

单词 歌剧
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕In the real world no one actually dies of a broken heart, but it happens in operas all the time. 在现实世界里不会真有人心碎而死,歌剧中这种事却时有发生。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The opera was sung with brilliant clarity and precision. 那场歌剧演唱得极其清晰、精准。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕The whole opera lasts about four hours. 整部歌剧大约要演四小时。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕I know he's keen on opera. Let's take him to see "La Traviata'. 我知道他爱看歌剧,我们带他去看《茶花女》吧。朗文写作活用〔Philistine〕You have some of the best opera in the world, some of the best theatres, and yet you are all Philistines.你们拥有一些世界上最好的歌剧、最好的剧院, 但你们却都是没文化的庸人。外研社新世纪〔SLEEP〕Can you imagine paying all that money to see an opera, and then sleeping through the whole thing? 你能想象吗?花了那么多钱去看歌剧,却从头到尾都在睡觉!朗文写作活用〔Schwarzkopf〕German soprano. The foremost female interpreter of lieder of her time, she is also known for her performances in the operas of Strauss and Mozart.史瓦兹柯夫,唐·依莉萨白:德国女高音。她是她那个时代抒情曲首席女解析者,同时也因其在斯特劳斯和莫扎特歌剧中的表演而闻名美国传统〔TELL〕What does the guidebook say about the Opera House? 这本指南对歌剧院是怎么介绍的?朗文写作活用〔applaud〕The audience applauded wildly at the end of the opera.观众在歌剧结束时狂热地鼓掌喝彩。21世纪英汉〔arioso〕A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.咏叙调:一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同美国传统〔aspirational〕Fine music, particularly opera, has become aspirational, like fine wine or foreign travel.高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。柯林斯高阶〔attender〕He was a regular attender at the opera.他是歌剧院的常客。外研社新世纪〔awkward〕The opera was marred by an awkward aria.整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不够熟练美国传统〔basso〕A bass singer, especially an operatic bass.低音歌手:低音歌手,尤指演唱歌剧的低音部分美国传统〔boring〕She finds opera boring.她觉得歌剧很乏味。剑桥高阶〔building〕The opera house is one of the city's landmark buildings.这座歌剧院是该市的地标性建筑之一。牛津搭配〔bundle〕People round here don't go a bundle on opera.这里的人不喜欢歌剧。麦克米伦高阶〔collaboration〕Rock musicians are working in collaboration with an orchestra to create a new opera.摇滚音乐家正在与管弦乐队合作创作一出新歌剧。牛津搭配〔confess〕Nick confessed to being a secret opera fan.尼克承认自己私下里很迷恋歌剧。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role.雷根希歌剧院说服她扮演这一角色从而取得了巨大成功。外研社新世纪〔dial〕She dialled into the opera broadcast.她调到歌剧广播节目。21世纪英汉〔dress circle〕A section of seats in a theater or opera house, usually the first tier above the orchestra.剧院花楼:剧院或歌剧院的一个座席区,一般是乐队上方第一层楼厅的座位美国传统〔epode〕The part of a choral ode in classical Greek drama following the strophe and antistrophe and sung while the chorus is standing still.第三段颂:希腊古典歌剧中合唱对在从右到左、 从左到右回舞并唱颂歌之后站在原地唱的颂美国传统〔full-length〕Stravinsky's only full-length opera 斯特拉文斯基唯一的一部足本歌剧朗文当代〔fuse〕Opera and pantomime fuse to create pure magic.歌剧和哑剧融合形成纯粹的魔术。麦克米伦高阶〔gifted〕Gifted with a superb voice, she became the Opera's leading soprano.她天生一副好嗓子,成了歌剧团的领衔女高音。朗文当代〔grand opera〕A serious or melodramatic drama having the entire text set to music.大歌剧:一种严肃的或通俗的戏剧,有配合音乐的整段歌词美国传统〔harness〕At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel, the conductor appointed music director last year.在北方歌剧公司,他将和去年指挥指定的音乐总监保罗·丹尼尔通力合作。柯林斯高阶〔heart〕He likes music but has no heart for grand opera.他喜欢音乐,但并不爱好大型歌剧。英汉大词典〔heroine〕Violetta is one of the great tragic heroines of opera.