

单词 有机物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕Coal is formed naturally from decomposed organic matter. 煤是由分解的有机物质自然形成的。朗文写作活用〔allometry〕The study of the change in proportion of various parts of an organism as a consequence of growth.关于异速生长的研究:对有机物生长结果不同组成部分比例变化的研究美国传统〔ammonification〕Production of ammonia or ammonium compounds in the decomposition of organic matter, especially through the action of bacteria.分解成氨作用:尤指通过细菌作用产生氨或氨化物的有机物分解作用美国传统〔amphidiploid〕An organism or individual having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.双二倍体的个体:具有从父母双亲获得的两套染色体的有机物或个体美国传统〔anatomical〕Related to the structure of an organism.与有机物结构相关的美国传统〔anatomize〕To dissect (an animal or other organism) to study the structure and relation of the parts.解剖:解剖(动物或其它有机物)来研究其结构及各部分之间的关系美国传统〔anatomy〕The science of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts.解剖学:研究有机物及组成部分形状和结构的科学美国传统〔ancestor〕Biology The actual or hypothetical organism or stock from which later kinds evolved.【生物学】 物种原形:演化成后来各物种的真实存在的或假设的有机物美国传统〔aneuploid〕A cell or an organism characterized by an aneuploid chromosome number.非整倍体:具有非整倍染色体数目的细胞或有机物美国传统〔aquatic〕An organism that lives in, on, or near the water.生活在水中,水上或水边的有机物美国传统〔beta〕The second position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.第二位,β位:有机物分子结构中位于距指定碳原子的第二个位置,在此位置上原子或原子团可被取代美国传统〔biodynamics〕A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered.生物动力学:有机物栽培和作物培养的一种方法,需要考虑如行星作用和季节轮换等因素美国传统〔biogas〕A mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by bacterial degradation of organic matter and used as a fuel.生物气:有机物质经细菌降解而产生的甲烷与二氧化碳混合物,用作燃料美国传统〔biolysis〕The decomposition of organic material by living organisms, such as microorganisms.生物分解:有机物质被生物所分解,如微生物美国传统〔butanol〕Either of two butyl alcohols derived from butane and used as solvents and in organic synthesis.丁醇:由丁烷制得的两种丁醇的任何一种,用作溶剂和用于有机物的合成美国传统〔cannabinoid〕Any of various organic substances, such as THC, found in cannabis.大麻酯:存在于大麻中的任一种有机物质,如四氢大麻酚美国传统〔cellular respiration〕The series of metabolic processes by which living cells produce energy through the oxidation of organic substances.细胞呼吸作用:活细胞通过有机物质的氧化作用产生能量的一系列新陈代谢过程美国传统〔clone〕An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding.无性生殖的有机物:由单细胞无性生殖的有机物,例如经压植培育的植物或经发芽生成的水螅美国传统〔consumer〕A heterotrophic organism that ingests other organisms or organic matter in a food chain.取食者:一种在食物链中摄食其它有机体或部分有机物质的异养有机体美国传统〔decay〕The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot.腐烂:有机物质由于细菌的活动而受到的破坏或分解;腐烂美国传统〔decomposer〕An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.腐生菌;腐生物:一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分美国传统〔decompose〕Bacteria and fungi help decompose organic matter.细菌和真菌能促使有机物的腐败。韦氏高阶〔decomposition〕Biology Breakdown or decay of organic materials.【生物学】 腐烂;分解:指有机物的分解或腐败美国传统〔digestion〕The process of decomposing organic matter in sewage by bacteria.细菌分解:用细菌在阴沟里分解有机物的过程美国传统〔eurybathic〕Capable of living in a wide range of water depths. Used of an aquatic organism.(水生生物)广深性的:能生存于广阔的深水域中。通常是用于水生有机物美国传统〔euryhaline〕Capable of tolerating a wide range of salt water concentrations. Used of an aquatic organism.(水生生物)广盐性的:能够忍受各种浓度的盐水域。通常是用于水生有机物美国传统〔filter feeder〕An aquatic animal, such as a clam, barnacle, or sponge, that feeds by filtering particulate organic material from water.