

单词 极其
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕She was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling. 她极其自信,具有在镜头前谈论任何话题的天赋。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕They complimented her on her excellent English. 他们赞美她的英语极其出色。朗文写作活用〔It is vital〕It is vital that you follow all safety procedures. = It is of vital importance that you follow all safety procedures.遵守所有的安全规程极其重要。韦氏高阶〔PROUD〕Bursting with pride, she stood up to receive her prize. 她感到极其自豪,起身领奖。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕The hostages were eventually released after undergoing a terrifying ordeal. 人质在经历了极其可怕的折磨之后终于获释。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Greene gives a remarkably accurate description of life in Saigon in the early '50s. 格林极其准确地描述了50年代早期西贡的生活。朗文写作活用〔T〕She fits the role to a T.她担任这个角色极其合适。英汉大词典〔WANT/NOT WANT〕After having four boys, the couple were desperate to have a little girl. 生了四个男孩后,这对夫妻极其渴望生个女儿。朗文写作活用〔abominable〕She treated him abominably.她待他极其恶劣。牛津高阶〔acute〕She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.她对他的行为感到极其尴尬/忧虑/担忧。剑桥高阶〔artist〕His books are enormously easy to read, yet he is a serious artist.他写的书极其通俗易懂, 但他又是位严肃作家。外研社新世纪〔artist〕His books are enormously easy to read, yet he is a serious artist.虽然他是一个不折不扣的艺术家,但是他的作品极其通俗易懂。柯林斯高阶〔be in seventh heaven〕Since they got married, they've been in seventh heaven.他们结婚后极其幸福。剑桥高阶〔bewilderment〕As he walked through the door, she stared at him in utter bewilderment.他走过房门时,她极其困惑地盯着他看。剑桥高阶〔claustrophobic〕Unless you are claustrophobic, you will probably find the experience extremely pleasurable and relaxing.除非你有幽闭恐惧症, 否则你很可能会发现这是一次极其轻松愉快的经历。外研社新世纪〔concentration camp〕A place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions.集中营:一个条件极其恶劣的地方或境况美国传统〔copper-bottomed〕So copper-bottomed was the deal that it was financed almost entirely with bank debt.这宗交易极其稳妥, 结果所有的资金基本都是通过银行借贷的。外研社新世纪〔critically〕It is critically important that an agreement is reached this month.本月达成协议极其重要。麦克米伦高阶〔crucial〕This is crucially important.这是极其重要的。麦克米伦高阶〔crucifixion〕An extremely difficult, painful trial; torturous suffering.磨练:极其艰难、痛苦的考验;折磨人的苦难美国传统〔dangerous〕It is extremely dangerous for you to get involved in this.你卷入这件事是极其危险的。麦克米伦高阶〔debauchery〕Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.放荡:极其沉湎于声色;淫逸美国传统〔devastating〕The drought has had devastating consequences/effects.干旱造成了极其严重的后果。剑桥高阶〔discourteous〕Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude.职员常常态度很不礼貌,有时候极其蛮横。柯林斯高阶〔disenchanted〕The public are more than disenchanted with the criminal justice system.民众对这个刑事司法体系感到极其失望。外研社新世纪〔dynamite〕These allegations are political dynamite.这些主张在政治上是极其危险的美国传统〔earthshaking〕Of great consequence or importance.极其重大或重要的美国传统〔eighty〕The band was incredibly successful in the eighties.这支乐队在八十年代极其走红。朗文当代〔feeding〕Night feedings can be exhausting for new parents.夜间喂食对新手父母来说可能是极其累人的。剑桥高阶〔female〕But the average young female in this country now is stylish and remarkably confident.但该国普通年轻女子现在都非常时髦,而且极其自信。