛津搭配〔helpful〕She helpfully suggested that I try the local library.她很热心地建议我试试本地的图书馆。牛津高阶〔homegrown〕The music festival will feature some homegrown talent this year.今年音乐节将由本地的一位演艺天才担当主角。韦氏高阶〔intrinsic〕Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.本地的一些小店铺是这个镇的基本特点。牛津高阶〔newspaper〕He works for a local newspaper.他在本地的一家报社工作。朗文当代〔patronage〕We give our patronage to local shops.我们光顾本地的商店。牛津同义词〔patronize〕I patronize the local shops.我光顾本地的商店。牛津同义词〔polytechnic〕I considered applying to university, but I eventually decided to go to the local poly.我考虑过申请上大学,但最终决定上本地的工艺专科学院。剑桥高阶〔pub〕The local pub is quite good.本地的酒馆相当不错。牛津搭配〔put ... up〕He is willing to put up money on the loeal team.他乐意把钱赌在本地的球队上。21世纪英汉〔school〕I teach in a local school.我在本地的一所学校教书。文馨英汉〔separate〕They kept visiting supporters separate from ours.他们把来自外地的支持者和本地的支持者分开了。牛津同义词〔shop〕I like to shop at locally owned stores.我喜欢去本地的商店购物。韦氏高阶〔site〕The site contains information on local services.这一网站有本地的服务信息。牛津搭配〔soul〕The loss of local shops has destroyed the soul of the community.失去了本地的小店整个社区就失去了精髓。麦克米伦高阶〔so〕People here do not shake hands so much as you do in Europe.本地的人不像欧洲人那么常行握手礼。文馨英汉〔speciality〕The restaurant offers a wide variety of local specialities.这家餐厅提供各种本地的特色菜。朗文当代〔townie〕A permanent resident of a town, especially a resident of a college town who is academically unaffiliated with the local college or university.镇民:城镇的常住居民,尤指大学城镇的居民,但和本地的学院或大学没有任何学术方面的联系美国传统〔vernacular〕Native to or commonly spoken by the members of a particular country or region.本国的;本地的,乡土的:属于或被某一具体的国家或地区的成员普遍地说的美国传统〔vicinal〕Of, belonging to, or restricted to a limited area or neighborhood; local.邻近的;本地的:一个特定区域或邻居的,属于或限制于此的;当地的美国传统〔vicinal〕Relating to or being a local road.地方的,本地的:关于或作为本地区道路的美国传统〔victim〕Our local hospital has become the latest victim of the cuts in government spending.我们本地的医院成了政府削减开支的最新受害者。剑桥高阶〔vintage〕People of my vintage will agree that the local cinema was once a main feature of life.我们那个时代的人都认为本地的电影院曾经是生活的一大特色。外研社新世纪〔zone〕Local zoning laws prohibit building near property lines.本地的规划法禁止在地产边界附近进行建筑施工。柯林斯高阶Foreign companies were prevented from buying local media assets (= media businesses).外国公司不允许购买本地的媒体资产(媒体企业)。牛津商务He makes occasional appearances for the local football team.他偶尔代表本地的足球队露露脸。剑桥国际He works at the local post office. 他在本地的邮局工作。译典通He works in the planning department of the local council.他在本地的市政委员会的规划部工作。剑桥国际My son slavishly (= enthusiastically and without criticism) supports our local football team.我的儿子死心塌地支持本地的足球队。剑桥国际Our local priest preached a sermon on the need for forgiveness.我们本地的牧师作了关于宽恕必要性的布道。剑桥国际Our local team was comprehensively defeated.我们本地的球队被全面击败。剑桥国际Our local vicar is an inspiring and articulate preacher.我们本地的教区牧师讲道时发人深思、语如珠玑。剑桥国际The President met local political leaders last week.总统上周接见了本地的政治领袖。剑桥国际The final accounts were prepared by a firm of local accountants.决算表是由本地的会计师事务所编制的。牛津商务The local postmistress is retiring after forty years.本地的女邮政局长干了40年后要退休了。剑桥国际The regional government is offering tax incentives to companies who move to the region.地方政府对迁入本地的公司给予税收激励。牛津商务There was a lack of local talent, so they hired an actor from London. 因为缺乏本地的明星,所以他们从伦敦雇来一位演员。译典通




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