

单词 abrupt
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔French leave〕An informal, unannounced, or abrupt departure.不告而别:一种不正式、没宣告或突然的离别美国传统〔PARTY〕Around about 2 am, the partying came to an abrupt halt. 大约在凌晨2点左右,聚会突然停止了。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕His new boss was abrupt and didn't seem interested in his proposals. 他的新老板态度粗鲁,对他的建议似乎没有兴趣。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕As Jamie spoke, the train came to an abrupt halt, nearly throwing us all on the floor. 杰米正说着,火车突然停车,差一点把我们都摔到地板上去。朗文写作活用〔SUDDENLY〕His departure was abrupt and completely unexpected. 他的离去很突然,完全出乎意料。朗文写作活用〔SUDDENLY〕The police brought the demonstration to an abrupt end. 警方把示威游行一下子镇压了下去。朗文写作活用〔SUDDENLY〕There has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues. 政府在这些问题上的想法来了个180度的大转弯。朗文写作活用〔abruptly〕Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.她鲁莽的态度让克罗斯感到有点吃惊。柯林斯高阶〔abruptly〕He was abrupt to the point of rudeness.他的唐突已到了无礼的地步。柯林斯高阶〔abruptly〕His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.他的拂袖而去必然会招来很多疑问。柯林斯高阶〔abruptly〕Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜田园诗般美好的世界陡然画上了句号。柯林斯高阶〔abruptly〕The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness.经济衰退让这幸福戛然而止。柯林斯高阶〔abrupt〕Below this depth, there is an abrupt shift to colder, saltier water.在这一深度以下, 水陡然变得更冰冷, 咸度更大。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕He is sometimes very abrupt with clients.他有时对待客户非常粗鲁。剑桥高阶〔abrupt〕He made an abrupt turn to avoid hitting another car.他猛地一个急转弯,以避免撞上另一辆汽车。英汉大词典〔abrupt〕He was a bit abrupt with me.他对我态度有些生硬。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.他不期离去必然会招来很多疑问。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.乔治突然冲进房间里,我们的谈话戛然而止。剑桥高阶〔abrupt〕Our friendship came to an abrupt end.我们的友谊突然中止了。麦克米伦高阶〔abrupt〕Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜悠静闲适的美好生活陡然画上了句号。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕She disliked David's abrupt manner.她不喜欢戴维态度生硬。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕She has an abrupt manner.她举止粗鲁。韦氏高阶〔abrupt〕She was very abrupt with me in our meeting.我们会面时,她跟我说话非常生硬。牛津高阶〔abrupt〕Sorry, I didn't mean to be so abrupt.对不起,我不是故意这样无礼的。朗文当代〔abrupt〕Successful employee-owned companies require abrupt culture changes.经营成功的员工持股公司需要彻底地改变企业文化。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕The continental shelf is very narrow, and terminates seaward in an abrupt slope.大陆架非常狭窄, 尽头处形成向海洋深处延伸的陡坡。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕The garden opens out onto a wooded cliff top and an abrupt plunge to the water below.从花园再往外就是树木茂盛的悬崖顶, 峭壁直插入水。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness.经济衰退让幸福戛然而止。外研社新世纪〔abrupt〕The road came to an abrupt end.那条路突然就到头了。韦氏高阶〔abrupt〕The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.道路沿一个险峭陡坡俯冲到海边,就到了尽头。剑桥高阶〔abrupt〕The sales clerks were abrupt and impatient with the customers.销售人员对待顾客态度唐突且缺乏耐心。麦克米伦高阶〔abrupt〕The storm caused an abrupt power failure.暴风雨导致了突如其来的停电。韦氏高阶〔abrupt〕There are abrupt weather changes.天有不测风云。英汉大词典〔abrupt〕There was an abrupt change in the weather.天气突变。韦氏高阶〔address〕His address was abrupt.他谈吐粗鲁。外研社新世纪〔bark〕The harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog.吠声:刺耳的短促的狗叫声美国传统〔bark〕To utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog.