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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attuned〕I have become attuned to Carlisle's industrial past.我对于卡莱尔市过去的工业史已经有所了解。柯林斯高阶〔feel〕After living in France for 20 years, she has a feel for the way the French think.在法国住了20年之后,她对法国人的思维方式有所了解。韦氏高阶〔fond〕They continue in the fond belief that I know something about the publishing business.他们一直天真地以为我对出版业有所了解。外研社新世纪〔hip〕I decided to find some way to hip her to contraceptives.我决定想办法使她对避孕药物和用具有所了解。英汉大词典〔human〕He's really not so bad. When you get to know him he seems quite human.他实际上没那么坏。 一旦你对他有所了解,他似乎挺平常。朗文当代〔inkling〕He must have had some inkling of what was happening.他当时对发生的事一定有所了解。剑桥高阶〔insight〕The letters lend some insight into her writing process.这些信件能对她的写作过程有所了解。牛津搭配〔knowledge〕I used to live here, so I have some local knowledge.我原来住在这里, 因此对当地有所了解。外研社新世纪〔know〕The candidate made herself known to voters through an aggressive ad campaign.这位候选人通过一次雄心勃勃的广告宣传活动让选民对她有所了解。韦氏高阶〔mark〕Candidates who answered 'b' could be awarded half marks for demonstrating some understanding of the process.回答b的选手表明对这个过程有所了解,因此可以得到一半的分数。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕The book gives us a picture of life in a small village.这本书让我们对小村庄的生活情况有所了解。韦氏高阶〔presume〕The book presumes some familiarity with the basic principles of particle physics.该书假定人们对粒子物理的基本原则已经有所了解。麦克米伦高阶〔revolutionary〕Do you know anything about the revolutionary movement?你对这场革命运动有所了解吗?外研社新世纪〔snapshot〕The letters give us a snapshot of his progress.这些信件使我们对他的进步约略有所了解。英汉大词典〔thing〕She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men! 她结过五次婚,所以对男人有所了解。牛津高阶〔time〕He has been here long enough to know the time of day.他在这里很久了,对这里的情况当有所了解。 英汉大词典〔tint〕His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge.他的回答说明他先前就有所了解。英汉大词典His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge. 他的回答说明他先前就有所了解。译典通The Middle East had become known to Europeans during the 11th-13th century Crusades. 11 至13世纪的十字军东征期间,欧洲人开始对中东有所了解。剑桥国际The letters give us a snapshot of his life abroad. 这些信件使我们对他在海外的生活约略有所了解。译典通The study of astronomy gives you some conception of what the universe is like. 学习天文学能使你对宇宙有所了解。译典通You must have a basic knowledge of etymology to learn English vocabulary. 要学好英文单字,你就必须对字源学有所了解。译典通




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