柯林斯高阶〔flagitious〕Characterized by extremely brutal or cruel crimes; vicious.穷凶极恶的,罪大恶极的:以极其残忍或毫无人性的罪恶为特征的;邪恶的美国传统〔flier〕Often flyer Australian An exceptionally swift kangaroo. 常作 flyer 【澳大利亚】 行动极其敏捷的袋鼠美国传统〔flowery〕They were using uncommonly flowery language.他们使用了极其华丽的语言。外研社新世纪〔foot-dragging〕He accused the company of 'shameful foot-dragging'.他批评这家公司“极其拖沓”。柯林斯高阶〔forthright〕Naomi is brutally forthright about her views on abortion.娜奥米关于堕胎的看法极其坦率明确。外研社新世纪〔frumpy〕I looked so frumpy next to these women.坐在这些女人旁边我显得极其落伍。柯林斯高阶〔fundamental〕Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object.基础:系统或事物极其重要或必不可缺的部分美国传统〔ghastly〕It's all been a ghastly mistake.这是个极其恶劣的错误。牛津高阶〔impossible〕The job makes impossible demands on your patience.这份工作要求你极其耐心。麦克米伦高阶〔insubstantial〕Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。柯林斯高阶〔leap〕The population of Africa is growing by leaps and bounds.非洲的人口正在极其迅速地增长。英汉大词典〔lightning〕Driving today demands lightning reflexes.如今开车需要反应极其迅速。柯林斯高阶〔micronutrient〕A substance, such as a vitamin or mineral, that is essential in minute amounts for the proper growth and metabolism of a living organism.微量养料;微量营养元素:一种对生物的正常生长和新陈代谢极其重要的微量物质,如一种维生素或矿物质美国传统〔monumental〕It's more than a mistake; it's a case of monumental stupidity.这不仅是个错误,还是一个极其愚蠢的案例。韦氏高阶〔notorious〕She is notorious for being extremely greedy.她极其贪婪的污名而尽人皆知。外研社新世纪〔painstaking〕Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.法医专家们对残骸进行了极其仔细的搜寻。外研社新世纪〔peace〕The island is a haven of peace and tranquillity.这个岛上极其宁静。牛津搭配〔phenomenally〕The speech was phenomenally boring.那次演讲极其无聊。韦氏高阶〔pissed〕Extremely irritated or angry.厌烦的,恼火的:极其愤怒或生气的美国传统〔pleased〕We are immensely pleased with this result.我们对这一结果极其满意。牛津搭配〔possibly〕It's one of the nicest feelings you can possibly have.这是一种极其美妙的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔profligate〕Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant.恣意挥霍的:毫不在意地浪费的;极其奢侈的美国传统〔ravishing〕Extremely attractive; entrancing.令人销魂的:极其迷人的;极好的美国传统〔regular〕Her face was perfectly regular.她的面貌极其端正。牛津搭配〔rich〕Only thevery rich have really benefited.只有极其富有的人真正获益了。外研社新世纪〔scheme〕We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.我们意识到自己在大千世界中极其渺小。外研社新世纪〔sensitivity〕I was surprised by her extreme sensitivity about even the smallest suggestions that we made.她甚至对我们提出的最无足轻重的小建议也极其抵触,这让我很吃惊。韦氏高阶〔sloppy〕His written reports are incredibly sloppy.他的书面报告写得极其马虎。朗文当代〔slouch〕To sit, stand, or walk with an awkward, drooping, excessively relaxed posture.无精打采的坐,站,走:以笨拙的、颓丧的、极其放松的姿式坐、立或行美国传统〔stay with〕He was greatly confident that no man could stay with him.他极其自信,认为没人能与他相比。21世纪英汉〔strapper〕A powerfully built, robust person.彪形大汉:长得极其强壮、健壮之人美国传统〔stretch〕It's a very dangerous stretch of road.那是一个极其危险的路段。外研社新世纪〔superstore〕A very large supermarket that stocks extremely diversified merchandise, such as food and automotive parts, together and in quantity.大型超级市场:商品品种极其多样化,如食品和汽车等,且数量极多的大型超级市场美国传统〔term〕He complained in the strongest terms.他以极其强烈的措词表达了自己的不满。剑桥高阶〔toe-curling〕They showed the most toe-curling home videos.他们播放了令人极其尴尬的家庭录影。外研社新世纪〔tomfool〕Extremely foolish or stupid.