

单词 服完
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNSUITABLE〕Her outfit was completely unsuited to the tropical climate. 她的衣服完全不适合热带天气。朗文写作活用〔f.i.t.〕The dress fitted her perfectly.这衣服完全合她的身。21世纪英汉〔fit〕This dress fits perfectly.这件衣服完全合身。文馨英汉〔hitch〕He went back to college after doing his hitch in the army.服完兵役后他又回到了大学。韦氏高阶〔match〕You don't have to match your lipstick exactly to your outfit.你不一定非要让唇膏的颜色同礼服完全搭配。柯林斯高阶〔military service〕He's completed 30 years of active military service.他已经服完 30 年的现役。牛津高阶〔serve〕Dillon's almost served out his sentence (=in prison) .狄龙快服完刑了。朗文当代〔stint〕He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.他刚刚服完义务兵役。剑桥高阶He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.他刚服完义务兵役。剑桥国际Her decision to wear only black clothes was pure caprice. 她决定只穿黑衣服完全是忽发奇想。译典通




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