

单词 权势
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Mogul〕mogul A very rich or powerful person; a magnate. mogul 巨头:一个非常富有而有权势的人;巨头美国传统〔POWER/POWERFUL〕a country that has a lot of power 权势大的国家朗文写作活用〔WASP〕a WASP with a Yale degree. 一位从耶鲁毕业的权势人物柯林斯高阶〔WASP〕the WASP elite that dominated the advertising business. 控制着广告业的权势精英柯林斯高阶〔aggrandizement〕the misuse of authority for personal aggrandizement 为扩大个人权势而滥用职权朗文当代〔all-powerful〕an all-powerful dictator 权势绝伦的独裁者朗文当代〔appetite〕an appetite for power 权势欲英汉大词典〔ascendancy〕the ascendancy of the government 政府的权势韦氏高阶〔aspirant〕the young aspirant to power. 追逐权势的年轻人柯林斯高阶〔aspirant〕the young aspirant to power追逐权势的年轻人外研社新世纪〔backroom〕the powerful man in the backroom 有权势的幕后人物英汉大词典〔bow〕bow before money and power 在金钱和权势面前俯首帖耳英汉大词典〔establishment〕the Oxbridge Establishment 牛津大学和剑桥大学的有权势人物英汉大词典〔high-powered〕a high-powered executive 很有权势的高层领导韦氏高阶〔inamorata〕a story about a powerful politician and his inamorata 有关一位有权势的政治人物与他的情妇的报道韦氏高阶〔influence〕people in positions of influence处于权势地位的人外研社新世纪〔influential〕influential members of the community 社区内有权势的成员英汉大词典〔influential〕make behind-the-scenes appeals to influential people 在幕后向有权势的人呼吁英汉大词典〔kingly〕a symbol of kingly authority/power/rule 国王权威/权势/统治的象征韦氏高阶〔noon〕at the high noon of his powers在他权势如日中天时外研社新世纪〔politics〕sexual politics(= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) 两性间的权势之争牛津高阶〔potent〕a potent monarch 权势炙手可热的君主英汉大词典〔powerful〕a very influential and powerful family 很有权势的家庭朗文当代〔power〕a man of power 有权势的人英汉大词典〔predominant〕the aristocracy's predominant influence贵族的权势外研社新世纪〔preferential treatment〕powerful people who demand/get/receive preferential treatment from politicians 从政客那里索取/获取受到优先待遇的有权势者韦氏高阶〔privilege〕wealth and privilege 财富和权势朗文当代〔reactionary〕powerful reactionaries in the Church 教会中有权势的反动分子英汉大词典〔rich〕the rich and famous/powerful 富人和名人/权势之人韦氏高阶〔seek after〕to seek after the powers谋求权势21世纪英汉〔seeker〕a power seeker 追逐权势的人英汉大词典〔surrender〕to surrender to the power of another屈从于他人的权势21世纪英汉〔suspicion〕information that casts suspicion on one of the most powerful figures in the party 引起对党内一位最具权势人物的猜疑的信息牛津搭配




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