

单词 晶体
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIQUID〕The crystals dissolve in water to create a purple liquid. 结晶体在水中溶解,形成一种紫色的液体。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Some crystals are so small, a microscope is needed to make them out. 有些晶体小得要用显微镜才能看见。朗文写作活用〔acicula〕A slender, needlelike part or structure, such as the spines or bristles of some plants and animals and the crystals of certain minerals.针,刺:针状物,如动物和植物上的脊椎或刺毛和某些矿物的结晶体美国传统〔active-matrix〕Of or relating to a liquid-crystal display that uses individual transistors to control the charges on each cell in the liquid-crystal layer.活性点阵:液晶体显示的或与其相关的,用晶体管分别控制液晶体层上每一个点的能量美国传统〔amplifier〕Electronics A device, especially one using transistors or electron tubes, that produces amplification of an electrical signal.【电子学】 放大器:尤指利用晶体管或电子管使电子信号放大的仪器美国传统〔base〕The electrode attached to this region.晶体管内的电子:附着在晶体管这个区域的电子美国传统〔base〕The region in a transistor between the emitter and the collector.基极:晶体管中发射极和集电极之间的区域美国传统〔bath salts〕A perfumed crystalline substance for softening bathwater.浴盐:一种有香味的结晶体,可使浴水软化美国传统〔bubble bath〕A perfumed preparation, such as powdered crystals or a liquid, added to bath water to make it foam.泡沫浴液:加入浴水中使之产生泡沫的带香味的粉状晶体或液体美国传统〔carbon〕Diamonds are crystals of pure carbon.钻石是纯碳的结晶体。牛津搭配〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔chemical bond〕Any of several forces or mechanisms, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which atoms or ions are bound in a molecule or crystal.化学键:使原子或离子结合成分子或晶体的力量或历程,尤指离子键、共价键和金属键美国传统〔chiastolite〕A mineral variety of andalusite with carbonaceous impurities regularly arranged along the longer axis of the crystal.空晶石:红柱石的一种矿物质,沿着晶体的长晶轴上有规律地排列着含碳杂质美国传统〔citrine〕A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.黄水晶,茶晶:一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体美国传统〔clay mineral〕Any of various hydrous silicates that have a fine crystalline structure and are components of clay.粘土矿物:一种有精细晶体结构的含水硅酸盐,是粘土的构成成分美国传统〔crystal detector〕A rectifying detector used especially in early radio receivers and consisting of a semiconducting crystal in point contact with a fine metal wire.晶体检波器:尤指在早期的无线电接收机中使用的检波器,由一块与一条细金属丝以点接触的半传导性晶体构成美国传统〔crystal set〕An early radio receiver using a crystal detector.晶体检波接收机:一种使用晶体检波器的早期无线电接收机美国传统〔crystalline〕Being, relating to, or composed of crystal or crystals.晶体的,晶体物的:成为、关于由晶体或晶体物组成的美国传统〔crystalline〕Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.钻石是碳元素的晶体结构。柯林斯高阶〔crystalline〕Resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline.晶体状的:象晶体的,如在结构或轮廓的透明度象晶体的美国传统〔crystallite〕Any of numerous minute rudimentary, crystalline bodies of unknown composition found in glassy igneous rocks.雏晶:任一种在玻璃状火成岩中发现的未知微粒晶体矿物美国传统〔crystallize〕To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure.结晶,晶化:使形成晶体或采取晶体的结构美国传统〔crystallize〕To coat with crystals, as of sugar.包糖,涂糖霜:用晶体涂上,如用糖美国传统〔crystallography〕The science of crystal structure and phenomena.晶体学:一门研究晶体结构和现象的学科美国传统〔crystalloid〕Botany Any of various minute crystallike particles consisting of protein and found in certain plant cells, especially oily seeds.