维奥莉塔是歌剧中重要的悲剧女主人公之一。牛津搭配〔highbrow〕They only attend highbrow events such as the ballet or the opera.他们只参加高雅活动例如观看芭蕾舞或歌剧美国传统〔horrifically〕Opera productions are horrifically expensive.歌剧演出耗资惊人。外研社新世纪〔house〕The opera played to a full/packed house.该歌剧演出时观众爆满。剑桥高阶〔in small doses〕I can only stand opera in small doses.歌剧我只能欣赏一小会儿。剑桥高阶〔interpreter〕Over the years Freni has been one of the supreme interpreters of Puccini's heroines.多年来弗雷尼一直是普契尼歌剧女主角的最佳表演者之一。柯林斯高阶〔libretto〕The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.歌词:一部生动的音乐作品的内容,如歌剧的歌词美国传统〔lustre〕These young people have given opera a new lustre.这些年轻人使歌剧增添了新的光彩。英汉大词典〔melodrama〕This image of women owes more to Victorian melodrama than it does to the reality of modern life.比起现代生活中的现实情景, 这种女性形象的建立更多地归功于维多利亚女王时代的歌剧。外研社新世纪〔opera house〕Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院外研社新世纪〔opera〕Are you interested in opera?你对歌剧音乐感兴趣吗?外研社新世纪〔opera〕He is studying opera.他正在学习歌剧。韦氏高阶〔opera〕He was also learned in classical music with a great love of opera.他还是个酷爱歌剧的古典音乐专家。柯林斯高阶〔opera〕I am going to an opera tonight.我今晚准备去看歌剧演出。韦氏高阶〔opera〕Italian opera 义大利歌剧文馨英汉〔opera〕Puccini's operas 普契尼的歌剧牛津高阶〔oversubscribe〕The opera season was oversubscribed.这场歌剧的票已被超额订购一空美国传统〔packed out〕Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings.每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。牛津高阶〔popularize〕It was Pavarotti in the 1980s who really popularized opera.帕瓦罗蒂在20世纪80年代真正推动了歌剧的大众化。剑桥高阶〔presentation〕Blackpool Opera House's presentation of 'Buddy', the musical布莱克浦歌剧院上演的音乐剧《老兄》外研社新世纪〔prima donna〕Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候, 她在皇家卡尔•罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。外研社新世纪〔recitative〕A style used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas in which the text is declaimed in the rhythm of natural speech with slight melodic variation.宣叙调:歌剧、清唱剧和大合唱中用到的一种风格,其特点是台词是以有节奏地自然地叙说而出现的,其旋律变化很小美国传统〔recitative〕The opera made use of recitative.这部歌剧中使用了宣叙调。韦氏高阶〔recording〕I bought a recording of Maria Callas singing Verdi.我买了一张玛丽亚.卡拉斯演唱威尔地歌剧的唱片。剑桥高阶〔repertoire〕The stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other pieces that a player or company is prepared to perform.全部剧目:某一个演员或剧团随时准备表演的全部歌曲、戏剧、歌剧、读物或其它作品美国传统〔revival〕A new presentation of an old play, movie, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle.复兴,重新流行:旧的戏剧、电影、歌剧、芭蕾或类似媒介物的新出现美国传统〔role〕She sings the title role in Tosca.在歌剧《托斯卡》中,她演唱的是剧名角色。牛津搭配〔scene〕The scene of this opera is laid (或set) in Switzerland.这部歌剧的场景安排在瑞士。英汉大词典〔show〕She pretends to be interested in opera, but it's only for show.她装出一副对歌剧感兴趣的样子,但那只不过是装门面罢了。牛津搭配〔singer〕Dame Joan Sutherland was one of the great opera singers of the century.琼•萨瑟兰女爵士是这个世纪的伟大歌剧歌唱家之一。外研社新世纪〔sing〕For five years I didn't sing opera on stage at all.我已经5年未上台演唱歌剧了。英汉大词典〔sing〕Pavarotti is singing Rodolfo (= singing the part of Rodolfo) in "La Bohème" at La Scala this week.帕瓦罗蒂本周将在拉斯卡拉剧院扮演歌剧《波希米亚人》中的鲁道夫。剑桥高阶〔soprano〕She has sung soprano in many major operas.她在很多大型歌剧中唱过女高音。牛津搭配〔soprano〕The soprano part in this opera is very demanding 这部歌剧的女高音声部很难唱。牛津搭配〔subscribe〕Are you going to subscribe to the opera this season? 你要购买这一季的歌剧联票吗?麦克米伦高阶〔subsidiary〕The Department offers a course in Opera Studies as a subsidiary subject.