

单词 智慧的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blindness〕her blind faith in the wisdom of the Church. 她对教会智慧的盲目信仰柯林斯高阶〔blind〕her blind faith in the wisdom of the Church她对教会智慧的盲目信仰外研社新世纪〔buffoonery〕the music hall buffoonery of Norman Wisdom. 充满诺曼人智慧的歌舞杂耍滑稽表演柯林斯高阶〔coruscating〕coruscating humour. 充满智慧的幽默柯林斯高阶〔decency〕a judgment reflecting the decency and good sense of the American people 反映美国人民宽容和智慧的评价朗文当代〔destitute〕a man destitute of wisdom 一个缺乏智慧的男人韦氏高阶〔elevated〕elevated philosophical language 充满智慧的哲学语言朗文当代〔extraterrestrial〕the possibility of contact with intelligent extraterrestrials 与有智慧的外星人接触的可能性英汉大词典〔feat〕an exceptional feat of the human intellect 人类智慧的卓越成就韦氏高阶〔font〕a font of knowledge/wisdom 知识/智慧的源泉韦氏高阶〔fount〕a fount of knowledge/justice/wisdom 知识/正义/智慧的源泉韦氏高阶〔gleam〕a gleam of intelligence 智慧的灵光英汉大词典〔gleam〕a gleam of intelligence. 智慧的光芒美国传统〔intellectual〕intellectually challenging 考验智慧的牛津高阶〔intelligent〕an intelligently written article 充满智慧的文章麦克米伦高阶〔intelligent〕forms of intelligent life 有智慧的生命形式朗文当代〔intelligent〕intelligent life existing beyond our solar system 存在于我们太阳系之外具有高度智慧的生命英汉大词典〔intimately〕an intimate connection between madness and wisdom. 疯狂与智慧的密切关联柯林斯高阶〔more〕people with more money than sense 金钱多于智慧的人牛津高阶〔myth〕the myth that wisdom accompanies old age 越老越有智慧的错误观念朗文当代〔overt〕overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering. 公然的敌意;公众智慧的结晶美国传统〔ray〕a ray of intelligence 智慧的闪光 英汉大词典〔realm〕the whole realm of human intellect 人类智慧的整个领域牛津搭配〔self〕to be wisdom's self智慧的化身21世纪英汉〔spark〕the spark of genius. 智慧的火花美国传统〔wisdom〕a great man, who spoke words of great wisdom说话饱含智慧的伟人外研社新世纪〔wisdom〕a man of great wisdom 一个有大智慧的男人朗文当代〔wit〕a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics 一本有关他 30 年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书牛津高阶〔wit〕a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics 一部充分反映他 30 年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书牛津搭配




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