滤食动物:一种通过从水中滤取特殊的有机物质作为食物的水生动物,例如蛤蚌、藤壶或海绵动物美国传统〔fomite〕An inanimate object or substance that is capable of transmitting infectious organisms from one individual to another.无生命传染物,传染体:一种无生命的物体或物质,可使感染性的有机物从一人身上传播到另一人身上美国传统〔gene pool〕The collective genetic information contained within a population of sexually reproducing organisms.基因库:一整套基因信息,包括一群有性生殖的有机物美国传统〔halophile〕An organism that requires a salty environment.适盐生物:需要盐分环境的一种有机物美国传统〔heterophyte〕A plant, such as a parasite or saprophyte, that obtains its nourishment from other living or dead organisms.异养植物:一株从其他的活的或死的有机物身上得到养分的植物,如寄生植物或腐生植物美国传统〔holophyte〕An organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis.自养的:经由行光合作用自行制造养分的有机物美国传统〔holozoic〕Obtaining nourishment by the ingestion of organic material, as animals do.全动物营养的:像动物一样摄取有机物而获得营养美国传统〔hydrotaxis〕Movement of an organism in response to moisture.趋水性:一个有机物对水分的反应而产生的运动美国传统〔inorganic〕Not composed of organic matter.不是有机物构成的美国传统〔leaf mold〕Humus or compost consisting of decomposed leaves and other organic material.腐殖土:由腐烂的树叶和其它有机物质组成的腐殖土壤或堆肥美国传统〔life form〕The characteristic morphology of a mature organism.生命体:一个有机物在成年时特有的体形美国传统〔life history〕The history of changes undergone by an organism from inception or conception to death.生活史:有机物从初期或胚胎到死亡所经历的各种变化的历史美国传统〔life〕The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.生命:活的有机物特有的状态或状况美国传统〔litter〕The uppermost layer of the forest floor consisting chiefly of fallen leaves and other decaying organic matter.(树林里的)枯枝落叶层:森林地表的最上一层,主要由落叶和其他有机物组成美国传统〔loam〕Soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter.肥土:由沙、粘土、淤泥而有机物混合组成的土美国传统〔low〕Biology Of relatively simple structure in the scale of living organisms.【生物学】 低级的:有机物的等级中有相对简单结构的美国传统〔microgamete〕The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy.小配子:一对并合配子中较小的一个,通常是由异配产生的有机物中的雄性美国传统〔mildew〕A superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper, or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp conditions.变色,退色:某些有机物质,如布料、纸张或皮革,其表面由菌类作用而形成的薄层或褪色,尤其在潮湿的环境中美国传统〔mildew〕Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials.霉,霉菌:通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成白色生长物的菌类中的一种美国传统〔modification〕Biology Any of the changes in an organism caused by environment or activity and not genetically transmissable to offspring.【生物学】 诱发变异:由环境或行为引起的但不遗传给后代的有机物的变化美国传统〔mold〕Any of various fungi that often cause disintegration of organic matter.真菌:能引起有机物质的分解的真菌美国传统〔nidus〕Pathology A central point or focus of bacterial growth in a living organism.【病理学】 滋生的地方,生长处:在活的有机物中细菌滋长的中心点或聚集地美国传统〔nitrogen fixation〕The conversion by certain soil microorganisms, such as rhizobia, of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that plants and other organisms can assimilate.细菌固氮:通过某种的土壤微生物,如根瘤细菌,将大气氮变为植物和其他有机物能吸收的化合物的转化美国传统〔organically〕Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity.在白垩质土壤中添加有机物可降低其碱性。柯林斯高阶〔organic〕A quarter of the contents of an average family's dustbin is organic matter.一个普通家庭的垃圾桶里有1/4的东西是有机物质。剑桥高阶〔organic〕Adding organic matter such as manure can improve the soil.施粪肥之类的有机物能够改良土壤。朗文当代〔organic〕Improve the soil by adding organic matter.加入有机物以改良土壤。牛津高阶〔organic〕The rocks were carefully searched for organic remains.为寻找有机物残余对岩石作了仔细的搜索。英汉大词典〔organotropism〕The attraction of certain chemical compounds or microorganisms to specific tissues or organs of the body.