

单词 正面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕The window frames on the front of the house were badly warped. 房子正面的窗框已严重变形。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Lacking the generous subsidies that European orchestras receive, modern American groups are under increasing pressure to play popular pieces. 由于缺乏像欧洲的管弦乐团所得到的慷慨资助,现代的美国管弦乐团体正面临越来越大的压力,不得不演奏流行曲目。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The achievements of the 1917 Revolution are now in danger of being forgotten. 1917年革命的成就现在正面临着被忘却的危险。朗文写作活用〔apart〕The Health Service is coming apart, and only a large investment of cash can save it.社会保健服务体系正面临崩溃,只有投入一大笔现金才能拯救它。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕Attach the coupon to the front of your letter.把优惠券附在信的正面。牛津高阶〔axe〕Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm.默西赛德郡一家濒临倒闭的公司有多达 300 名工人正面临被解雇。牛津搭配〔back〕The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back.房屋正面有三间卧室,后面两间。牛津高阶〔barrel〕She found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.她发觉自己正面对着枪口。牛津搭配〔battle〕The government now faces a new battle over tax increases.政府在增税问题上正面临一场新的斗争。牛津搭配〔climactic〕At the climactic moment, the main character of the novel finds herself face to face with the thief.在小说的高潮阶段,女主人公与小偷正面交锋。韦氏高阶〔coin〕What is the probability of the coin landing heads? 硬币落下正面朝上的可能性有多大?牛津搭配〔come〕When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.当你真正面对它时,你就必须承认我是正确的美国传统〔court-martial〕The sergeant is facing a court-martial for failure to obey orders.那位中士因不服从命令正面临军事法庭的审判。韦氏高阶〔crease〕He ironed a crease down the front of each trouser leg.他在每条裤腿的正面熨出一条褶痕来。剑桥高阶〔crisis〕The Labour Party was facing an identity crisis.工党当时正面临着自身认同的危机。牛津高阶〔crisis〕The company is facing its worst ever financial crisis.这个公司正面临着最严重的财政危机。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The cameras cut to the front of the house.摄影机急速掉头,对准房屋的正面。英汉大词典〔directness〕He avoided giving a direct answer.他避免作出正面回答。柯林斯高阶〔downwards〕She placed the photo face downwards on the table.她把照片正面朝下放在桌子上。麦克米伦高阶〔edge〕The company was teetering on the edge of disaster/bankruptcy.这家公司正面临灾难/濒临破产。韦氏高阶〔embellish〕Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser.梳妆台正面用常春藤叶子装饰。外研社新世纪〔embellish〕Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser.梳妆台正面饰有常春藤叶子。柯林斯高阶〔epidemic〕Ireland is facing an alcohol problem of epidemic proportions.爱尔兰正面临泛滥成灾的酗酒问题。外研社新世纪〔faceup〕The cards were dealt faceup.牌是正面朝上发的。韦氏高阶〔face〕A façade.正面美国传统〔face〕Place the card face up on the pile.把纸牌正面朝上放在这一叠的上面。牛津高阶〔famine〕The Sudan is facing a major famine.苏丹正面临大饥荒。外研社新世纪〔fence〕To avoid giving direct answers; hedge.避免正面回答;闪烁其词美国传统〔flight〕The villa is fronted by a flight of stairs.别墅的正面是一段楼梯。牛津搭配〔frontally〕The enemy attacked them frontally.敌人从正面向他们发动进攻。韦氏高阶〔frontal〕In this position the troops would be vulnerable to a frontal attack.部队在这个位置易受正面攻击。麦克米伦高阶〔front〕Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.房子的正面有一条宽大的游廊。柯林斯高阶〔front〕The front of the museum is very impressive.博物馆的正面极为壮观。剑桥高阶〔full-on〕The coalition will face a full-on attack from the Government.