【植物学】 拟晶体:任一种由蛋白质构成的类似晶体的细微颗粒,发现于某些植物的细胞,尤其是在油料种籽中美国传统〔crystalloid〕Chemistry A substance that can be crystallized.【化学】 类晶质:一种能够被晶体化的物质美国传统〔crystalloid〕Resembling or having properties of a crystal or crystalloid.晶体的:象晶体的或有晶体或类晶质性质的美国传统〔crystal〕Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals.卷云是由冰的结晶体构成的。剑桥高阶〔dendrite〕A rock or mineral bearing such a mark or marks.树枝石,树枝矿:带有树枝状矿物晶体的岩石或矿物美国传统〔dichroism〕The property possessed by some solutions of showing different colors at different concentrations.二向色性:某些晶体在沿不同轴观看时,而呈现两种不同的颜色的性质美国传统〔dome〕Chemistry A form of crystal with two similarly inclined faces that meet at an edge parallel to the horizontal axis.【化学】 晶坡面:晶体的两面倾斜度基本相同,交线与水平轴平行的一种形式美国传统〔dopant〕A substance, such as boron, added in small amounts to a pure semiconductor material to alter its conductive properties for use in transistors and diodes.掺杂质,掺质剂:加入纯半导体材料中的少量硼等物质,用于晶体管和二极管中以改变半导体的导电率美国传统〔efflorescence〕A growth of salt crystals on a surface caused by evaporation of salt-laden water.起霜:盐晶体增多,由盐水蒸发引起的表层起霜美国传统〔effloresce〕To become a powder by losing water of crystallization, as when a hydrated crystal is exposed to air.风化:当氢化晶体暴露在空气中时,晶体丧失水分而变成粉末的现象美国传统〔etch〕The acid etched holes in the crystal surface.那种酸在晶体表面蚀刻出一些小孔。柯林斯高阶〔face〕Any of the surfaces of a rock or crystal.表面:岩石或晶体的表面美国传统〔flexibility〕The flexibility of the lens decreases with age.眼球晶体的可调节性随着年龄增长而减退。外研社新世纪〔gallium arsenide〕A dark-gray crystalline compound, GaAs, used in transistors, solar cells, and semiconducting lasers.砷化镓:一种深灰色的晶体材料,CaAs,用于晶体管、太阳能电池和半导体激光美国传统〔geode〕A hollow, usually spheroidal rock with crystals lining the inside wall.晶球:带有排列在洞壁的晶体的球状空岩石美国传统〔gum〕Any of various viscous substances that are exuded by certain plants and trees and dry into water-soluble, noncrystalline, brittle solids.树胶:某些植物和树木分泌出的一种粘性物质,干燥后成为溶于水的非晶体、易碎的固体美国传统〔habit〕Characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth, especially of a plant or crystal.习性,特性:典型的外貌、形式或生长方式,尤指植物和晶体美国传统〔homeomorphism〕Chemistry A close similarity in the crystal forms of unlike compounds.【化学】 同质异晶:不同化合物组成的晶体在形状上的极其类似美国传统〔huddle〕Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement.数百人挤在一台晶体管收音机周围收听公告。柯林斯高阶〔hypoeutectic〕Having the minor component present in a smaller amount than in the eutectic composition of the same components.亚共晶的:有比同样组成成分的共晶体少数量的美国传统〔interconvert〕The ordinary and extraordinary rays were interconverted when the crystals were placed at right angles.晶体成直角置放时,寻常光与非寻常光便互相转换。英汉大词典〔isodimorphism〕Isomorphism between crystalline forms of two dimorphic substances.同二晶现象:两种双晶物质的晶体形式的同形性美国传统〔isometric〕Of or being a crystal system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other.等轴晶的:由三根相等的轴彼此以直角相交构成的晶体系统的美国传统〔isomorphism〕A close similarity in the crystalline structure of two or more substances of similar chemical composition.同晶性:两种或更多种具有相似化学组成的物质的晶体结构间的近似性美国传统〔jasper〕An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown.碧玉,水苍玉:一种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英美国传统〔metallic bond〕The chemical bond characteristic of metals, in which mobile valence electrons are shared among atoms in a usually stable crystalline structure.