

单词 智力迟钝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔retardate〕A mentally retarded person.智力迟钝的人美国传统〔retardation〕Mental retardation.智力迟钝美国传统〔retardation〕The child suffered severe mental retardation.这个孩子患有严重的智力迟钝。韦氏高阶〔retardation〕The mental retardation is evident.智力迟钝是一目了然的。英汉大词典〔retarded〕Relatively slow in mental, emotional, or physical development.智力迟钝的,精神发育迟缓的:在精神、感情或体能发展上相对缓慢的美国传统〔slow-witted〕Slow to comprehend.智力迟钝的美国传统Many generations of inbreeding have made this remote community susceptible to hereditary disorders such as dwarfism and mental retardation.许多代的近亲交配使这偏远地区的群落容易得诸如侏儒症或智力迟钝之类的遗传疾病。剑桥国际The principles of care for people with mental retardation have undergone radical changes over the past 20 years.照顾智力迟钝者的准则在过去的20中经历了彻底的改变。剑桥国际The program offers long-term care for the elderly and intermediate care for the mentally retarded.这一计划为年老者提供长期照顾,并为智力迟钝者提供一定时期的照顾。剑桥国际




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