

单词 歌星
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ageing〕an ageing rock star 日益年迈的摇滚乐歌星牛津高阶〔ageless〕an ageless pop star 不显老的流行歌星麦克米伦高阶〔androgynous〕an androgynous rock star 半男不女的摇滚歌星韦氏高阶〔comeback〕an ageing pop star trying to stage a comeback 试图重返歌坛的已经上了年纪的流行音乐歌星牛津高阶〔country and western〕a country and western band/song/album/star乡村音乐乐队/歌曲/唱片/歌星外研社新世纪〔devoted〕a rock star's most devoted fans 摇滚歌星的铁杆歌迷韦氏高阶〔diva〕a pop diva 流行乐女歌星剑桥高阶〔fledgling〕fledgling pop stars 初出茅庐的流行歌星麦克米伦高阶〔guard〕pop stars who need to be guarded from their fans 需要保护以免受歌迷骚扰的流行歌星牛津搭配〔heavy〕a rock star who is really heavy. 一位深受欢迎的摇滚歌星美国传统〔idolize〕a pop star idolized by millions of fans 受数百万歌迷崇拜的流行音乐歌星牛津高阶〔idol〕a singing idol 红歌星英汉大词典〔like〕pop stars, film stars, models, and the like 流行歌星、电影明星、模特等等麦克米伦高阶〔mob〕to mob a pop idol.团团围住一位流行音乐红歌星。牛津同义词〔one-woman〕a one-woman show (歌星等的)独女秀,女子个人表演文馨英汉〔pine after〕teenage girls pining after rock stars 热烈追逐摇滚歌星的少女们韦氏高阶〔pop〕a life-size poster of a pop star. 一位流行歌星的等身海报柯林斯高阶〔pop〕a pop singer 流行歌手,歌星文馨英汉〔pop〕a pop star 流行音乐歌星朗文当代〔pop〕a pop star 流行音乐歌星牛津高阶〔poster〕posters of her favourite pop stars 她所喜爱的流行歌星的海报牛津高阶〔prolific〕a pop star with a prolific following of teenage fans 拥有大批少男少女歌迷的流行歌星牛津高阶〔rap〕a rap artist/star 说唱乐艺人/歌星剑桥高阶〔rat pack〕a rat pack of popular singers who were friendly with high government officials. 一群与高级政府官员有密切来往的流行歌星集团美国传统〔rocker〕an ageing rocker 上了年纪的摇滚歌星剑桥高阶〔rock〕a rock concert/band/star 摇滚音乐会/乐队/歌星韦氏高阶〔rock〕a rock star (musician) 摇滚乐歌星(乐手) 英汉大词典〔rock〕a rock star 摇滚歌星剑桥高阶〔star〕a rock/movie/football star 摇滚歌星/影星/足球明星剑桥高阶〔star〕pop/rock/Hollywood, etc. stars 流行音乐歌星、摇滚歌星、好莱坞影星等牛津高阶〔storied〕the rock star's storied career 那位摇滚歌星尽人皆知的演唱生涯牛津高阶〔superannuated〕superannuated rock stars 过气摇滚歌星牛津高阶〔surviving〕the famous singer's only surviving descendant 这位著名歌星唯一一个尚活在世上的后裔麦克米伦高阶〔teen〕a rock star and teen idol 一名摇滚歌星,青少年的偶像朗文当代〔vedette〕a music-hall vedette 音乐厅歌星英汉大词典〔wannabe〕wannabe novelists/models/pop stars 想成名的小说家/模特儿/流行歌星麦克米伦高阶〔wannabe〕wannabe pop stars 想当流行歌星的人朗文当代




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