金属键:金属所特有的化学键,金属键中的游离价电子被分配在处于通常稳定的金属晶体结构的原子中美国传统〔microcrystalline〕Having a crystalline structure visible only under a microscope.微晶质的:有只在显微镜下才可见的晶体结构的美国传统〔millerite〕A nickel sulfide mineral, NiS, usually occurring in long hairlike crystals and sometimes used as a nickel ore.针镍矿:一种镍硫化物矿物质,NiS,通常呈长发状晶体,有时用作镍矿石美国传统〔ocellus〕A small simple eye, found in many invertebrates, usually consisting of a few sensory cells and a single lens.单眼:小而简单的眼,出现于多种无脊椎动物,通常含有一些感官细脆和单一眼睛水晶体美国传统〔orthorhombic〕Of or relating to a crystalline structure of three mutually perpendicular axes of different length.正交的:属于、关于不同长度的三条相互垂直的轴线所组成的晶体结构的美国传统〔perfectly〕The crystal is perfectly symmetrical.这晶体完全对称。英汉大词典〔periclase〕A mineral form of magnesium oxide, MgO, usually occurring in cubic crystals or grains.方镁石:一种镁的氧化物,常以立方体晶体或粒状出现美国传统〔pericline〕A variety of albite occurring as elongated white crystals.周缘:在白色晶体上延长的各种钠长石美国传统〔phenocryst〕A conspicuous, usually large, crystal embedded in porphyritic igneous rock.斑晶:嵌在斑状火成岩中的一种显眼的、通常很大的晶体美国传统〔pleochroism〕The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.多向色性:当沿不同的轴线观察时,某些晶体显示出不同的色彩,尤指三种不同色彩的性质美国传统〔point defect〕A departure from symmetry in the alignment of atoms in a crystal that affects only one or two lattice sites.点缺陷:一种晶体的原子线性排列的不对称,它只影响一个或两个栅格美国传统〔polar〕Sodium chloride forms polar crystals.氯化钠形成极性晶体。外研社新世纪〔porphyry〕Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix.斑岩:含有嵌入致密的合成基质的相对较明显的长石晶体的岩石美国传统〔potassium iodide〕A white crystalline compound, KI, used in photography and medicine and as an analytical reagent.碘化钾:白色晶体状化合物,KI,用于照相术及制药中,也用作分析试剂美国传统〔prism〕A crystal form consisting of three or more similar faces parallel to a single axis.斜方晶:有三个或三个以上类似的面,且各面均平行于一根轴的一种晶体形式美国传统〔rock candy〕A hard confection that is made by cooling a concentrated sugar syrup into large, clear crystals around a piece of string or a stick.冰糖,硬棒糖:一种把浓缩的糖浆冷却成大颗透明的晶体,并将其串在细绳或小棍上而制成的硬糖果美国传统〔selenite〕Gypsum in the form of colorless clear crystals.透明石膏:形态是无色透明晶体的石膏美国传统〔separate〕The salt crystals separated out of the liquid.盐晶体从液体中分离了。韦氏高阶〔sodium chloride〕A colorless or white crystalline compound, NaCl, used in the manufacture of chemicals and as a food preservative and seasoning.氯化钠:一种无色或白色晶体状化合物,Nacl用于化学品的生产并用作食物防腐剂和调味品美国传统〔sodium cyanide〕A poisonous white crystalline compound, NaCN, used in extracting gold and silver from ores and in dye manufacture.氰化钠:一种有毒的白色晶体状化合物,NaCN,用于从矿石中提取金银或用于印染工业美国传统〔sodium fluoride〕A colorless crystalline salt, NaF, used in fluoridation of water, in treatment of tooth decay, and as an insecticide and a disinfectant.氟化钠:一种无色晶体盐,NaF,用于水的加氟、蛀牙的防治及杀虫剂和消毒剂美国传统〔solid propellant〕A rocket propellant in solid form, combining both fuel and oxidizer in the form of a compact, cohesive grain.固体推进剂:一种固体形式的火箭推进剂,是既含燃料又含氧化剂的密集聚合的晶体美国传统〔sour salt〕Crystals of citric acid used in cooking.酸盐:柠檬酸的晶体,用于烹饪美国传统〔stem〕The tubular glass structure mounting the filament or electrodes in an incandescent bulb or vacuum tube.