

单词 档案
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕A criminal gang hacked into a credit card company's most secure files. 一个犯罪集团侵入了一家信用卡公司的绝密档案系统。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕You can rename, delete, or copy files very easily. 把档案重新命名、删除或复制都非常容易。朗文写作活用〔THANK〕We are indebted to the National Archives for permission to print these photographs. 我们非常感激国家档案馆允许我们翻印这些照片。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕The files had been put back in the wrong order. 这些档案放回去的时候顺序搞错了。朗文写作活用〔access〕Access to employees' records is restricted.查阅雇员档案的权利是受到限制的。麦克米伦高阶〔accommodate〕There wasn't enough space to accommodate the files.没有足够的空间存放这些档案。剑桥高阶〔appear〕It appears that all the files have been deleted.档案好像都已被删除了。朗文当代〔archive〕These old photographs should go in the family archives.这些老照片应收入家庭档案里。剑桥高阶〔archive〕They were allowed to stay in the archives.他们被允许呆在档案室里。英汉大词典〔archivist〕One who is in charge of archives.档案管理员:掌管档案的人美国传统〔attention〕He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing.他提请他们注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。牛津高阶〔ball up〕The records had been all balled up by inefficient file clerks.因不称职的档案(或卷宗)管理员,档案全被弄得一团糟。21世纪英汉〔blemish〕This is a serious blemish on the minister's record.这是部长档案中一个严重的污点。麦克米伦高阶〔breathe〕We found that file, so you can breathe again.我们找到了那份档案,所以你可以松口气了。麦克米伦高阶〔check back〕They checked back among the old files, but could find nothing of this date.他们在旧档案中查阅,但没能找到这个年代的任何资料。21世纪英汉〔clerk〕A person who works in an office performing such tasks as keeping records, attending to correspondence, or filing.职员:在办公室工作的人员,从事诸如保管档案记录、保持通信联系或归档备案等工作美国传统〔closed〕Of or relating to a file that cannot be accessed.档案关闭的:不能打开的文件的或与之相关的美国传统〔colour code〕The files have labels that are colour-coded according to subject.这些档案按主题内容贴有色标。牛津高阶〔comb〕Researchers have been combing through data files trying to detect problems.研究人员一直在资料档案中搜寻,试图发现问题。麦克米伦高阶〔comb〕They combed through the files for evidence of fraud.他们查遍档案搜寻欺诈的证据。牛津高阶〔comb〕They got the information by combing through old records.他们仔细查遍了旧档案才得到这一信息。韦氏高阶〔custody〕The files in question are in the custody of the FBI.有关的档案由联邦调查局保管。麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕Cut and paste the picture into a new file (=remove it and then make it appear in a new file) .把这张图片剪贴到新的档案上去。朗文当代〔data〕Factual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.档案资料:事实资料,尤指为分析或用作推理或做决定而组织起的信息美国传统〔dig〕Can you dig the material out of the archives? 你能从档案中找出这份材料吗?英汉大词典〔dip〕The programme offers a weekly dip into the BBC archives.这个节目每周播放英国广播公司档案馆概览。麦克米伦高阶〔documentalist〕A specialist in documentation.文献资料工作者,档案文献专家美国传统〔dope〕You'll find all the dope you want in the files.你可以从这些档案中得到你要的所有资料。英汉大词典〔dossier〕He had made a secret dossier on the whole affair.他已就全部事件编制了一份秘密档案。英汉大词典〔dossier〕The government kept dossiers on thousands of its citizens.政府保存着数千位市民的档案。外研社新世纪〔dossier〕The secret service probably has a dossier on all of us.特工部门很可能有我们每个人的档案。剑桥高阶〔duplicate〕A duplicate copy should be made for the county record office.应该为县档案室制作一个副本。朗文当代〔exemption〕The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.