

单词 有斑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appaloosa〕A breed of saddle horse developed in northwest North America, characteristically having a spotted rump.阿帕卢萨马:北美洲西北部的一种乘骑用马,特征为尾部有斑点美国传统〔crinkle〕If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves, do not use it for propagation.如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。柯林斯高阶〔cucumber mosaic〕A viral disease of the cucumber and many other plants, characterized by mottled and curled leaves and misshapen and mottled fruits.黄瓜花叶病:黄瓜以及其它多种植物生的一种病毒病,其特征是有斑驳卷曲的叶子并结畸形斑驳的果实美国传统〔dapple-gray〕A horse having a coat of mottled gray.菊花青马:带有斑点的灰色毛皮的马美国传统〔dappled〕Spotted; mottled.有斑点的;斑驳的美国传统〔dapple〕Mottled or spotted marking, as on a horse's coat.斑点:有花纹或有斑点的条纹,如马身上的美国传统〔dapple〕To mark or mottle with spots.有斑点,成斑驳:用点作标记或使斑驳杂色美国传统〔flecked〕The meadows were still flecked with white.草地上仍然有斑驳的白雪。外研社新世纪〔frosting〕A roughened or speckled surface imparted to glass or metal.毛面:玻璃或金属粗糙或有斑点的表面美国传统〔lean〕The child has skinny, freckled legs with prominent knees.那孩子的腿很瘦,长有斑痕,膝盖突出”。美国传统〔maculate〕Spotted or blotched.有斑点的或有污渍的美国传统〔maculate〕To spot, blemish, or pollute.使有斑点、玷污或污染美国传统〔mealy〕Flecked with spots; mottled.有粉斑的,有花斑的;有斑点的美国传统〔mottled enamel〕Discolored and spotted tooth enamel caused by excessive amounts of fluorides in drinking water.斑釉:由于饮用水中含有过量氟化物而引起的无色有斑牙釉美国传统〔ocellated〕Having spots.有斑点的美国传统〔patch〕Which has spots, a leopard or a tiger? 有斑点的是豹还是虎?牛津高阶〔pied〕Patchy in color; splotched or piebald.杂色的;有斑纹的,花斑的美国传统〔pinto bean〕A form of the common string bean that has mottled seeds and is grown chiefly in the southwest United States.斑豆:普通有筋的豆的一种,种子有斑点,主要产于美国西南部美国传统〔speckled〕Dotted or covered with speckles, especially flecked with small spots of contrasting color.有斑点的:有斑点的或布满斑点的,尤指布满具有对比色彩的小斑点的美国传统〔spotty〕Having or marked with spots; spotted.有点子的,有斑点的:有或被赋上斑点;有斑点的美国传统〔spot〕Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? 有斑点的是豹还是虎?牛津高阶〔thrush〕Any of numerous migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae, usually having brownish upper plumage and a spotted breast and noted for a clear melodious song.鸫:鸫种的多种迁徒鸣禽之一,身体上部羽毛通常为褐色,胸部有斑点,叫声清脆且有韵律美国传统〔tiger moth〕Any of numerous, often brightly colored moths of the family Arctiidae, characteristically having wings marked with spots or stripes.灯蛾:灯蛾科的多种色彩鲜艳且翅膀上有斑点或条纹的飞蛾美国传统〔varicolored〕Having a variety of colors; variegated.杂色的:具有多样的颜色的;有斑点的美国传统〔zebrine〕Related to, resembling, or characteristic of a zebra.斑马的:与斑马有关的、与斑马相似的或具有斑马特征的美国传统The singer Michael Jackson has a private menagerie of zebras, llamas and giraffes.歌手迈克尔·杰克逊有一个拥有斑马、骆马和长颈鹿的私人动物园。剑桥国际




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