

单词 智商
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔IQ〕an IQ of 130 130 的智商朗文当代〔IQ〕an IQ test智商测试外研社新世纪〔IQ〕children with high IQs 高智商儿童韦氏高阶〔brainy〕a school for brainy kids为高智商儿童开设的学校外研社新世纪〔distribution〕people at the low end of the distribution curve of intelligence 处在智商分布曲线低端的人牛津搭配〔high〕high intelligence 高智商韦氏高阶〔intelligence〕a child of high/average/low intelligence 高智商/普通智商/低智商的孩子剑桥高阶〔intelligent〕a highly intelligent woman 一名高智商女性牛津搭配〔iq〕an IQ of 120 智商 120牛津高阶〔iq〕to have a high/low IQ 智商高╱低牛津高阶〔low〕people with a low IQ低智商的人外研社新世纪〔measure〕mental abilities measured by IQ testing 通过智商测试测量出的心智能力韦氏高阶〔mind〕students with good minds 智商高的学生英汉大词典〔rating〕an IQ rating roughly equivalent to eight-year-olds 基本上等于8岁儿童的智商水平 英汉大词典〔scorer〕the top 2 per cent of scorers in IQ tests. 智商测试中分数在前百分之二的人柯林斯高阶〔score〕an IQ score of 120 智商 120 分牛津高阶〔test〕an IQ/intelligence/aptitude test 智商╱智力╱能力倾向测验牛津高阶




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