

单词 本土
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alava〕A cape of northwest Washington State just south of Cape Flattery. It is the westernmost point of the coterminous United States.阿拉瓦角:美国华盛顿州西北部的海角,位于弗莱特利角的正南。它是美国本土的最西端美国传统〔Asian〕A native or inhabitant of Asia.亚洲人:亚洲本土的人或居民美国传统〔Bavarian〕A native or inhabitant of Bavaria.巴伐利亚人:巴伐利亚本土人或居民美国传统〔Byzantine〕A native or inhabitant of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.拜占庭人:拜占庭城或拜占庭帝国的本土人、居民美国传统〔CHOOSE〕They thought of going to Madeira or mainland Spain, but finally plumped for the Canary Islands. 他们考虑过去马德拉群岛,也考虑过去西班牙本土,但最后决定去加那利群岛。朗文写作活用〔Hungarian〕A native or inhabitant of Hungary.匈牙利人:匈牙利本土人或居民美国传统〔Mexican〕A native or inhabitant of Mexico.墨西哥人:墨西哥本土人或居民美国传统〔Nepali〕A native or inhabitant of Nepal.尼泊尔人:尼泊尔本土人或居民美国传统〔Nootka〕A Native American people inhabiting Vancouver Island in British Columbia and Cape Flattery in northwest Washington.努特卡人:居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛和华盛顿西北弗拉特里角的美国本土人美国传统〔Norman〕A native or inhabitant of Normandy.诺曼底的本土人或居民美国传统〔Northumbrian〕A native or inhabitant of Northumberland.诺森伯兰人:诺森伯兰本土人或居民美国传统〔Norwegian〕A native or inhabitant of Norway.挪威人:挪威本土人或居民美国传统〔Scot〕A native or inhabitant of Scotland.苏格兰人:苏格兰本土人或居民美国传统〔Shinto〕A religion native to Japan, characterized by veneration of nature spirits and ancestors and by a lack of formal dogma.神道教:日本本土的一种宗教,以其对自然中的神灵和祖先的尊敬为特征,该宗教没有正规的教义美国传统〔TRAVEL〕The Aborigines are a nomadic people indigenous to Australia. 澳大利亚土著居民是澳大利亚本土的游牧民族。朗文写作活用〔amalgamation〕The amalgamation of Western ideas and the indigenous culture created divided loyalties.西方观念和本土文化并存, 会让人不知该信奉哪一方。外研社新世纪〔colour〕We added your story for a bit of local colour.我们给你的故事加了一些本土色彩。剑桥高阶〔continental〕A native of the continental United States living or working in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.侨居在外的美国人:出生在美国本土,而在波多黎各岛或美属维尔京群岛生活或工作的人美国传统〔continental〕Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.美国本土订单已含运费。柯林斯高阶〔cross-breed〕By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the sika deer have affected the gene pool.梅花鹿通过与我们本土的马鹿杂交, 已经影响了鹿群的基因库。外研社新世纪〔cult〕The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States.那个来自大阪的组合在日本本土很受欢迎,在美国也拥有一批狂热的歌迷。柯林斯高阶〔dependency〕Abbr. dep.A territory under the jurisdiction of a state of which it does not form an integral part.缩写 dep.附属地,附属国:一块在某个国家的司法控制下但又不是该国本土的一部分领土美国传统〔dependent〕Small companies are dependent upon the local economy.小公司依赖本土经济。牛津搭配〔dumping〕German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.德国法律禁止在德国本土倾倒有害废弃物。外研社新世纪〔dumping〕German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.德国法律禁止在德国本土倾倒有害废料。柯林斯高阶〔during〕American business in Britain during the 1950s grew much faster than British business.20 世纪 50 年代,美国企业在英国的发展速度要比英国本土企业快得多。柯林斯高阶〔exotic〕Some native species are being crowded out by exotics.一些本土物种正受到外来物种的排挤。韦氏高阶〔folklore〕The coyote appears in a great deal of Native American folklore.许多美国本土的民间故事中都有草原狼。韦氏高阶〔glocalization〕Our policy of glocalization means that our products are always adapted to specific markets.我们的全球本土化政策意味着我们的产品总是适合特定的市场的。剑桥高阶〔glocalize〕The Managing Director said that the company was determined to glocalize when entering the Indian market.董事经理说在进入印度市场时,公司将致力于全球本土化。剑桥高阶〔homegrown〕She's a homegrown talent.她是本土的天才。剑桥高阶〔invade〕In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.1944 年秋,盟军从安齐奥与萨勒诺攻入意大利本土。柯林斯高阶〔justly〕Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife.澳大利亚人有充分的理由为他们本土的野生动物感到骄傲。外研社新世纪〔little Englander〕His policies might please the little Englanders but they would be a disaster for the country as a whole.他的政策也许会讨好英格兰本土主义者,但是对整个国家来说却将是一场灾难。剑桥高阶〔local time〕It was around 10.15 pm local time, 3.15 am at home.当地时间约为晚上10点15分,本土时间则是早上3点15分。柯林斯高阶〔localize〕There are forces at work today that are simultaneously globalizing and localizing culture.如今, 有多种力量在起作用, 促使文化在全球化的同时本土化。外研社新世纪〔mainland〕The Hebrides are to the west of the Scottish mainland.赫布里底群岛位于苏格兰本土的西面。牛津高阶〔naturalize〕To become naturalized or acclimated; undergo adaptation.顺化,归化:使成为本土的或适应的;经历适应过程美国传统〔observe〕In all these films one observes that directors are taking a new interest in Native American culture.在所有这些电影中,人们发现导演们对美国本土文化产生了新的兴趣。剑桥高阶〔pipe〕The gas is piped from the oilfields in the North Sea to the mainland.天然气用管道从北海的油田输送到本土。外研社新世纪〔pollinate〕Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.给当地植物传粉需要许多本土昆虫。外研社新世纪〔stateside〕He was transferred from Europe to stateside duty.他被从欧洲调回美国本土服役。英汉大词典〔stateside〕It was the band's first stateside tour.这是乐队第一次在美国本土巡演。韦氏高阶〔stateside〕It's a car model that will be sold stateside for the first time next year.明年,这款车将首次在美国本土发售。韦氏高阶〔stateside〕To, toward, or in the continental United States.去美国本土,向美国本土,在美国本土美国传统〔territorial〕A member of a territorial army.本土防卫义勇军成员美国传统In all these films one observes that directors are taking a new interest in Native American culture.在所有这些电影中人们发现导演对美国本土文化产生了新的兴趣。剑桥国际She is well-read, multilingual and with extensive experience of cultures other than her own.她博览群书,能说好几种语言,并有着除她自己本土文化之外的广泛文化经验。剑桥国际




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