吠,吼叫:发出刺耳短促的狗叫声美国传统〔bathos〕An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果美国传统〔breakdown〕Electricity The abrupt failure of an insulator or insulating medium to restrict the flow of current.【电学】 击穿:绝缘体或绝缘介质突然无法制止电流通过美国传统〔brief〕Curt; abrupt.简慢的;唐突的美国传统〔brushoff〕An abrupt dismissal or snub.拒绝:粗暴的摈弃,不理睬美国传统〔check〕An abrupt stop in forward movement or progress; a halt.中断:在前进的运动或过程中突然停止;中断美国传统〔check〕To come to an abrupt halt; stop.突然中断;停止美国传统〔churlish〕He was abrupt and curt and often downright churlish.他唐突而草率, 常常十分无礼。外研社新世纪〔clack〕To cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound.使发出短促、尖锐的声音美国传统〔clack〕To make an abrupt, sharp sound, as in the collision of two hard surfaces.噼啪作响:发出短促、尖锐的声音,如两个坚硬表面碰撞时的声音美国传统〔collapse〕An abrupt failure of function, strength, or health; a breakdown.崩溃:功能、力量或健康方面的突然衰退;崩溃美国传统〔come〕After the election our funding came to an abrupt halt.大选过后,我们的资金突然断了来源。朗文当代〔come〕The convoy came to an abrupt halt.护送队突然停住美国传统〔congé〕An abrupt dismissal.突然的罢免美国传统〔crisis〕An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.危机:政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即将来临的突然变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态美国传统〔crosshatch〕Abrupt gradients on the map are indicated by crosshatch.地图上陡峭的坡道用交叉排线表示。英汉大词典〔cut〕An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换美国传统〔disappearance〕How could he explain his abrupt disappearance from the party? 他如何解释聚会上他突然不见了?牛津搭配〔discountenance〕He was discountenanced by her abrupt rejection of his invitation to dinner.她粗鲁地拒绝他吃饭的邀请弄得他很窘。英汉大词典〔disorientation〕An abrupt change of location can be disorienting.地点的突然改变会令人迷失方向。柯林斯高阶〔drop-off〕A steep or abrupt downward slope.陡坡:陡的下坡美国传统〔ejaculation〕An abrupt discharge of fluid, especially of seminal fluid.射精:突然排放液体,尤指排放精液美国传统〔ending〕I was surprised by the abrupt ending to the conversation.这场对话突然结束,让我很感意外。牛津搭配〔entrance〕At their abrupt entrance, he rose to his feet.见他们唐突闯入,他连忙站了起来。英汉大词典〔excuse ... for〕Excuse me for my abrupt question.请原谅我这个唐突的问题。21世纪英汉〔exit〕Carole's abrupt exit from their lives 卡萝尔突然从他们的生活中消失了牛津搭配〔flirt〕An abrupt, jerking movement.迅速而急促地运动美国传统〔flounder〕His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly.他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。牛津高阶〔geniculate〕Having kneelike joints; able to bend at an abrupt angle.膝状的:有膝状关节的;能以较陡的斜度弯曲的美国传统〔gruff〕These adjectives mean abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech.这些形容词意为粗鲁,有时意为在行为或言语上无礼。美国传统〔gust〕A strong, abrupt rush of wind.一阵突然强风美国传统〔halt〕The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.公共汽车在学校外面猛地停了下来。牛津搭配〔halt〕The thought brought her to an abrupt halt.她一想到这个便猛地停下了。牛津高阶〔harshly〕Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, 'Open these trunks!'.然后他又突然厉声说道,“把这些大箱子打开!”柯林斯高阶〔harshness〕Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, 'Open these trunks!'接着, 他又突然厉声说道:“打开这些箱子!”外研社新世纪〔jab〕To make an abrupt poking or thrusting motion.刺,戳:做猛烈的或者粗鲁的刺或戳美国传统〔jerk〕A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.突然的意外动作,如猛拉或扭曲美国传统〔jerk〕To throw or toss with a quick abrupt motion.急投:以一个快速的意外动作扔或投美国传统〔lightning〕An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere.闪电放电:大气中突然而又不连贯的自然放电现象美国传统〔lurch〕An abrupt rolling or pitching.突然的摇晃或坠落美国传统〔masterful〕His manner was masterful and abrupt.他的举止专横唐突。