亲器官性,向器官性:某化合物或微有机物对身体特定组织或器官的亲和性美国传统〔petrifaction〕A process of fossilization in which dissolved minerals replace organic matter.石化作用,化石:溶解的矿物质代替有机物的石化过程美国传统〔petrify〕To convert (wood or other organic matter) into a stony replica by petrifaction.使石化:使(木头或其它有机物)通过石化作用转变成为石质复制品美国传统〔phenotype〕An individual or group of organisms exhibiting a particular phenotype.有共同表型的生物群体:展示一种特殊表现型的个体或群体有机物美国传统〔photobiology〕The study of the effects of light on living organisms and biological processes.光生物学:从事光对活的有机物和生物过程影响的研究美国传统〔photodynamics〕The science that deals with the activating effects of light on living organisms.光动力学:研究光对活的有机物的激发效应的科学美国传统〔photoperiod〕The duration of an organism's daily exposure to light, considered especially with regard to the effect of the exposure on growth and development.光周期:有机物每天暴露于阳光的时间,着重考虑的是暴露于阳光对生长和发展的影响美国传统〔photosensitize〕To make (an organism, a cell, or a substance) photosensitive.使感光:使(有机物、细胞或物质)感光的美国传统〔phototaxis〕The movement of an organism or a cell toward or away from a source of light.趋光性:有机物或细胞移向或躲避光源的运动美国传统〔phyletic〕Of or relating to the evolutionary descent and development of a species or group of organisms; phylogenetic.系统发育的;线系的,种族的:一个物种或一群有机物的进化和发展的;或与之有关的;系统发育的美国传统〔polytrophic〕Subsisting on various types of organic material. Used of certain bacteria.广食性的:靠各种有机物质来生存的,用于某些细菌美国传统〔productivity〕Ecology The rate at which radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers.【生态学】 生产率,生产速率:生物生产者利用太阳能生产有机物质以为消费有机体提供食物的速率美国传统〔sapropel〕A mud rich in organic matter formed at the bottom of a body of water.腐殖泥:一种形成于底部的富含有机物的泥美国传统〔saprophagous〕Feeding on decaying organic matter.食腐的:以腐烂的有机物为食的美国传统〔saprozoic〕Obtaining nourishment by absorption of dissolved organic and inorganic materials, as in protozoans and some fungi.腐生的:依靠从分解的有机物或无机物中吸取养分的,如某些原生动物或真菌美国传统〔sediment〕Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice.沉积物:由岩石风化产生的无机物或有机物的固体碎片,经风、水或冰带动而形成的沉积美国传统〔smoke〕The vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic material, such as wood or coal.烟:由空气中的含碳物质小颗粒形成的气态结构,主要由于燃烧木头或煤炭等有机物而形成美国传统〔soil〕The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter.土壤:地球表面的最表层,由岩石与有机物质混杂在一起的矿物粒构成美国传统〔tar〕A dark, oily, viscous material, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood, coal, or peat.焦油:一种黑色的油状黏稠物质,主要含碳氢化合物,通过对有机物质(如木材、煤炭或泥炭)进行干馏而制得美国传统〔tophus〕A concretion of mineral salts and organic matter deposited on the surface of the teeth.牙石:牙齿表面结晶形成的盐类矿物和有机物质的混合固体美国传统〔triploid〕A triploid organism or cell.三倍体:三倍体的有机物或细胞美国传统〔unorganized〕Having no organic qualities; inorganic.无机的:不具有有机物性质的;无机的美国传统〔variety〕An organism, especially a plant, belonging to such a subdivision.亚种:属于这样细小分支的一种有机物,尤其是植物美国传统A quarter of the contents of an average family's dustbin is organic matter.一个普通家庭的垃圾箱里有四分之一的东西是有机物质。剑桥国际All our products are certified 100% organic.我们的所有产品均获证明是 100% 的有机物。牛津商务Oil-yielding organic matter is contained in the shales. 在这些页岩里有产油的有机物质。译典通Peat is an organic substance which is formed when plants partially decompose.泥炭是植物部分分解时形成的有机物质。剑桥国际The display case contained organic remains found in the tomb -- seeds, dried fruit, and small pieces of leather and bone.展示箱里有在坟墓里找到的有机物残余----种子、干枯的水果、小块的皮革碎片和骨头。剑桥国际




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