

单词 朗姆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕I usually stir a generous quantity of rum into the cake mixture. 我通常在蛋糕混合料中拌入大量的朗姆酒。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕For the party, they had concocted a special cocktail containing, among other things, rum and vodka. 为了这次聚会,他们用朗姆酒、伏特加酒和其他东西调制了一种特殊的鸡尾酒。朗文写作活用〔Tom and Jerry〕A hot drink consisting of rum or another liquor, a beaten egg, milk or water, sugar, and spices.热奶蛋花酒:一种含朗姆酒或其它烈酒、打碎的鸡蛋、牛奶或水、糖以及各种作料的热饮料美国传统〔age〕This rum has been carefully aged for smoothness and good taste.这种朗姆酒经多年小心存放已成陈酒,醇和可口。英汉大词典〔allotment〕The sailors drank their daily allotment of rum.水手们喝掉了他们每天分到的朗姆酒美国传统〔daiquiri〕An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.代基里酒:一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒美国传统〔eggnog〕A drink consisting of milk or cream, sugar, and eggs beaten together and often mixed with an alcoholic liquor such as rum or brandy.蛋奶酒:用牛奶或奶油、糖和蛋搅拌而成,通常混有朗姆酒或白兰地等酒的饮料美国传统〔grog〕An alcoholic liquor, especially rum diluted with water.格洛格酒:一种酒,尤指用水稀释的朗姆酒美国传统〔gulp〕He snatched her glass of rum and drank it in one gulp.他抓过她的那杯朗姆酒一口就喝了下去。麦克米伦高阶〔hard sauce〕A creamy sauce of butter and sugar with rum, brandy, or vanilla flavoring, served chilled with puddings, gingerbread, or fruitcakes.甜奶油汁:一种由黄油和糖加朗姆酒、白兰地或香草香精调配而成的冷冻后为布丁、姜饼及水果蛋糕调味的奶油调味汁美国传统〔lace〕He had laced her milk with rum.他在她的牛奶里加了少量朗姆酒。牛津高阶〔mai tai〕A cocktail made with rum, curaçao, and fruit juices.媚态酒,迈泰鸡尾酒:用朗姆酒、库拉索酒和果汁配制的一种鸡尾酒美国传统〔mellow〕The rum began to mellow her.朗姆酒使她开始略有醉意。英汉大词典〔mincemeat〕A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.甜馅:由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅美国传统〔mint julep〕A tall, frosted drink made of bourbon whiskey or sometimes brandy or rum, sugar, crushed mint leaves, and shaved ice.薄荷朱利酒:用波旁威士忌,有时用白兰地或朗姆酒,加糖、碎薄荷叶和薄冰配成的度数较高的冰冻酒美国传统〔part〕Mix three parts rum to one part lemon juice.将三份朗姆酒和一份柠檬汁混合。外研社新世纪〔piña colada〕A mixed drink made of rum, coconut cream, and unsweetened pineapple juice.果叶朗姆冰酒:用朗姆酒、菠萝汁和椰子汁调和而成的酒美国传统〔planter's punch〕A drink of rum with lemon or lime juice, sugar syrup, water or soda, bitters, and grenadine.朗姆鸡尾酒:由朗姆酒同柠檬或莱姆酸橙汁、糖浆、水或苏打、苦啤酒和石榴汁混合而成的饮料美国传统〔poison〕He drank freely of rum. The poison had taken effect, and he stumbled.他狂饮朗姆酒。酒性发作,他步履踉跄。英汉大词典〔pony〕Pour the rum into a pony.把朗姆酒倒进一个小酒杯中。外研社新世纪〔pour〕He poured three glasses half full of rum.他往3个杯子里各斟了半杯朗姆酒。英汉大词典〔rum〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane.朗姆酒,糖蜜酒:从发酵的糖蜜或甘蔗中提取的一种含酒精的液体美国传统〔rum〕He ordered a rum and Coke.他点了一杯朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔rum〕I'll have a (glass of) rum.我要一杯朗姆酒。剑桥高阶〔screwdriver〕Al-Shehhi was drinking screwdrivers while a companion drank rum and Coke.阿尔希西在喝“螺丝起子”鸡尾酒, 一位同伴则在喝朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔swizzle〕Any of various tall mixed drinks usually made with rum.混合朗姆奶酒:一种通常用朗姆酒制成的由多种不同饮料混合成的饮料美国传统〔tafia〕A cheap rum distilled from molasses and refuse sugar in the West Indies.塔非西亚酒:一种产于西印度群岛的用糖蜜和糖浆渣滓酿成的劣质朗姆酒美国传统〔tipple〕His favourite tipple was rum and lemon.他最爱喝的饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁。牛津高阶〔tot〕He poured them each a generous tot of whisky/rum.他慷慨地给他们每个人都倒了一杯威士忌/朗姆酒。剑桥高阶〔trifle〕A dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry, rum, or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly, custard, and whipped cream.屈莱弗甜食:涂了果酱、果冻、牛奶蛋糊和掼奶油并在雪莉酒、朗姆酒或白兰地中浸渍的蛋糕甜食美国传统〔uncap〕He uncapped the bottle and poured out some rum.他打开瓶盖,倒出一些朗姆酒。剑桥高阶〔unheard of〕Long lines of people had queued up to buy at the unheard-of rate of two bottles of rum for $3.人们排起了长队, 以破天荒的3美元两瓶的价格抢购朗姆酒。外研社新世纪〔zombie〕A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒:由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料美国传统I got very drunk on rum when I was 16, and now the mere smell of it makes me feel nauseous.在16岁时,我曾因喝朗姆酒而喝醉,现在,一丝朗姆酒气味就会使我感到恶心。剑桥国际I'll have a (glass of ) rum.我要一杯朗姆酒。剑桥国际Rum and coke is my favourite drink.朗姆酒与可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。剑桥国际Truffles are often flavoured with rum.块菌形巧克力经常有朗姆酒的味道。剑桥国际We rounded the meal off with a chocolate and rum cake.我们用一块巧克力和朗姆蛋糕圆满结束了这顿饭。剑桥国际




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