韦氏高阶〔nosedive〕These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.这些政策使得建筑业的形势急转直下。牛津高阶〔off-balance〕Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject.马林斯突然改变话题,这让我措手不及。柯林斯高阶〔pluck〕To give an abrupt pull; tug.突然的一拉;扯美国传统〔plump〕A heavy or abrupt fall or collision.坠落、碰撞:重重的或突然的下落或碰撞美国传统〔precipitant〕Abrupt or unexpected; sudden.突如其来的:出其不意的或意外的;突然的美国传统〔precipitation〕Abrupt or impulsive haste.急躁或冲动美国传统〔quantum jump〕Physics Abrupt change from one energy level to another, especially such a change in the orbit of an electron with the loss or gain of a quantum of energy.【物理学】 量子跃迁:从一能量级到另一能量级的突然变化,尤指在力场轨道中,电子失去或获得能量量子时的变化美国传统〔rally〕An abrupt recovery from a setback or disadvantage.反败为胜:从挫折或不利境地中突然的恢复美国传统〔rebuff〕A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer.断然拒绝:对某个要求严峻或断然的反应或拒绝美国传统〔rebuff〕A check or an abrupt setback to progress or action.挫败:对某个进程或行动的制止或断然撤回美国传统〔relaxation〕Physics The return or adjustment of a system to equilibrium following displacement or abrupt change.【物理学】 张驰:在位移或突然的变化之后一个系统回到或调整到平衡美国传统〔retort〕His abrupt retort clearly made an impact.他出其不意的反驳无疑产生了效果。外研社新世纪〔reversion〕The wind underwent an abrupt reversion.风向突然逆转。英汉大词典〔shortly〕In an abrupt manner; curtly.唐突地、简慢地:以一种唐突的方式;简慢地美国传统〔short〕Rudely brief; abrupt.简慢的;唐突的美国传统〔snort〕To make an abrupt noise expressive of scorn, ridicule, or contempt.轻蔑地哼:突然发出表现蔑视、嘲笑或自得的声音美国传统〔stop〕She brought the car to an abrupt stop.她突然把车停了下来。牛津搭配〔swing〕He is liable to abrupt mood swings(= for example from being very happy to being very sad).他的情绪容易大起大落。牛津高阶〔tilt〕The abrupt tilt of the hill took us by surprise.那座山突现的坡度令我们出乎意料。外研社新世纪〔toss〕An abrupt upward movement, as of the head.猛抬:迅猛的向上的动作,例如头部的美国传统〔turnover〕An abrupt change; a reversal.剧变:突然的变化,逆转,转向美国传统〔turn〕He seems to have taken an abrupt career turn with his new movie.他的新电影似乎表明,他的事业突然出现了转型。牛津搭配〔vocal tic〕An involuntary, abrupt, and inappropriate grunt, bark, or other exclamation or utterance, occurring especially in Tourette's syndrome.哼哼声:一种不自觉的、突然的和异常的咕哝声、吼叫或其它的叫喊或发声,尤指出现于图雷特综合症中美国传统〔water hammer〕A banging noise heard in a water pipe following an abrupt alteration of the flow with resultant pressure surges.水锤,水击:因水流的突然改变及随之的压力升高而在水管中听到的冲击声美国传统〔yo-yo〕Informal One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator.【非正式用语】 优柔寡断的人:经常突然变换或彻底改变的人,如看法或感情;犹豫不决的人美国传统〔yo-yo〕To undergo frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; vacillate.犹豫不决:经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;犹豫美国传统His writing has an abrupt, telegrammatic style.他的文风突兀而简短。剑桥国际Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.我们的谈话在乔治冲进房间时突然停止。剑桥国际She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope. 她不敢骑著自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。译典通She was offended by his abrupt manner. 他的粗率无礼的举止触怒了她。译典通The abrupt change of schedule gave me lots of trouble. 行程突然改变给我造成许多麻烦。译典通The headteacher is very abrupt with parents.校长对家长们非常粗鲁。剑桥国际The road ended in an abrupt (=sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.道路在一处朝向大海的陡坡处中止。剑桥国际The senator's career was brought to an abrupt end after revelations of hanky-panky with Ms Ashby, a former model.与前模特儿艾希碧女士的不光彩的行为被公布于众后,议员的职业生涯一下子结束了。剑桥国际There was an abrupt shift of economic policy in November. 11 月经济政策发生了突然的变化。剑桥国际




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