这个联盟将面临政府的正面抨击。外研社新世纪〔goody〕The thriller is a genre which depends on goodies and baddies.惊悚小说是一种需要有正面和反面人物的文学体裁。外研社新世纪〔head to head〕Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with American business.加拿大商业无法与美国商业进行正面较量。外研社新世纪〔head-to-head〕He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.他在和国民阵线领袖让-马里·勒庞的正面交锋中获得了胜利。柯林斯高阶〔heavy-duty〕Her plan is facing some heavy-duty opposition.她的计划正面临着强烈的反对。韦氏高阶〔image〕The charity is trying to promote positive images of mental handicap.该慈善机构正在努力提升智障者的正面形象。麦克米伦高阶〔impression〕The candidate made a favorable/positive/good/bad impression.这名候选人给人们留下了不错/正面/良好/不好的印象。韦氏高阶〔lay〕The cards are laid face up on the table.纸牌正面朝上摊在桌上。英汉大词典〔look〕The front of the house looks towards the open sea.房屋的正面朝向大海。英汉大词典〔mantra〕Renard repeats mantras like 'Positive things happen to positive thinkers'.雷纳德一再重复着像“积极的事情发生在正面思考者身上”这样的口号。外研社新世纪〔obverse〕The obverse shows the Queen.正面有女王像。外研社新世纪〔obverse〕The side of a coin, medal, or badge that bears the principal stamp or design.正面:币、奖章或袖标的一面,带有主要的戳或图案美国传统〔opposed〕This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.这是完全对立的目标之间的正面冲突。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕This could pitch the government into confrontation with the workforce.这有可能把政府推向与工人正面交锋的境地。柯林斯高阶〔pitted〕Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.任一处的建筑物正面都布满了弹洞。柯林斯高阶〔plight〕The African elephant is in a desperate plight.非洲象正面临绝境。牛津高阶〔political〕The government is facing another political crisis.政府正面临又一场政治危机。外研社新世纪〔preside〕The government seemed to be presiding over large-scale unemployment.政府似乎正面临着大规模的失业状况。朗文当代〔pressure〕Hospital staff are coming under pressure to work longer hours.医院的工作人员正面临延长工作时间的压力。牛津搭配〔pressure〕The government is facing pressure from environmental activists.政府正面临着来自环境保护主义者的压力。剑桥高阶〔probability〕The probability of a coin coming up heads is one out of every two tries.掷硬币时,正面朝上的概率为50%。韦氏高阶〔purist〕The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.该词典的新版为该语言新增了7,000个词条,纯粹主义者们称该语言正面临威胁。柯林斯高阶〔recto〕A right-hand page of a book or the front side of a leaf, on the other side of the verso.右页,正面:某本书靠右手的页张或一页的正面,在左页的另一面美国传统〔reinforcement〕The children respond well to praise and positive reinforcement.表扬和正面的激励对孩子有良好的效果。牛津搭配〔reinforcement〕We need to give students plenty of positive reinforcement .我们需要给学生足够的正面鼓励。朗文当代〔reinforcement〕You should encourage good behavior with positive reinforcement.你应当用正面的回应来鼓励善行。韦氏高阶〔reverentially〕He reverentially returned the novel to a glass-fronted bookcase.他毕恭毕敬地把小说放回了正面装有玻璃的书架。柯林斯高阶〔revolt〕He was facing a revolt in his own party.他正面临着自己党内的反抗。英汉大词典〔right side out〕He turned his socks right side out.他把他的袜子正面翻到了外面。韦氏高阶〔right〕I dropped my toast, but luckily it fell right side up.我把烤面包掉在地上,但幸好它正面朝上。牛津高阶〔round〕All round the country factories were closing.全国各地都有工厂正面临倒闭。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。柯林斯高阶〔run out〕He ran out of space and had to put his address on the other side of the paper.他把纸的正面写满了,只好把地址写在了背面。韦氏高阶〔shortage〕Industry is facing a serious skills shortage.