

单词 有报道称
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕China reportedly planned to sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia. 有报道称该国计划出售军事设备。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕One Beatle's freak is reported to have paid $18,000 for Paul McCartney's birth certificate. 有报道称一位披头士迷以18,000美元买下了保罗·麦卡特尼的出生证明书。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕News is coming in about an oil spill in the South Atlantic. 有报道称南大西洋发生溢油事件。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕There were reports that some people had been prevented from voting in the election. 有报道称有些人被阻止在选举中投票。朗文写作活用〔column〕There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets.有报道称街道上出现了军车队列。外研社新世纪〔discontent〕There are reports of widespread discontent in the capital.有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。柯林斯高阶〔escaped〕They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border.有报道称他们已经逃过了国境线。柯林斯高阶〔forcible〕Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns.不断有报道称村民被强制从农村迁入城镇定居。柯林斯高阶〔outrage〕There have been reports of terrorist outrages in the north of the city.有报道称该市北部地区发生了恐怖主义暴行。外研社新世纪〔peaceful〕Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.虽然选举之前有过暴力事件,但有报道称投票过程秩序井然,波澜不惊。柯林斯高阶〔poison gas〕There are reports that poison gas is being used against the rebels.有报道称正在使用毒气对付叛乱者。朗文当代〔practise〕There are consistent reports of electrical torture being practised on inmates.一直有报道称犯人被施以电刑。柯林斯高阶〔skirmish〕There are reports of skirmishing along the border.有报道称在边界一带发生了小规模冲突。牛津高阶〔step up〕There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador.有报道称萨尔瓦多的战斗已经升级。柯林斯高阶〔testily〕He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement.有报道称他反对军队介入, 对此他很是恼火。外研社新世纪〔testily〕He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement.有报道称他反对军队参与,对此他很是恼火。柯林斯高阶〔troop〕There were reports of troop movements.有报道称将要调动军队。柯林斯高阶〔twice〕A report claimed that teachers could be twice as effective if they returned to traditional classroom methods.有报道称, 如果教师重新采用传统的课堂教学方法, 效率会提高一倍。外研社新世纪〔unsuccessfully〕There were reports last month of unsuccessful negotiations between guerrillas and commanders.有报道称上月游击队和指挥官之间的谈判失败。柯林斯高阶〔unsuccessful〕There were reports last month of unsuccessful negotiations between guerrillas and commanders.上个月有报道称游击队和军方首脑之间的谈判失败了。外研社新世纪




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