系里开了一门《歌剧研究》作为辅修课。外研社新世纪〔symphony〕An instrumental overture or interlude, as in early opera.序曲,插曲:由乐器演奏的前奏曲或插曲,如在早期歌剧中美国传统〔synonymous〕Until the late 18th century, 'opera' was almost synonymous with Italian opera.直到 18 世纪晚期,提到“歌剧”人们还只想到意大利歌剧。牛津搭配〔take〕We took in more theatres, an opera, a couple of ballets.我们还看了更多的戏,一场歌剧,还有两三场芭蕾舞。英汉大词典〔theme〕Freia's theme in Wagner's opera 瓦格纳歌剧中的女神弗莱雅主题朗文当代〔top out〕On 16 February 1999 the renovated Royal Opera House was formally topped out.1999年2月16日翻新整修的皇家歌剧院正式封顶。外研社新世纪〔underplay〕He underplayed the comic elements of the opera.他没有把这出歌剧的喜剧成分表演得淋漓尽致。21世纪英汉〔vintage〕The opera is vintage Rossini.这部歌剧是罗西尼的最佳代表作。牛津高阶A number of luminaries from the opera world were performing--it was a real gala affair.歌剧界的许多名人在表演----这是一个真正的盛会。剑桥国际Carmen is a well-known opera. 《卡门》是一部有名的歌剧。译典通He describes opera as the glorious fusion of music and high drama.他把歌剧描绘成音乐和高雅戏剧的光辉融合。剑桥国际He wrote operas, orchestral works, and songs, but is best known for his piano music.他写歌剧,交响乐和歌曲,但最有名的是他的钢琴曲。剑桥国际Her plans of becoming an opera singer will never be more than a pipe dream -- her voice is really not good enough.她成为一名歌剧演唱家的打算永远只能是个白日梦----她的嗓子不够好。剑桥国际His compositions include six symphonies and three operas.他的作品包括六部交响乐和三部歌剧。剑桥国际His mother was an opera singer. 他的母亲是一位歌剧演唱家。译典通I don't like opera very much.我不太喜欢歌剧。剑桥国际I know you love opera, but honestly it leaves me cold.我知道你喜欢歌剧,但坦率地讲我对它并不感兴趣。剑桥国际I like having surtitles at the opera, because it makes it easier to understand.我喜欢看打字幕的歌剧,这样比较容易看懂。剑桥国际I prefer light opera to the more serious stuff.我喜欢轻歌剧胜过严肃的题材。剑桥国际In the opera ‘The Magic Flute’, the Queen of the Night makes a grand entrance in Act I (= her entrance attracts everyone's attention).在歌剧《魔笛》中,夜晚女神在第一幕上台时十分引人注目。剑桥国际Jean's dotty about opera.琼热衷于歌剧。剑桥国际Long stretches of the opera are played in almost total darkness, a conceit that makes the audience work hard to work out what's going on.歌剧中连续很长时间台上几乎一片漆黑,这是使得观众百思不得其解的别出心裁的把戏。剑桥国际Mozart's opera “The Marriage of Figaro”is a good example of the genre of comic opera.莫扎特的歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》是喜歌剧这种样式的一个好例子。剑桥国际She's a great opera lover (= she likes it very much).她是个歌剧迷。剑桥国际The Opera Ball is an extravaganza that has been held annually for 40 years.歌剧舞会是一年一度已经举行了40年的盛事。剑桥国际The opera clicked. 这出歌剧轰动一时。译典通The opera singer arrived with her attendant lackeys.歌剧演员和照料她的仆人一起到达。剑桥国际The opera singer returns to the London stage (= will perform again in London) this summer.这歌剧演员将会在今夏回到伦敦舞台。剑桥国际The opera star is a fine bass. 这位歌剧明星是优秀的男低音歌手。译典通The opera star wanted in her later years. 那位歌剧明星晚年生活困苦。译典通The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.这部歌剧对于听觉和视觉都是一种享受。剑桥国际The opera was first produced in 1970. 这个歌剧是在1970年首次演出的。译典通The touring company will do a return performance of that opera (= they will perform it again).巡回剧团将再度演出那场歌剧。剑桥国际There is a supreme moment (= one which causes great pleasure) at the end of the opera.歌剧接近尾声时达到最高潮。剑桥国际This recording of “Cosi fan tutte” has been criticized for its lack of pace (= being too slow).人们批评歌剧《女人心》的录音缺乏动感。剑桥国际We usually buy season tickets (Am and Aus subscription (tickets) for the Opera House.我们总是买歌剧院的统票。剑桥国际




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