该议案提出警方机密档案全部免责。牛津搭配〔expunge〕His name was expunged from the record books.他的名字被从档案簿中删去了。柯林斯高阶〔facility〕The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.档案馆提供编制数据目录和索引的集中服务。牛津搭配〔falsification〕The charges include racketeering, tax fraud, and falsification of records.指控罪名包括敲诈勒索、税务欺诈、篡改档案记录等。外研社新世纪〔file clerk〕One who is employed to maintain the files and records of an office.档案管理员:被雇来的保存文件和办公室记录的人美国传统〔file〕Have we got a file on the suspect?我们有没有嫌疑人的档案?外研社新世纪〔file〕I'll check the files for any information on the case.我会查一下档案,看有没有和这个案件相关的信息。牛津搭配〔file〕It is important to update customer files.更新客户档案很重要。牛津搭配〔file〕Mendoza read over the file on the murders.门多萨审读了这几起凶杀案的档案。朗文当代〔file〕Please file it in my ‘Research’ file.请把它归入我的研究类档案。牛津高阶〔file〕She closed the file and put it aside.她合上档案放到一边。牛津搭配〔file〕She went to the filing cabinet and took out a file.她走到档案柜那儿,拿出了一份档案。牛津搭配〔file〕The 'final written warning' would stay on his file for two years.“最后书面警告”将在他的档案里保留两年。外研社新世纪〔file〕The FBI has a large file on his activities.联邦调查局存有大量关于他活动的档案。韦氏高阶〔file〕The FBI keeps files on former White House employees.联邦调查局存有前白宫雇员的档案。朗文当代〔file〕The details of the incident will be entered into the file.这一事件的详情将会记入档案。牛津搭配〔file〕The police have opened a file on local burglaries.警方已给当地的入室行窃案设立了档案。剑桥高阶〔file〕There was stuff in that file that was private between me and Dr Denny.那份档案中的一些内容只有我和丹尼博士知道。外研社新世纪〔glean〕They spent days gleaning the files for information.他们花了数日在档案里搜寻信息。韦氏高阶〔gold mine〕The archive is a gold mine for historians.这个档案馆对于历史学家来说就是一座宝库。剑桥高阶〔hard copy〕The maintenance of archives, whether in hard copy or on the Internet, is very important.不管是打印输出的档案还是网上的档案, 维护都十分重要。外研社新世纪〔inactive〕I found his name in the inactive files.我在后备人员档案中发现了他的名字。英汉大词典〔index〕This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers.这个存量巨大的档案室的所有文件都已编了索引,可供研究人员使用。柯林斯高阶〔juvenilia〕The archive covers the author's entire literary and professional life, from her earliest juvenilia to her final lectures and articles.档案材料覆盖了作者的整个创作生涯,从她早期的少年时代作品到最后的讲座和文章等。剑桥高阶〔lie〕The picture lay forgotten in the archives for over 40 years.那张照片在档案库里被人遗忘了40多年。外研社新世纪〔lost〕I'm still looking for that lost file.我还在找那份丢失的档案。牛津高阶〔material〕The library has a wealth of old photographs and other archival material.图书馆里有丰富的老照片及其他档案资料。牛津搭配〔open〕Click on this icon to open the File Manager.点击这个图标打开档案管理器。朗文当代〔organization〕Police kept files on all the illegal paramilitary organizations.警方备有所有非法的准军事组织的档案。麦克米伦高阶〔outing〕Every year the professor takes her students on an outing to the archives of the Library of Congress.每年这位教授都带她的学生去参观国会图书馆的档案馆。剑桥高阶〔paper〕Some important papers are missing from the files.档案中丢失了一些重要的资料。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Some of these files seem to be out of place.有些档案似乎没放对地方。牛津高阶〔read〕This stuff was read off verbatim from the most confidential files.这份材料是从那绝密档案里逐字逐句看着抄录下来的。英汉大词典〔record〕Under the law, every citizen has access to their official records.根据法律,每个公民都有权查看自己的官方档案。牛津搭配〔release〕You can't use these files without obtaining a release.若不得到特许证你不能使用这些档案。