

单词 权威人士
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISOBEY〕Teenagers tend to rebel against people in authority. 青少年有反抗权威人士的倾向。朗文写作活用〔arbiter of taste〕He is regarded as an arbiter of taste in the world of jazz.他在爵士乐圈子被视为权威人士。韦氏高阶〔authority〕He justified his innovation by citing respected authorities.他通过援引受人尊敬的权威人士的话来佐证自己的新观点。牛津搭配〔authority〕I have it on good authority that there's no way this light can cause skin cancer.我有来自权威人士的说法, 这种光不可能引起皮肤癌。外研社新世纪〔authority〕I have it on good authority that there's no way this light can cause skin cancer.我有来自权威人士的说法,这种光不可能引起皮肤癌。柯林斯高阶〔authority〕Make your views known by writing to those in authority, Government departments and your MP.给权威人士、政府机关和下院议员写信, 让他们知道你的观点。外研社新世纪〔bring〕Her work brings her into contact with powerful legal and political figures in Washington.她的工作使她接触到华盛顿法律界和政界的权威人士。麦克米伦高阶〔cathedra〕The official chair of an office or position, as of a professor.权威人士的职位:如教授的正式公职或职位美国传统〔deferential〕She is always extremely deferential towards anyone in authority.她对权威人士总是毕恭毕敬。剑桥高阶〔essential〕Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child's development.大多数权威人士都同意,玩耍在孩子成长过程中起着非常重要的作用。柯林斯高阶〔light〕She's one of the leading lights of the local dramatic society.她是当地戏剧协会的权威人士。朗文当代〔nurse〕Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿想吃奶就随时吃。外研社新世纪〔nurse〕Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿饿了就随时喂奶。柯林斯高阶〔position〕Such behaviour was clearly not acceptable for someone in a position of authority.这样的行为对一位权威人士来说显然是不能让人接受的。麦克米伦高阶〔pundit〕Every week, some pundit predicts that the team's luck cannot last.每周都会有一个权威人士断言这个队运数已尽。外研社新世纪〔quarter〕The product was withdrawn after warning from the most eminent scientific quarters.由于科学界最权威人士提出警告,该产品被取消了。英汉大词典〔recognized〕Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.琼斯教授是公认的古埃及研究的权威人士。剑桥高阶〔return〕To submit (an official report, for example) to a judge or other person in authority.提出(正式的报告):向法官或其他权威人士递交(例如官方报告)美国传统〔ritualist〕An authority on or a student of ritual.仪式研究者,精通仪式者:仪式的权威人士或研究人员美国传统Joe is an internationally renowned authority on alpines (=plants that grow naturally in high mountain areas where trees are unable to grow).乔是一位关于高山植物的国际知名的权威人士。剑桥国际She is always extremely deferential (= respectful and polite) to/towards anyone in authority.她对任何权威人士总是必恭必敬。剑桥国际The authorities had behaved arrogantly, she said.她说那些权威人士盛气凌人。剑桥国际We need to get the support of someone in authority (=an important or high ranking person).我们需要得到某个权威人士的支持。剑桥国际When she first announced her candidacy, all the pundits thought little of her. 当她刚出道的时候,所有的权威人士都不看好她。译典通




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