

单词 beavers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aptitude〕Beavers have an aptitude for building dams.河狸有筑坝的习性。英汉大词典〔dam〕Beavers dammed the stream.河狸在小河上筑起堤坝。韦氏高阶〔lodge〕The den of certain animals, such as the dome-shaped structure built by beavers.巢:动物的巢穴,如海狸造的一种穹顶的巢美国传统〔lose〕The Beavers have dropped only one game since losing to Oregon in January.海狸队自 1 月份败给俄勒冈队以来只输了一场比赛。朗文当代〔transplant〕The group transplanted the beavers to another part of the state.那一组织将海狸迁移到本州的另一地区。韦氏高阶〔underfur〕The soft, fine undercoat of certain mammals, such as otters, beavers, and seals.细软绒毛:水獭,海猩和海豹等哺乳动物的底层细软绒毛美国传统Beavers are traditionally thought of as being hard-working, but recent research has shown that in fact they are not.河狸一贯被认为工作勤奋,但近来的研究表明事实上他们并非如此。剑桥国际




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