

单词 权威性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Decalogue〕A fundamental set of rules having authoritative weight.十条戒律:有权威性的一套基本规则美国传统〔acknowledge〕Both defendants refused to acknowledge the authority of the court.两名被告都拒绝承认法庭的权威性。朗文当代〔add〕She adds a certain amount of experience and authority to the project.她给项目增添了几分经验和权威性。韦氏高阶〔allocution〕A formal and authoritative speech; an address.训示,训谕:正式的并具权威性的讲话;演讲美国传统〔assurance〕The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.现在欧共体越来越有自信与权威性了。柯林斯高阶〔authoritative〕The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840.关于小儿麻痹症的第一篇权威性研究报告发表于1840年。柯林斯高阶〔authority〕His opinions lacked authority.他的观点缺乏权威性。韦氏高阶〔cathedral〕Relating to or issuing from a chair of office or authority; authoritative.权威的:与办公室或权威职位有关或由其签发的;权威性的美国传统〔codex〕A manuscript volume, especially of a classic work or of the Scriptures.抄本:一种手稿书籍,尤指经典著作的或权威性著作的美国传统〔congratulate〕The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。牛津高阶〔determine〕To decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.判定:结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)美国传统〔diktat〕An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.命令:一种权威性的或武断的话或法令美国传统〔discourse on〕His book authoritatively discourses upon war and peace.他的书对战争与和平作了权威性的论述。21世纪英汉〔disown〕They disowned his doctrine.他们否认他的学说的权威性。21世纪英汉〔disquisition〕Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.阿曼达就合约给出了权威性的阐述。柯林斯高阶〔disquisition〕Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.阿曼达开始对合同问题作权威性的阐述。外研社新世纪〔last word〕The book is hardly the last word on the subject.在该课题方面这本书并非最具权威性。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕The arbiter will have the last say in resolving this dispute.仲裁者对解决这次争端有权威性的发言权美国传统〔mandate〕An authoritative command or instruction.训令:某个权威性命令或指示美国传统〔perched〕There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。柯林斯高阶〔perch〕There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。外研社新世纪〔pronouncement〕An authoritative statement.看法:权威性的表述美国传统〔pronunciamento〕An official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.宣言,公告:官方或权威性的宣布;公告或法令美国传统〔prove〕Law To establish the authenticity of (a will).【法律】 查验:确定(遗嘱)的权威性美国传统〔reference book〕A book, such as a dictionary or an encyclopedia, to which one can refer for authoritative information.参考书:为寻找权威性信息时参考用的字典或百科全书一类的书籍美国传统〔refer〕He referred to many authorities in the subject.他引证了这一学科方面的许多权威性典籍。英汉大词典〔report〕Often reports Law A published collection of authoritative accounts of court cases or of judicial decisions. 常作 reports 【法律】 案例集:关于法律案件或法庭判决的权威性记述的已出版的集子美国传统〔rubric〕An authoritative rule or direction.指示:具有权威性的指令或指导美国传统〔say-so〕An authoritative expression of permission or approval.权威性决定:表示允诺或同意的权威性声明美国传统〔sovereign〕Einstein answered this with sovereign finality.爱因斯坦以权威性的最后结论解答这个问题。英汉大词典〔stamp〕All his work bears the stamp of authority.他的一切工作都具有权威性。牛津高阶〔stamp〕The speech bore (=had) the stamp of authority.这个讲话具有权威性。朗文当代〔veto〕An authoritative prohibition or rejection of a proposed or intended act.禁止,阻止:对提出的或准备做的行动的权威性禁止或者反对美国传统〔veto〕To forbid or prohibit authoritatively.权威性的禁止或消除美国传统〔white paper〕An authoritative report on a major issue, as by a team of journalists.权威报告:就某一主要问题所作的权威性报告,如由一组新闻工作者所做的报告美国传统〔work〕Her book is still considered the definitive work on beetles.她的书仍然被认为是甲虫研究方面的权威性著作。牛津搭配He declaimed with force and authority to his companion about the state of the book trade.他用有力的、权威性的语调通报了书刊业的状况。剑桥国际He's written the definitive (= best and most complete) guide to Britain's Lake District.他写了一本在英国湖泊地区旅游的权威性指南。剑桥国际She seemed to speak with authority (=as if she was in control or had special knowledge).她讲话时似乎很有权威性。剑桥国际The book is an authoritative (=containing complete information) account of the Easter Rising.这本书是关于复活节起义的权威性记述。剑桥国际This is a standard atlas. 这是一本有权威性的地图册。译典通This is an authoritative biography. 这是一本具有权威性的传记。译典通




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