

单词 滑雪板
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕Designers have come up with a technique for making skis more flexible. 设计人员发明了一种使滑雪板更富柔韧性的技术。朗文写作活用〔BORROW〕No, the skis aren't mine. They're hired. 不,这套滑雪板不是我自己的,是租来的。朗文写作活用〔DISTANCE〕Stand on the skis with your feet well apart. 双脚分开站在滑雪板上。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕Jenny stepped onto her skis and sped off at breakneck speed down the glistening, white mountain. 珍妮踩上滑雪板飞速往银光闪闪、白茫茫的山下冲去。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕I asked whether she'd let me use her skis, and she said no. 我问她我可不可以借用她的滑雪板,她说不行。朗文写作活用〔NARROW〕Nordic skis are longer, narrower and lighter than Alpine skis. 北欧滑雪板比高山滑雪板更长、更窄、更轻。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕We just need to get you a pair of skis and you're good to go. 我们只需给你弄副滑雪板,你就什么也不缺了。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The earliest skis were crude, consisting of short boards covered in fur skins. 最早的滑雪板很简单,由一块短木板外面包一层毛皮制成。朗文写作活用〔SLIDE〕Your skis should glide naturally as you move across the snow. 你在雪上滑动的时候,滑雪板应该自然滑行。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕A pair of skis stuck out through the car window. 一副滑雪板从车窗里伸出来。朗文写作活用〔balance〕He had trouble balancing on his skis.他在滑雪板上很难保持平衡。韦氏高阶〔camber〕A slightly arched surface, as of a road, a ship's deck, an airfoil, or a snow ski.弧面:稍呈弧形的表面,如路面、船甲板、机翼面或滑雪板美国传统〔crash〕To wipe out, as in skateboarding.清除,如在滑雪板上美国传统〔detach〕The skis should detach from the boot if you fall.要是你跌倒了,滑雪板就该脱离靴子。牛津高阶〔disconnect〕The ski had become disconnected from the boot.滑雪板与靴子脱离了。牛津高阶〔end〕His skis stood on end in the corner.他的滑雪板立在角落里。韦氏高阶〔extreme〕He is a fan of extreme skiing/snowboarding.他是个极限滑雪/滑雪板运动迷。韦氏高阶〔extreme〕He is an extreme snowboarder/skier.他是名极限滑雪板/滑雪运动员。韦氏高阶〔fun〕Snowboarding – that sounds like fun .玩滑雪板呀 — 听起来很有意思。朗文当代〔fun〕Try snow-boarding – it's a really fun sport.试试滑雪板 — 真是一项好玩的运动。朗文当代〔hire〕Hire of skis, boots and clothing, are all available.滑雪板、靴子和衣服都能租到。外研社新世纪〔hire〕Hire of skis, boots and clothing, is all available.滑雪板、滑雪靴和滑雪服皆有出租。柯林斯高阶〔kit〕Mark was kitted up in skis, boots, and equipment.马克配备了滑雪板、靴子和器材。朗文当代〔own〕Did she hire skis or take her own?她租了滑雪板还是带的自己的?外研社新世纪〔prow〕A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski.前端的突出部分:向前突出的前端,比如滑雪板的前端美国传统〔run〕Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow.滑雪板底部打了蜡,这样就能在雪上滑得顺畅自如。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕They shot past us on skis.他们踩着滑雪板从我们身边飞驰而过。韦氏高阶〔skate ski〕A short lightweight snow ski designed to be used with a rapid skating motion on relatively level ground.溜冰滑板:轻型短滑雪板,结合快速滑雪动作在较平坦地面上滑行美国传统〔ski plane〕An airplane equipped with skis for landing on or taking off from a snow-covered surface.滑雪飞机:配备有滑雪板可供在雪地表面起飞或降落的飞机美国传统〔ski〕Backcountry skis are carefully designed to save weight.荒原滑雪板经精心设计以减轻重量。牛津搭配〔ski〕He told me to wax my skis because he thought I was going too slowly.他让我给滑雪板打蜡,因为他觉得我滑得太慢了。牛津搭配〔ski〕One of a pair of long flat runners of plastic, metal, or wood that curve upward in front and may be attached to a boot for gliding or traveling over snow.滑雪板:一双用塑料、金属或木头制成的又长又平的滑行装置之一,它的前端向上并且可缚在靴子上以便滑行或在雪上穿行美国传统〔ski〕The children go to school on skis.孩子们滑着滑雪板去上学。牛津搭配〔ski〕To travel or glide on skis, especially as a sport.滑雪,滑冰:在滑雪板上旅行或滑行,尤其是做为一种运动美国传统〔skyboard〕A lightweight board similar to a snowboard, usually equipped with foot bindings and a recovery parachute, used for skysurfing.滑水板:类似滑雪板的轻型板,通常配备有脚部固定装置及保护伞,空中冲浪时使用美国传统〔skysurfing〕The sport of performing maneuvers or stunts during free fall while riding on a skyboard.空中冲浪:踩在滑雪板时自天空如自由落体般落下时表演花招或是惊险特技美国传统〔slalom〕A race on skis or in vehicles along such a course, laid out with flag-marked poles.障碍赛:沿这种路线进行的在滑雪板或车辆上进行的赛跑,沿途有用旗子标志的杆美国传统〔slant〕Slant your skis a little more to the left.把滑雪板略微向左斜一点。牛津高阶〔snowboarding〕Experienced snowboarders can zip downhill amazingly fast.有经验的滑雪板运动员能够以极快的速度滑下山。柯林斯高阶〔snowboarding〕New snowboarding facilities should attract more people.新建的滑雪板运动设施应该会吸引更多的人。柯林斯高阶〔snowboarding〕Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.滑雪板运动现在是奥运会比赛项目。牛津高阶〔snowboard〕A board resembling a small surfboard and equipped with bindings, used for descending snow-covered slopes on one's feet but without ski poles.滑雪板:和小的冲浪板相似,带有绑带,用于徒步和没有滑雪杖帮助而从冰雪覆盖的斜坡滑下来的板美国传统〔snowboard〕To use a snowboard.使用滑雪板美国传统〔snowplow〕Sports A maneuver in snow skiing in which the tips of the skis are brought together in order to slow or stop progress.【体育运动】 犁式制动:滑雪运动中的一种动作,滑雪板顶端并在一起来放慢速度或停止前进美国传统〔stem〕To point skis inward in order to slow down or turn.内转:向内转滑雪板以减速或转弯美国传统〔unweight〕He bounces, and unweights his skis.他不时跳起,以减少滑雪板的重量。英汉大词典〔unweight〕To reduce the pressure on (a ski) by shifting one's weight in order to execute a turn.无重,减重:通过转换重量减低(滑雪板上的)压力,以便可以转弯美国传统〔use〕I had to use a ski as a tent pole.我不得不用滑雪板来做帐篷柱。麦克米伦高阶〔whip off〕She whipped off her skis and charged up the hill.她猛地离开滑雪板, 冲上小山。外研社新世纪〔wide〕How wide are your skis? 你的滑雪板有多宽?剑桥高阶I've just bought a new pair of skis.我刚买了一副新滑雪板。剑桥国际Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow.滑雪板的底上了蜡以便更好地在雪上滑行。剑桥国际The old wooden skis are a curiosity. 那副木制旧滑雪板是珍奇之物。译典通They were properly footed and skied. 他们穿好靴子系上了滑雪板。译典通




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