

单词 次等
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕I want the best -- I don't want some inferior model that's going to break down the first time I use it. 我要最好的—我不想要一个一用就坏的次等型号。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕Most household goods sold here are substandard, but food is plentiful and cheap. 这里出售的大多数家用商品都是次等的,但食品却货源充足,价格低廉。朗文写作活用〔amygdule〕A small gas bubble in igneous, especially volcanic, rock filled with secondary minerals such as zeolite, calcite, or quartz.杏仁孔:尤指含有次等矿物(如沸石、方解石和石英)的火成岩里的小气泡美国传统〔bargain-basement〕He shudders at the prospect of presiding over the degradation of the U. S. into a bargain-basement superpower.在美国沦为次等超级大国之际当美国总统的前景使他不寒而栗。英汉大词典〔barrel〕As the best men had been picked, we had to scrape the barrel.由于第一流人才已被选走,我们只好起用仅剩的次等人才了。英汉大词典〔caste〕Any of four classes, comprising numerous subclasses, constituting Hindu society.印度的世袭等级:构成印度社会的、由无数个次等级组成的四个社会等级之一美国传统〔caste〕Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.种姓:根据印度教仪式的纯洁性划分的无数个世袭的、内部通婚的次等级之一美国传统〔flock〕An inferior grade of wool added to cloth for extra weight.(供植绒用的)短绒:植于布上用来增加重量的次等羊毛美国传统〔morganite〕A rosy-pink variety of beryl, valued as a semiprecious gem.铯绿宝石:一种玫瑰粉色的透明的绿宝石,其价值被视为次等宝石美国传统〔palm off〕Joseph made sure that he was never palmed off with inferior stuff.约瑟夫确保自己从不会被骗买一些次等原料。柯林斯高阶〔remove〕Three removes are as bad as a fire.【谚】搬家三次等于火烧一次。英汉大词典〔rotgut〕Raw, inferior liquor.劣等酒:一种搀假的次等酒美国传统〔schlockmeister〕One who produces or deals in inferior or shoddy goods or material.劣货制造者或次品供应者:生产或买卖劣等或次等商品或材料的人美国传统〔suborder〕A subdivision of a category termed an order.类型中的第二级别,次等级美国传统〔torture〕The waiting must be torture for you.这次等待对你来说肯定是一种煎熬。朗文当代〔woodgrain〕A veneer made of plastic, vinyl, inferior wood, or other material that is designed to have the appearance and often the texture of finely grained wood.木制板面:用塑料、乙烯基、次等木材或是其它原料作成的一层胶合板,通常为呈现木材表面的精美纹理美国传统Just get in line and wait your turn like everyone else.排到队伍里面去和别人一样依次等候。剑桥国际




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