英汉大词典〔repository〕A church in Moscow became a repository for police files.莫斯科的一座教堂成为警方存放档案的地点。柯林斯高阶〔scrutinize〕The policeman looked in the file and scrutinized his face for a moment.警察看看档案,并审视他的面容。英汉大词典〔send〕I'm sending the files off to my boss tomorrow.明天我要把这些档案给老板寄去。牛津高阶〔shambles〕The way these files are arranged is the biggest shambles I've ever seen.这是我见过的弄得最乱的档案。剑桥高阶〔source〕The author has done extensive work in the sources —official records, manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc.作者花了很大工夫钻研原始资料——官方档案、原稿、信函、日记等等。英汉大词典〔star〕The X-Files, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.《X档案》由大卫·杜楚尼和吉莲·安德森主演。麦克米伦高阶〔storehouse〕The local archives service offers a storehouse of material.当地的档案馆是资料的宝库。朗文当代〔system〕We need a bit more system in the way we organize our files.我们管理档案应该更有条理些。朗文当代〔this〕Like others in the series, this programme includes rare archive film.和本系列中的其他几集一样, 这个节目中也会看到罕见的档案影片。外研社新世纪〔town clerk〕A public official in charge of keeping the records of a town.镇文书:负责保管城镇档案的公务员美国传统〔treasure-trove〕The society's archives are a treasure trove for scholars.该协会的档案对学者来说真是个宝藏。外研社新世纪〔turn sth up〕See what you can turn up about the family in the files.看看在档案里能找到有关这个家庭的什么信息?剑桥高阶〔unhindered〕She had unhindered access to the files.她可任意直接存取档案。牛津高阶〔uniformly〕Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.每面墙边都一溜摆着相同的绿色金属档案柜。柯林斯高阶〔unlimited〕You will be allowed unlimited access to the files.你可以无限制使用这些档案。牛津高阶〔update〕The files need updating.这些档案需要更新。朗文当代〔up〕The new records system should be up and running soon.新的档案系统应该马上就能有效运作了。麦克米伦高阶Government records show that Winston Churchill wanted to purify the British race (= remove weak or less able people from British society, or forbid them from having children) to make it strong enough to stand up to other nations.政府的档案显示说,温斯顿·丘吉尔曾想净化英国人种,以使英国强大得足以抵抗任何国家。剑桥国际I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order.我检查过档案,其中一些文件未按顺序编排。牛津商务I found his name in the inactive files. 我在非现役军人档案中找到了他的名字。译典通I lost a whole stack of files when my PC crashed.我的个人电脑死机后丢失了大量档案。牛津商务It will be much easier to move the filing cabinets if we use the hand truck.如果我们用手推车的话,搬文件档案柜会更加容易。剑桥国际Most of the accounts files on the PC were corrupted by the power cut.个人电脑上的大多数帐目档案在停电时被弄丢了。剑桥国际Save the text as an ASCII file.将文本保存为 ASCII 档案。牛津商务The archive is a goldmine (= contains a lot of interesting information) for historians.档案是历史学家的宝库。剑桥国际The court has subpoenaed records from the company.法庭发出传票要求调用公司档案用作庭审证据。牛津商务The police file was reactivated because of new evidence.由于有新的证据,警察档案被重新利用。剑桥国际The way these files are arranged is the biggest shambles I've ever seen.这是我见到过的编排得最乱的文书档案。剑桥国际There is no room for another filing cabinet in the office. 办公室里没有地方可再摆一个档案柜。译典通These old photographs should go into the family archives (=archive).这些旧照片应当编入家族档案。剑桥国际They have vast files on markets, clients and competitors.他们有关于市场、客户和竞争者的大量档案。牛津商务They struggled the heavy file cabinet into the elevator. 他们使劲把沉重的档案柜搬进电梯。译典通We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.我们没有计算机备份,只得靠旧的纸档案重做记录。剑桥国际




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