

单词 正直的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Job〕In the Old Testament, an upright man whose faith in God survived the test of repeated calamities.约伯:《旧约》中一个诚实正直的人物,历经危难,仍坚信上帝美国传统〔Mr Clean〕A man who adheres to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct, especially a public figure of unquestioned integrity.克林先生:被认为是有极高人品和知识技能的人物,尤指清白正直的公众人物美国传统〔cast〕In the film she was cast as a hardworking upright middleaged woman.她在这部影片中扮演了一个勤劳正直的中年妇女。21世纪英汉〔crook〕Not honest; crooked.不诚实的;不正直的美国传统〔decent〕Morally upright; respectable.正派的:道德上正直的;值得尊敬的美国传统〔dishonesty〕A dishonest act or statement.不法行为,欺骗:不正直的行为或状态美国传统〔dishonest〕Resulting from or marked by a lack of honesty.不诚实的;不正直的:由缺乏诚实而引起的,或以不正直为特征的美国传统〔dishonorable〕Lacking integrity; unprincipled.不正直的,不道德的美国传统〔honesty〕A judge must be a person of unquestioned probity.法官必须是个无可争议的正直的人。美国传统〔honest〕My dad was the most honest man I ever met.爸爸是我所见过的最正直的人。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕My father was a man of honour and great integrity.我父亲是个高尚正直的人。朗文当代〔hoodwink〕People expect others to be honest, which is why conmen find it so easy to hoodwink people.人们认为别人是诚实正直的, 所以骗子很容易行骗得逞。外研社新世纪〔hoodwink〕People expect others to be honest, which is why conmen find it so easy to hoodwink people.人们认为别人是诚实正直的,所以骗子很容易行骗得逞。柯林斯高阶〔incorruptible〕He was a sound businessman, totally reliable and incorruptible.他是个正直的商人,完全可靠,不会被收买。柯林斯高阶〔incorruptible〕Incapable of being morally corrupted.正直的:道德不会堕落的美国传统〔incorruptible〕Most politicians genuinely believe they are incorruptible.大多数政治家真的相信自己是正直的。剑桥高阶〔incorruptible〕They were wise and incorruptible men.他们是英明正直的人。外研社新世纪〔integrity〕He's a person of great integrity.他是个极为正直的人。文馨英汉〔integrity〕She had a reputation for honesty and personal integrity.她享有诚实和正直的好名声。麦克米伦高阶〔justice〕The quality of being just; fairness.正直的品质;公平美国传统〔live〕He died a peaceful death after having lived well all his days.他度过了正直的一生之后安详地死去了。英汉大词典〔man〕I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.我一向认为他是个正直的人。柯林斯高阶〔paradise〕The abode of righteous souls after death; heaven.善人灵魂安息的乐园:正直的灵魂死后所住的地方;天堂美国传统〔poor〕His parents were honest working poor.他的双亲是正直的穷苦劳动者。英汉大词典〔posterity〕Posterity will remember her as a woman of courage and integrity.后人将会记住她是个勇敢正直的人。韦氏高阶〔right-minded〕Having ideas and views based on what is right or intended to be right.思想正直的,有正义感的:持有基于正直的或意图正确的观点或观念的美国传统〔right-thinking〕I condemn this killing, as all right-thinking people must.我谴责这样的杀戮,所有正直的人都应该这么做。朗文当代〔righteous〕It is not only the righteous who go to church.不光是正直的人才去教堂敬神。牛津同义词〔righteous〕Righteous people considered as a group.正直的人们:被认为正直的一类人美国传统〔rule〕Although he was a fair man, he ruled us with an iron fist.虽然他是个正直的人,但他对我们使用铁腕。朗文当代〔self-righteous〕Piously sure of one's own righteousness; moralistic.伪善的:自己虔诚的认为正直的;伪善的美国传统〔soul〕He is the soul of integrity.他是正直的化身。英汉大词典〔sound〕Free from moral defect; upright.没有道德缺点的;正直的美国传统〔straight shooter〕One who is honest and forthright.诚实、坦白、正直的人美国传统〔straight〕Of or relating to a straight man.严肃的:属于或关于一个正直的人的美国传统〔tribute〕The President led the tributes to 'a great statesman and a decent man'.总统带领大家向“一位伟大的政治家和正直的人”致敬。牛津搭配〔unrighteous〕Not righteous; wicked.邪恶的:不正直的;邪恶的美国传统〔unspotted〕Morally upright.道德上正直的美国传统〔upright〕Adhering strictly to moral principles; righteous.诚实的,公正的:严格地坚守道德规范的;正直的,公正的美国传统〔upright〕He was a good honest upright man.他是位诚实、正直的好人。朗文当代〔upstanding〕Morally upright; honest.正直的,诚实的美国传统〔upstanding〕You look like a nice upstanding young man.你看起来像是一个正直的好青年。外研社新世纪〔upstanding〕You look like a nice upstanding young man.你看起来像是一个正直的好青年。柯林斯高阶〔want〕Whatever his wants, he has always been honest.不管他有什么短处,他的为人还是一贯正直的。英汉大词典He is a man of honor. 他是一个正直的人。译典通He is an upright citizen. 他是个正直的公民。译典通He is the soul of honor. 他是正直的化身。译典通In the film, Cooper is the incorruptible FBI agent working against the drug dealers.在影片中,库珀是个与毒贩作斗争的正直的联邦调查局探员。剑桥国际No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.没有人怀疑董事长是个诚实正直的人。剑桥国际She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.她像所有正直的公民在这种情况下会做的那样做了。剑桥国际She is regarded as an upstanding citizen in the local community.在当地社区她被视作一位正直的市民。剑桥国际The bank is in crisis and needs a leader with clean hands.银行正处于危机之中,需要一个清白正直的人做领导。牛津商务When he started his career he was an honest and decent young man but power had corrupted him over the years.刚开始工作时他是个诚实正直的年轻人,但几年过后权力使他堕落了。剑桥国际




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