

单词 标度
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baumé scale〕A hydrometer scale used to measure the specific gravity of liquids.波美比重标:用来测量液体准确比重的比重计标度美国传统〔Brix scale〕A hydrometer scale for measuring the sugar content of a solution at a given temperature.白利糖度:测量一定温度下溶液中糖含量的比重计标度美国传统〔dial〕A graduated surface or face on which a measurement, such as speed, is indicated by a moving needle or pointer.标度盘:有刻度的表面或面,在上面由活动的指针或指示器表示度量衡,比如温度美国传统〔dial〕To measure with or as if with a dial.用标度盘测量:采用或近似采用标度盘测量美国传统〔grade〕To arrange in a series or according to a scale.依序排列,依等级排列:按系列或一种标度来排列美国传统〔needle〕A slender pointer or indicator on a dial, scale, or similar part of a mechanical device.指针:标度盘、刻度或机械装置的类似部分上的细长指针或指示器美国传统〔read〕The dial reads 32°.标度盘上标明读数为32°。英汉大词典〔scale〕How would you rate it, on a scale of 1 to 10?按1到10分的标度来评分, 给它打几分呢?外研社新世纪〔scale〕On a scale of 1 to 5, how much would you say you enjoyed the film?按1到5分的标度, 你给这部电影打多少分呢?外研社新世纪〔timescale〕When considered on the 4.6 billion year timescale of the Earth, our lives can seem insignificant.和地球46亿年的时间标度相比,我们的生命显得如此渺小。韦氏高阶That little dial on the meter shows you how many units of electricity you've used.那个表上小标度盘告诉你已用了多少度电。剑桥国际The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的标度盘显示气温,左面的显示气压。剑桥国际




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