笨透的:极其愚蠢或笨拙美国传统〔traverse〕He traversed the bedroom in much agitation.他极其焦躁不安地在卧室里来回走动。英汉大词典〔turn〕The disguise was simple enough, but it seemed to serve her turn.这个伪装极其简单, 但对她来说似乎已经够用了。外研社新世纪〔ultimate〕Working from home offers the ultimate in flexible life styles.在家办公为人们提供了极其灵活的生活方式。柯林斯高阶〔uncivil〕He was most uncivil to your father - called him an old fool.他对你父亲极其无礼——称他为老傻瓜。剑桥高阶〔unnatural〕The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.改造后的景观看起来很不自然,极其怪异。柯林斯高阶〔unquenchable〕He had an unquenchable thirst for life.他有着极其强烈的求生欲。牛津高阶〔us〕Another time of great excitement for us boys was when war broke out.对我们这些男孩来说,另一个让大家极其兴奋的时刻就是战争爆发时。柯林斯高阶〔vilely〕He is hugely combative and has written some vilely offensive remarks.他极其好斗, 写过一些令人反感的冒犯性话语。外研社新世纪〔worship the ground sb walks on〕I worship the ground you walk on - you must know that by now.我极其崇拜你,你现在一定知道了吧。剑桥高阶Every car is sold with a wondrously sophisticated alarm system and a two-year guarantee.出售的每辆汽车都带有一个极其精密的警报系统和一张两年的保修单。剑桥国际Having an accident without insurance can be ruinously expensive.出事故而没有保险是会极其破财的。剑桥国际He is formidably efficient / intelligent / dangerous.他这人效率惊人地高/智力惊人地好/极其危险。剑桥国际He's (as) mad as a hatter/(as) mad as a March hare.他极其疯狂。剑桥国际Her analysis was correct to the nail. 她的分析极其正确。译典通Her husband is fantastically (= extremely) arrogant.她的丈夫极其傲慢。剑桥国际It 's extremely aggravating that I've got to work this weekend, so I can't go to the football match.极其令人恼火的是,这个周末我得去上班,这样我就不能去看足球比赛了。剑桥国际It is extremely difficult to make effective anti-viral drugs.制成有效的抗病毒药品极其困难。剑桥国际Kate and Peter are deliriously happy together.凯特和彼得在一起时都极其高兴。剑桥国际My boss was very complimentary about my work. 老板对我的工作极其称赞。译典通My parents threw a wobbly (= became very angry and upset) when they found out I'd had a party while they were away.我趁父母不在时开了个晚会,他们知道后,极其愤怒。剑桥国际She was very serious, disciplined and hard-working, but extremely dull.她十分严肃、遵守纪律、工作努力,但极其索然无味。剑桥国际She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.她是一个完美主义者,甚至注意到极其细小的错误。剑桥国际Since it would be a highly dangerous mission, the Lieutenant asked for volunteers.由于那任务可能极其危险,队长要求志愿者上。剑桥国际That man has got such an enormous ego--I've never known anyone so full of themselves! 那个人极其自负,我从没见过那么以自我为中心的人!剑桥国际The champion bulls had impressive pedigrees.获得冠军的公牛有极其正宗的系谱。剑桥国际The children were fit to burst with excitement.孩子们极其兴奋。剑桥国际The department's budget was badly mismanaged.这个部门的预算管理极其不善。牛津商务The production is increasing by leaps and bounds. 生产正在极其迅速地增长。译典通The store has had its busiest holiday shopping season for some years.这商店已有好几年在假日购物季节里极其繁忙。牛津商务There was a fearful argument when he demanded his money back.当他要回他的钱时,有一场令人极其不快的争执。剑桥国际These people are in dire need of help.这些人极其需要帮助。剑桥国际They have been extremely zealous in their attempts to get smoking banned in their office.他们极其积极地争取在办公室里禁烟。剑桥国际We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.在国家的这个地区,冬季通常极其寒冷,夏季往往温暖干燥。剑桥国际When I told him what I'd done, he was/went wild (= angry).当我告诉他我的所作所为时,他变得极其愤怒。剑桥国际




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