

单词 权杖
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕I'm betting on Sceptre. He's a dead cert to win the Gold Cup. 我把赌注下在权杖身上,它肯定会赢得金杯马赛。朗文写作活用〔baton〕A short staff carried by certain public officials as a symbol of office.权杖短棒:某官员代表携带的职务象征的短棒美国传统〔baton〕The President handed over the baton(= passed responsibility)to his successor.总统把权杖传给了他的继任者。牛津高阶〔bauble〕Archaic A mock scepter carried by a court jester.【古语】 丑角手杖:古时宫廷小丑所持的模拟权杖美国传统〔bearer〕The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.议长跟随持权杖者进入议院。外研社新世纪〔before〕The king entered with macebearers walking before.国王进场时持权杖者走在前面。英汉大词典〔caduceus〕An insignia modeled on Hermes' staff and used as the symbol of the medical profession.蛇杖标:铸在赫耳墨斯所持权杖上的标志,用于象征医生这个职业美国传统〔caduceus〕Greek Mythology A winged staff with two serpents twined around it, carried by Hermes.【希腊神话】 蛇杖:赫耳墨斯所持的带有两条互相缠绕的蛇的带翼权杖美国传统〔crook〕An implement or tool, such as a bishop's crosier or a shepherd's staff, with a bent or curved part.曲柄杖:一种带有弯曲部分的用具或工具,如主教的权杖或牧羊人的牧杖美国传统〔gird〕They were girded with maces and curved swords.他们手执权杖, 身佩弯刀。外研社新世纪〔macebearer〕An official who carries a mace of office.(为高官)持权杖者:持有代表官职的权杖的官员美国传统〔macer〕A macebearer.持权杖者美国传统〔mace〕A ceremonial staff borne or displayed as the symbol of authority of a legislative body.权杖:一种典礼仪式上用的棍棒,佩带或展示出来作为立法机构权力的象征美国传统〔mace〕A macebearer.执权杖者美国传统〔regalia〕The emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter.王位标志:如王冠和权杖等王权的徽章或象征物美国传统〔regalia〕The queen's regalia at her coronation included her crown and sceptre.女王在加冕礼上的服饰包括王冠和权杖。剑桥高阶〔rod〕A scepter, staff, or wand symbolizing power or authority.权杖:象征权力或权威的宝杖、短棒或魔杖美国传统〔scepter〕A staff held by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.权杖:统治者拥有的象征权威的棒杖美国传统〔staff〕A rod or baton carried as a symbol of authority.权杖:持有的象征权力的手杖或节杖美国传统〔staff〕She carried a staff as a sign of her authority.她手执权杖。牛津同义词〔sway〕To wield, as a weapon or scepter.挥舞(武器或权杖)美国传统〔truncheon〕A staff carried as a symbol of office or authority; a baton.权杖:象征职位或权威的棍子;官杖美国传统〔verger〕One who carries the verge or other emblem of authority before a scholastic, legal, or religious dignitary in a procession.持权标者,司仪:在学术、法律或宗教的要人前的队列中持权杖或其它权力象征的人美国传统〔verge〕A rod, wand, or staff carried as an emblem of authority or office.权杖:作为权力或职位的象征而携带的手杖、棒或短杖美国传统〔wand〕A slender rod carried as a symbol of office in a procession; a scepter.权杖:游行中所带的作为权威标志的细杆美国传统〔warder〕A baton formerly used by a ruler or commander as a symbol of authority and to signal orders.权杖:旧时统治者或指挥者用的权杖,作为权威的标志,以此来发放命令美国传统In the British parliament the Speaker's mace is carried into the House of Commons at the beginning of the day's business.在英国议会中,下议院议长的权杖一早便被带入众议院里。剑桥国际She was presented with the staff of office at the inauguration ceremony.她在就职典礼上接过了权杖。剑桥国际The queen's regalia at her coronation included her crown and sceptre.女王加冕时的王位宝器有王冠和权杖。剑桥国际




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