

单词 毁掉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-inspired〕a political murder inspired by the same nationalist conflicts now wrecking the country. 正是由正在毁掉该国的民族主义冲突激发的一起政治谋杀柯林斯高阶〔beset〕the problems which beset us and threaten to destroy us困扰我们并可能毁掉我们的难题外研社新世纪〔blight〕a blight on sb.'s life 毁掉某人一生的因素英汉大词典〔blow〕blow up one's career 毁掉自己的事业英汉大词典〔burn away〕the catastrophic fires that devastate communities and burn away millions of acres of forest毁掉居民区并烧光数百万英亩森林的灾难性火灾外研社新世纪〔career〕a car crash which wrecked his career 毁掉他事业的车祸牛津搭配〔cook〕cook sb.'s career 毁掉某人的前程英汉大词典〔culture〕the drug culture that is destroying so many young lives today 毁掉当今这么多年轻生命的毒品文化朗文当代〔disclosure〕a series of disclosures that almost wrecked his career 几乎毁掉他事业的一连串被公开的秘密麦克米伦高阶〔gut〕to gut a building.毁掉建筑物的内部装置。牛津同义词〔jealousy〕a marriage ruined by infidelity and jealousy 被不忠和醋意毁掉的婚姻韦氏高阶〔mess〕get one's life messed up 把自己的一生毁掉英汉大词典〔reputation〕save (ruin) sb.'s reputation 挽回(毁掉)某人的名誉英汉大词典〔scum〕ruined by the thugs, the morons, the scum of the earth被这些恶棍、傻瓜和人渣毁掉的外研社新世纪〔smooth-talking〕the smooth-talking con man who has wrecked their lives那个毁掉了他们生活的巧舌如簧的骗子外研社新世纪〔smooth-talking〕the smooth-talking conman who has wrecked their lives. 这个凭借三寸不烂之舌毁掉了他们的生活的骗子柯林斯高阶〔society〕those responsible for destroying our African heritage and the fabric of our society. 那些毁掉了我们非洲的文化遗产、破坏了我们的社会结构的人柯林斯高阶〔too〕the all too familiar story of a man ruined by his own ambition 再熟悉不过的被自己野心毁掉的男人的故事麦克米伦高阶〔undo〕to undo someone’s good work.把某人的业绩毁掉。牛津同义词




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