产业界正面临严重的技术人才匮乏局面。牛津搭配〔sleaze〕The party is facing sleaze allegations.该政党正面临欺骗指控。麦克米伦高阶〔stare〕His party was staring into the abyss.他的政党正面临无尽的深渊。牛津搭配〔storm〕The east coast of Florida bore the brunt of the storm.佛罗里达东海岸受到了风暴的正面侵袭。牛津搭配〔stress〕She is dealing with the stresses of working full-time and going to school.她正面临全职工作和上学带来的压力。韦氏高阶〔suffer〕London employers were suffering from a desperate shortage of school-leavers.伦敦的雇主正面临中学毕业生严重缺失的困境。朗文当代〔sweep〕To cause an immediate and strongly positive response in (a person); impress deeply.给某人深刻印象:使某人产生直接且强烈的正面反应;给某人深刻印象美国传统〔symmetrical〕The front of the church is completely symmetrical.这座教堂的正面完全是对称的。麦克米伦高阶〔tail〕Heads or tails? (你猜)正面还是反面?(以掷硬币碰运气或决定某事时说)英汉大词典〔threatening〕The world faces dangers greater and more threatening than any known in the past.世界正面临比以往任何时候更巨大更严重的危险。英汉大词典〔tough〕Many companies are facing tough competition.许多公司正面临着激烈的竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔tough〕Many homeless people are facing a tough winter.许多无家可归者正面临严冬的考验。剑桥高阶〔underside〕The leaves are green on top and silvery on the underside.那些叶子正面是绿色的,反面是银色的。朗文当代〔unemployment〕Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.成千上万的青年正面临长期待业状况。牛津高阶〔up〕Put the playing cards right side up.把纸牌正面朝上放。朗文当代〔up〕The cards were on the table facing up.纸牌正面朝上放在桌上。韦氏高阶〔verdict〕The critic's verdict about the show was positive.评论家对这次演出的看法是正面的。韦氏高阶〔verso〕Abbr. v.,vo.Printing A left-hand page of a book or the reverse side of a leaf, as opposed to the recto.缩写 v.,vo.【印刷术】 (书的)左页:书中左连的书页或者与正面相反的一页的背面美国传统〔view〕The picture shows a front view of the car.图片展示了汽车的正面。牛津搭配〔way〕Direct confrontation was not his way.正面冲突不是他的风格。柯林斯高阶〔weathered〕The facade of the building was a little weathered.楼正面有点儿斑驳。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕Consumers generally place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.消费者在决定要买什么东西的时候往往更重视负面消息,而不是正面消息。柯林斯高阶〔whole〕Much of the temple was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it.庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。柯林斯高阶Although the building is new, its frontage blends in well with its surroundings.尽管这大楼是新造的,它的正面却与周围环境很好地融合起来。剑桥国际He ironed a crease down the front of each trouser leg.他沿着长裤裤腿的正面烫出一条折痕来。剑桥国际He laid the cards face down on the table. 他将纸牌正面朝下放在桌上。译典通Intel received a boost (= its share price increased) from positive comments made by analysts.分析家正面的评论推了英特尔公司一把(其股价上涨了)。牛津商务Taiwan is facing the crisis of being marginalized in the international arena. 台湾目前正面临在国际场合被边缘化的危机。译典通Taxpayers felt that their money was being put at risk.纳税人觉得他们的钱正面临损失的危险。牛津商务The financial community is suffering from a collapse of confidence.金融界正面临着严重的信心不足。剑桥国际The front of the museum is very impressive.博物馆正面给人印象深刻。剑桥国际They are in danger of losing their political ascendancy (=controlling power).他们正面临失去政治优势的危险。剑桥国际They are under threat from a hostile suitor.他们正面临一场恶意收购。牛津商务We are facing stiff competition from cheap imports.我们正面对来自廉价进口产品的激烈竞争。牛津商务




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