

单词 晾干
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕Mexicans traditionally dry chillies in the open air. 墨西哥人传统上都是在露天晾干辣椒的。朗文写作活用〔air-dry〕She let the blanket air-dry before she put it away.她把毯子晾干后收了起来。韦氏高阶〔air-dry〕Sufficiently dry so that further exposure to air does not yield more moisture to be evaporated.晾干的:充分干燥,以使得进一步暴露于空气中也不会有水分的蒸发美国传统〔air-dry〕To dry by exposure to the air.晾干:暴露于空气中使干燥美国传统〔airy〕Dry the bulbs in an airy place and store in a cool dark shed over winter.把球茎放在通风的地方晾干, 然后存放在一个阴凉的棚子里过冬。外研社新世纪〔air〕Leave the towels out to air.把毛巾拿出去晾干。牛津高阶〔air〕Those sheets need to air before they go back on the bed.那些床单得先晾干才能铺回床上。外研社新世纪〔apply〕After applying a thin layer of paint to the wall and letting it dry, apply another coat.在墙上涂一层薄漆并晾干之后,再涂一层。韦氏高阶〔bresaola〕Sliced salt-cured, air-dried beef that is dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper before serving.牛肉干:食用前涂上橄榄油、柠檬汁、黑胡椒的已用盐腌好、晾干了的牛肉片美国传统〔clothesline〕He hung his clothes out to dry on the clothesline across the doorway.他把衣服挂在门口的晾衣绳上晾干。外研社新世纪〔clothesline〕He hung his clothes out to dry on the clothesline across the doorway.他把衣服挂在门口的晾衣绳上晾干。柯林斯高阶〔curl〕Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.要想头发卷最多, 最有光泽, 就让卷发自然晾干。外研社新世纪〔drip-dry〕I washed the shirt and hung it on the line to drip-dry.我洗了衬衫,把它挂在绳子上晾干。韦氏高阶〔drip-dry〕If I were you, I'd hang that sweater on the line and let it drip-dry.我要是你的话,就把毛衣挂在绳子上让它自然晾干。剑桥高阶〔dry off〕My umbrella's drying off in the hall.我的雨伞正放在走廊里晾干呢。韦氏高阶〔dry off〕They are then scrubbed with clean water and left to dry off for an hour or two in a warm room.然后用清水擦洗它们, 再放到一间暖和的屋子里放一到两小时晾干。外研社新世纪〔dry off〕They are then scrubbed with clean water and left to dry off for an hour or two in a warm room.然后用清水擦洗它们,再放到一间暖和的屋子里放一到两小时晾干。柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕Leave your hair to dry naturally whenever possible.尽可能让头发自然晾干。柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕Wash and dry the lettuce.将莴苣洗洗再晾干。柯林斯高阶〔dry〕Hang the clothes up to dry.把衣服挂起来晾干。剑桥高阶〔dry〕I usually let my hair dry naturally.我通常让我的头发自然晾干。麦克米伦高阶〔dry〕Mrs Brown hung the washing on the line to dry.布朗太太把洗好的衣服挂在绳上晾干。朗文当代〔dry〕Wash the salad and leave it to dry off.洗洗凉拌菜,然后把它晾干。麦克米伦高阶〔dry〕We swam in the sea, then stretched out on the sand to dry off.我们在海里游了泳,然后伸开手脚躺在沙滩上把自己晾干。朗文当代〔dry〕Your shirt is drying on the clothesline.你的衬衫正在晒衣绳上晾干。韦氏高阶〔feel〕When dry, feel the surface and it will no longer be smooth.晾干之后,表面摸上去就不再光滑了。柯林斯高阶〔galangal〕The dried roots of this plant.干姜根:晾干了的姜根美国传统〔gourd〕The dried and hollowed-out shell of one of these fruits, often used as a drinking utensil.葫芦瓠:把这种果实掏空晾干以后的外壳,经常用作喝水的容器美国传统〔hang out〕I hung out the sheets to dry.我把床单挂到外面晾干。韦氏高阶〔hang out〕The sheets are hanging out to dry.被单正挂在外面晾干。外研社新世纪〔hang〕Hang the wet things out to dry .把这些湿东西拿出去晾干。朗文当代〔ink〕Allow the ink to dry.等墨水晾干。牛津搭配〔inside〕Turn the bag inside out and let i t dry.把包翻过来晾干。牛津高阶〔laundry〕She did the laundry (=washed the clothes etc) and hung it out to dry.她洗了衣服,然后挂出去晾干。朗文当代〔layer〕Glue the layers together and let them dry.把这几层粘在一起,然后把它们晾干。麦克米伦高阶〔layer〕He paints a base coat, allows it to dry, and then adds layers of paint.他刷上一层底漆,晾干,然后又在上面刷了几层漆。牛津搭配〔lay〕The grapes were laid to dry on racks.葡萄被摊放在架子上晾干。牛津高阶〔nicely〕The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。柯林斯高阶〔paint〕Paint the varnish on and leave it to dry for four hours.涂上清漆,然后等4个小时让它晾干。英汉大词典〔parfleche〕An untanned animal hide soaked in lye and water to remove the hair and then dried on a stretcher.生皮革:一种泡在大碱液和水中以去掉皮上的毛然后放在晾干架上晾干的未鞣的兽皮美国传统〔peel〕Printing A T-shaped pole used for hanging up freshly printed sheets of paper to dry.【印刷术】 T形杆:一种用来将新复印纸张晾干的T形杆美国传统〔proposer〕It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.是乔治首先提议我们把衣服挂在那个储物柜里晾干的。柯林斯高阶〔puddle〕A tempered paste of wet clay and sand that serves as waterproofing when dry.胶土:一种用潮湿的粘土或沙子制成的晾干后可用作防水物的炼硬的糊状物美国传统〔rack〕Spread the flowers out to dry on a rack.把花铺在架子上晾干。牛津搭配〔rinse sth out〕I'll just rinse these glasses out and leave them to dry.我就把这些杯子冲一下,然后晾干。剑桥高阶〔roughdry〕To dry (laundry) without ironing or smoothing out.把(洗的衣服)晾干但不熨平美国传统〔rusk〕Sweet raised bread dried and browned in an oven.甜面包干:一种甜的膨胀面包晾干后在烤箱内烤成褐色的食品美国传统〔skin〕The skins are removed and laid out to dry.皮剥下来,摊开晾干。牛津高阶〔vanilla〕A flavoring extract prepared from the cured seedpods of this plant or produced synthetically.香子兰精,香草精:从这种植物的晾干的心皮中制出的或人工生产的调味精美国传统〔washing〕Hang the washing out to dry.把洗好的衣服挂出晾干。英汉大词典〔washing〕Please hang out the washing to dry.请把洗好的衣服挂在外面晾干。文馨英汉〔windrow〕A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled.摊成行吹干的谷物(或草等):在打成捆之前放在地里晾干的一长排割下的干草或谷物美国传统〔wind〕To expose to free movement of air; ventilate or dry.暴露以使通风;使通风或晾干美国传统〔wood〕This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel.木材:这部分组织经常砍倒并晾干,特别供建筑材料和燃料用美国传统〔wring〕I wrung the towel and hung it up to dry.我拧掉毛巾里的水,然后把它挂起来晾干。韦氏高阶〔wring〕She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.她拧干衬衫并挂到外面晾干。剑桥高阶Hang the clothes up to dry.把衣服挂起来晾干。剑桥国际You can leave your jacket out on the clothesline to air. 你可以把夹克留在绳上晾干。译典通




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