晶体管管座:将灯丝或电极装入白炽灯泡或真空管的管状玻璃结构美国传统〔suspensory ligament〕A ligament that supports an organ or a body part, especially a fibrous membrane that holds the lens of the eye in place.悬韧带:支撑一器官或身体部位的韧带,尤指固定眼球晶体的纤维膜美国传统〔transistor〕A transistor radio.晶体管收音机美国传统〔transmit〕These thin crystals transmit much of the power.这些薄薄的晶体传导了大部分的动力。外研社新世纪〔transmit〕These thin crystals transmit much of the power.这些薄薄的晶体传导了大部分的动力。柯林斯高阶〔trapezohedron〕Any of several forms of crystal with trapeziums as faces.偏方三八面体:任一种各面均为不规则四边形的水晶体美国传统〔triclinic〕Having three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. Used of certain crystals.三斜的:具有三个相交为斜角的不相等的轴的。用于某些晶体美国传统〔trimorph〕A substance that occurs in three distinct crystalline forms.三异晶体同质矿物:一种以三种不同的结晶形式出现的物质美国传统〔troostite〕A white or colored crystalline mineral, a variety of willemite, in which the zinc is partly replaced by manganese.锰硅锌矿:一种白色或彩色的晶体状矿物质,是硅锌矿一个种类,其中的锌部分被锰所代替美国传统〔twinned〕Mineralogy Formed by the process of twinning. Used of crystals.【矿物学】 孪晶:由孪晶过程形成的。用于晶体美国传统〔uniaxial〕Having one direction along which double refraction of light does not take place. Used of a crystal.单轴晶体的:有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体美国传统〔vacancy〕A crystal defect caused by the absence of an atom, an ion, or a molecule in a crystal lattice.空位:晶体里由于缺少一个原子、一个离子或一个分子造成晶格位置缺陷美国传统〔veratrine〕A poisonous mixture of colorless crystalline alkaloids extracted from sabadilla seeds and formerly used medicinally as a counterirritant.藜芦混碱:一种从沙巴草籽中提取的无色晶体生物碱的有毒混合物,以前在医疗中被用作对抗刺激剂美国传统〔vitreous humor〕The clear gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens.玻璃体:充满视网膜与晶体之间眼球的无色清晰透明胶状物质美国传统〔water of crystallization〕Water in chemical combination with a crystal, necessary for the maintenance of crystalline properties but capable of being removed by sufficient heat.结晶水:与晶体化学结合的水,对保持晶体特征十分必要,但能够被足够的热量除去美国传统〔whisker〕Chemistry An extremely fine filamentary crystal with extraordinary shear strength and unusual electrical or surface properties.【化学】 强化水晶:一种极度精纯的针状结晶体,具有超常的剪应力及不同寻常的电性及表面属性美国传统〔x-ray crystallography〕The study of crystal structure by means of x-ray diffraction.X射线晶体学:用X射线衍射来研究晶体结构的学科美国传统〔xenocryst〕A crystal foreign to the igneous rock in which it occurs.捕获晶:在火成岩内部形成的外来晶体美国传统A laser beam is sometimes used on the surface of a damaged eye to reshape the lens.激光有时可用来修复受损伤的眼睛的晶体。剑桥国际Each mineral has crystals of a particular shape. 每种矿物的晶体都有其特殊的形状。译典通Quartz crystal is found in Brazil.在巴西境内发现了石英晶体。剑桥国际Quartz crystals are widely used in digital watches.石英晶体被广泛运用于数字显示表中。剑桥国际Techniques were developed to hook many transistors into chips. 将许多电晶体联结到晶片上的技术已发展成了。译典通The boy can make crystal sets. 那个男孩会做晶体收音机。译典通The exact shape of each snow crystal is determined by the weather conditions.雪的每片结晶体的具体形状取决于天气条件。剑桥国际The pictures showed cracks and other irregularities in otherwise perfectly regular crystals.这些图片显示出在其他方面都很规则的晶体中的一些裂缝及其他的凹凸不平。剑桥国际Using a single chip instead of a transistor array reduces (the) noise on the output signal by 90%.利用单个集成块代替晶体管阵,降低90%的输出信号噪声。剑桥国际When seawater is allowed to evaporate, salt crystals are deposited.海水被蒸发后,盐的结晶体就沉淀下来了。剑桥国际




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